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POSSIBILITIES OF A REPARATIVE SURGERY, Experiments have been made by Dr. Abbe on animals, and the results obtained are of great interest. After cutting across the femorals in a dog he inserted smooth sterilized glass tubes, slightly constricted to an hour-glass shape, tied each end of the vessel over the tube by fine silk thread, and then brought the thread ends together. Primary union took place, and the limb was as well nourished as ever; but in order to determine whether this was not due to collateral circulation Dr. Abbe cut out

one of the tubes and found the lower end of the vessel occluded by slow endarteritis. To eliminate the element of collateral circulation be tied into the aorta of a cat an inch of very thin glass tube sterilized by boiling, and filled with water before inserting to prevent air em


This animal also recovered perfectly. A still more radical procedure was then practised. After dissecting out the brachial artery and vein near the axilla of a dog's forelimb, and holding these apart he amputated the limb through the shoulder muscles and sawed through the bone, leaving the limb attached only by the vessels. He then sutured the bone with silver wire, the nerves with fine silk, and each muscle by itself, making a separate series of continuous suturing of the fascia lata and skin. Perfect union and restoration of function also took place in this instance. This experiment demonstrates that a limb will survive division of all its structures if an artery be left; and further the author points out that if an arterial supply can be restored to a completely amputated limb, that limb also may be grafted back to its original or a corresponding stump. Should Dr. Abbe's investigations-as yet incomplete-show that it is possible to do this in animals, an important contribution will have been made to the subject of reparative surgery. The tissues of

animals, however, possess so much higher reparative power than those of human beings, that it is difficult to predict the possibilities of this fin de siècle method of grafting.-International Journal of Surgery.

INSECT-VISION.-In the compound eye of an insect, says Dr. G. J. Stoney (Royal Society, Dublin), the amount of detail visible is limited by the spacing of the lenses and by the aperture of each lens. Predatory insects, as dragon-flies, which have the largest number of lenses, require that objects should be placed at least a degree apart, to be seen separately, whereas, in the man, the corresponding angular distance is only one minute. Moths, bees, flies, etc., which have not so many lenses, cannot distinguish objects that are less than two degrees apart, so that they cannot see details on their own antennæ, close as they are, so well as we can from the distance from which we view them. No movement of the eye is possible, as with us, to take in successively different fields of vision; but insects seem to be able to see distinctly throughout the whole of their field of vision, which is impossible for us. The different parts of the compound eye may be focussed separately, so that a wasp, hovering over a breakfast-table, can see (with as much distinctness as he can see anything) all the objects on the table at once, no matter how their distances may differ.

SOAP SUDS FOR CALMING WAVES.-The remarkable action of oil upon waves is well known. This phenomena led the officers of the steamship Scandia, of Hamburg, to make an experiment upon the same principle that was very successful, and that appears to us worthy of mention. During its last trip to the United States the vessel, while in mid

ocean, was attacked by a very heavy storm. It then occurred to the officers to dissolve a large quantity of soap in tubs of water. Having thus obtained several hundred gallons of soap suds in a very short time, they threw it overboard in front of the ship. The effect was almost instantaneous, and the vessel soon began to navigate without difficulty. Her officers at once addressed a long report to the Hydrographic Bureau of the United States, giving an account of their voyage, the storm, and the means that they employed to still the waves. They conclude by saying that although soap suds does not produce absolutely all the effects upon water that oil does, it at least suffices to break the force of waves in most cases. Besides, this method recommends itself to transportation companies careful of their interests. Soap suds is much cheaper than oil, and a relatively large quantity of soap can be carried without encroaching too much upon the space set apart for passengers and merchandise.—La Nature.

PSYCHIC EFFECTS OF WEATHER.-Mr. J. S. Lemon, in the American Journal of Psychol ogy, notices the very great influence of weather on the health and temperament, and through them on the customs and habits of men in all ages. This is reflected in the salutations of all nations, in their religious ideas, particu larly in their conceptions of the future life, and a thousand petty details of every-day existence. It affects even crime. Suicide is known to depend largely upon the weather, and it has been calculated that in India 48 per cent of certain crimes disappear when hot weather gives place to cold. The health of idiots, and those afflicted with acute mania, is especially dependent upon weather, and its effect on the nervous system is such that many persons can anticipate weather changes from their own feelings. Accidents in factories are said to be much more frequent in bad weather than in good, and physiological phenomena like knee-jerk seem to be dependent on it in some measure. Its effect on the appetite is well known, and tea-tasters, who have cultivated the sense of taste till it has become almost abnormal, say that in good weather this sense is more delicate than in bad weather. No systematic study of all these facts and relations has yet been made, but such a study would doubtless well repay the investigator.

WHAT IS ELECTRICITY?-Probably no better answer (says the Scientific American) can be given to the above query than the one that follows: It is stated that on one occasion when Professor Galileo Ferraris, the Italian scientist, whose name is known to all electricians, was asked by a young lady what electricity was, he ventured to answer it. Opening her autograph book he wrote: "Maxwell has demonstrated that luminous vibrations can be nothing else than periodic vibrations of electro-magnetic forces. Hertz, in proving by experiments that electro-magnetic oscillations are propagated like light, has given an experimental basis to the theory of Maxwell. This gave birth to the idea that the luminiferous ether and the seat of electric and magnetic forces are one and the same thing. being established, I can now, my dear young lady, reply to the question that you put to me: What is electricity? It is not only the formidable agent which now and then shat. ters and tears the atmosphere, terrifying you with the crash of its thunder, but it is also the life giving agent which sends from heaven to earth, with the light and the heat, the magic of colors and the breath of life. It is that which makes your heart beat to the palpitation of the outside world, it is that which has the power to transmit to your soul the enchantment of a look and the grace of a smile."


THE LANGUAGE OF ANTS.-It has long been believed that ants have means of communicating with each other, and Lubbock and Landois gathered from their researches on the subject that the insects do so by means of sounds too high in pitch to affect the human ear. Janet, a French naturalist (Annales Entomologiques de France, LXII.), has recently shown that certain ants make stridulating noises analogous to those of crickets, produced probably by the rubbing together of some of the many rugose or rough surfaces to be found on their bodies. These noises, too slight to be heard when made by only one insect, may be detected by imprisoning a lot of ants between two pieces of glass in a space surrounded by a ring of putty. On holding this to the ear, one may hear, by listening at. tentively, a gentle murmur likened by M. Janet to that made by a liquid boiling slightly in a closed vessel, varied now and then by dis. tinct stridulating sounds. These sounds are heard only when the ants are disturbed.

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