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" Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged, by a single use, is called circulating capital. "
Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications to Social ... - Page 57
de John Stuart Mill - 1904 - 591 pages
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The Westminster Review, Volume 156

1901 - 744 pages
...which he expects to derive an income. We may follow Mill in distinguishing circulating capital, "which fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged, by a single use," from fixed capital, which exists " in a durable shape, and the return to which is spread over a period...
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The Edinburgh Review, Volume 88

1848 - 594 pages
...exists not as the same but as a fresh capital, the result of a second act of accumulation. (Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office...engaged, by a single use, is called circulating capital.} ' Another large portion of capital consists in instruments of production of a more or less permanent...
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Use and abuse; or, Right and wrong, in the relations to labour, of capital ...

William M'Combie - 1852 - 116 pages
...Mill, one of the greatest living authorities in the science of political economy: — " Capital which fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged by a single use, is called floating capital. Capital which exists in durable shapes, eg, machinery, roads, canals, permanent improvements...
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Principles of Political Economy: With Some of Their Applications ..., Volume 1

John Stuart Mill - 1852 - 672 pages be more properly regarded as a fresh capital, the result of a second act of accumulation. Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged, by a~single use, is called Circulating Capital. The term, which is not very appropriate, is derived from...
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Principles of Political Economy with Some of Their Applications to Social ...

John Stuart Mill - 1875 - 624 pages more properly regarded as a fresh capital, the result of a second act of accumulai Son. Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office in the production in which it is engaged, by a 'I single use, is called Circulating Capital. 1 The term, which is not very appro- \ priate, is derived...
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Principles of Plutology

Wordsworth Donisthorpe - 1876 - 224 pages production, or at least not the same service, nor to the same sort of production. . . . Capital which in this manner fulfils the whole of its office...engaged, by a single use, is called circulating capital. . . . Another large portion of capital, however, consists in instruments of production of a more or...
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Political Economy for Beginners

Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett - 1876 - 258 pages
...circulating capital. The definition of circulating capital given by Mr Mill is as follows : " Capital which fulfils the whole of its office in the production...engaged, by a single use, is called circulating capital." (Prin. Pol. E. vol. I. p. 112.) Fixed Capital. Besides the capital which is consumed in giving food...
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The Economics of Industry

Alfred Marshall, Mary Paley Marshall - 1879 - 334 pages
...closely connected with one that must be made between Circulating and Fixed Capital. " Capital which fulfils the whole of its office, in the production...engaged, by a single use, is called Circulating Capital." " Capital which exists in any durable shape and the return to which is spread over a period of corresponding...
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A Treatise on the Taxation of Fixed Capital

Emile-Justin Menier - 1880 - 466 pages be more properly regarded as a fresh capital, the result of a second act of accumulation. Capital which, in this manner, fulfils the whole of its office...engaged by a single use is called circulating capital." § That new definition of Smith, those definitions of JB Say and Stuart Mill, have given circulating...
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The Anatomy of Wealth Or the ABC of Every Day Life

James Goulton Constable - 1880 - 178 pages
...calls " intellectual capital." John Stuart Mill defines the two in this way, " Capital which ' fulfills the whole of its office in the production in which...'by a single use, is called circulating capital." " Capital which exists in a durable shape, and the return to which ' is spread over a period of corresponding...
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