| 1848 - 788 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will feel any very eager desire to assist in realising. . . . " That the energies of mankind should be kept in employment by the struggle for riches,... | |
 | 1848 - 806 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will...feel any very eager desire to assist in realizing. . . . "That the energies of mankind should be kept in employment by the struggle for riches, as they... | |
 | 1848 - 802 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar-hunter*. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will feel any very eager desire to assist in realising. . . . " That the energies of mankind should be kept in employment by the struggle for riches,... | |
 | 1853 - 798 pages
...0' • Mill's Political Economy, il., 314. other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will...feel any very eager desire to assist in realizing." But it will be said, " We are placed on the earth and must live accordingly, must eat and drink, for... | |
 | 1853 - 802 pages
...Economy, 11., 314. other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection wliich philanthropists to come will feel any very eager desire to assist in realizing." But it will be said, " We are placed on the earth and must live accordingly, must eat and drink, for... | |
 | 1854 - 632 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will...attainment should be open to all, without favour or pnrtiality. But the best state for human nature, is that in which, while no one is poor, no one desires... | |
 | 1866 - 908 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to brooding dollar -hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will feel any very eager desire- to assist in realising." (" Pol. Econ.," vol. ii. p. 309). These sentiments, expressed by Mr. Mill a few years ago,... | |
 | 1870 - 636 pages
...is devoted to dollar hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar hunters. This is not the kind of a social perfection which philanthropists to come will...feel any very eager desire to assist in realizing." We have now the system before us, and can better comprehend its details. It is complete in all its... | |
 | William Rathbone Greg - 1873 - 366 pages
...sex is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding dollar-hunters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will...path to its attainment should be open to all, without favor or partiality. But the best state for human nature is that in which, while no one is poor, no... | |
 | William Rathbone Greg - 1873 - 372 pages
...is devoted to dollar-hunting, and of the other to breeding X dollar-huuters. This is not a kind of social perfection which philanthropists to come will...object of ambition, the path to its attainment should bo open to all, without favor or partiality. But the best state for human nature is that in which,... | |
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