14 No. 12.-AMOUNT of COLLECTIONS of INTERNAL REVENUE Returned from each State and Territory of the United States, from 1874 to 1881, inclusive-Continued. [Prepared by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.] YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. Dollars. 1,788, 080 12 Dollars. 1,931, 284 80 Dollars. Dollars. Dollars. 227,355 55 107, 619 11 4,325, 486 05 29, 027 76 228, 362 45 96, 967 92 4,594, 875 31 23, 666 10 292, 472 30 58,803 30 299, 389 55 2,363, 469 41 86, 824 03 5,071, 233 42 1, 654, 043 34 305, 708 76 87,271 68 5,026, 806 48 1,611, 757 99 364, 689 64 91, 233 50 20,729 58 602, 743 36 58,312 43 234, 998 99 4,987, 960 90 27, 103 88 699, 821 37 59, 017 46 228, 188 11 5,095, 325 19 30,084 53 876, 309 81 61, 263 06 222, 898 88 4,670, 215 14 5,449, 654 08 33, 714 17 912,734 86 6, 470, 349 39 60, 455 19 276, 386 52 52, 549 45 248, 679 19 1,725, 626 73 18,417 78 15, 182, 362 62 46,773 16 6, 373, 672 41 233, 164 81 22,066 19 15, 238, 881 81 47,939 64 6, 157, 960 04 231, 978 00 Dollars. 2,066, 163 80 248, 776 18 85,165 44 2,981, 941 51 20,982 80 502, 395 59 67, 923 13 260,261 28 3,779, 949 88 22, 161 60 14, 616, 723 99 1,671, 138 29 16, 587, 908 61 78,063 30 4, 450, 067 73 17,710 76 14,452, 178 57 1,775, 847 99 15, 474, 689 79 19, 325 36 14, 951, 519 56 1,818, 459 92 14, 770, 506 37 18, 898 42 15, 445, 801 99 278, 139 08 4, 207, 807 81 31, 850 93 16, 249, 877 34 2,354, 006 71 18, 018, 998 99 76, 981 70 6,869, 930 65 210,883 98 44, 881 67 7,669, 214 01 1, 146, 763 64 248, 635 61 2, 413, 368 77 15, 894, 567 08 49, 572 62 5,973, 431 80 222, 672 63 53, 100 28 6, 279, 046 33 233, 164 87 60, 682 89 5,917, 421 76 246, 759 65 68, 471 12 5,946, 782 36 230, 583 17 108, 580 91 122, 277 92 105, 803 91 105, 632 56 119, 241 69 105, 233 $1 664,717 18 861, 645 28 596, 713 67 897, 181 73 844, 485 08 908, 924 44 272, 638 13 258, 297 29 245, 708 74 237, 949 10 265, 932 14 251, 062 32 111, 960 78 1,003, 735 86 233, 106 55 41, 684 39 31,899 68 33, 331 86 28,438 13 43,936 23 47,413 02 74,352 48 43, 116 79 56, 316 94 58,582 18 47,125 15 50,093 11 44,339 49 50, 159 59 50,545 74 43 Virginia 6,308, 664 96 7,660, 921 20 53, 145 83 7,314, 393 64 44 Washington 7,932, 220 78 17,999 02 516, 118 76 6,501, 730 29 2,369, 564 00 21, 146 60 6,448, 546 88 20,411 13 5,781,409 58 21, 373 46 6,063, 105 75 23,011 00 30,277 11 461,030 59 2,867, 439 69 27,018 34 326, 471 57 2,431, 301 23 32,763 73 41 Utah..... 42 Vermont.. NOTE.-The following counties of Maryland were made part of the collection district of Delaware October 2, 1876, viz: Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne, Talbot, Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester, and the counties of Accomack and Northampton, in Virginia, June 19, 1877. No. 13.-AMOUNT of NOTES and FRACTIONAL SILVER COIN OUTSTANDING at the close of each Fiscal Year NOTE 1.-The amount of State and national-bank circulation is compiled from the reports of the Comptroller of the Currency at the nearest dates obtainable to the end of each fiscal year; the other amounts are taken from the official printed reports of the Secretary of the Treasury. NOTE 2.-Exclusive of $8,375,934, amount estimated as lost or destroyed, act June 21, 1879. NOTE 3.-The one and two year notes of 1863, and he compound-interest notes, though having a legal-tender quality for their face-values, were in fact interest-bearing NOTE 4.-The amount of fractional silver in circulation in 1860, 1861, and 1862 cannot be stated. The amounts stated for 1876, 1877, 1878, and 1879 are the amounts coined and issued since January, 1876. To these amounts should be added the amount of silver previously coined which has come into circulation. No. 14. AMOUNT of RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES of the NATIONAL BANKS in operation at the dates named, from 1873 to 1881, inclusive (expressed in millions of dollars). [From the Report of the Comptroller of the Currency.] H. Ex. 133 No. 15.-AMOUNT of the CASH RESERVE held by the NATIONAL BANKS, and also the AMOUNT required to be held by them, on October 1, 1881. * Of this specie $58,910,369 was gold coin, $5,450,387 silver coin, and $48,311,800 gold certificates. No. 16. AMOUNT of CAPITAL, SURPLUS, DIVIDENDS, and TOTAL EARNINGS of all the NATIONAL BANKS for each half year from 1870 to 1881, inclusive. [From the Report of the Comptroller of the Currency.] |