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TO THE RIDER. $85.00 Waverley When you are looking for a new "up-to-date " mount do not overlook the fact that you can save from $40 to $60 by buying a Waverley. Many a dealer will represent to you that he can fur nish some other machine "just as good" at the same price. He can not do it! Do not let him deceive you. Look up the Waverley Agent and insist on having a Remember, we guarantee this machine to be fully equal in grade, and every detail of construction," Wavalny to any bicycle built, regardless of price. Get Catalogue "A" describing full line 24, 26 and 28 in. sizes Ladies' and Gents' mailed free. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Z St., Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A. MY For-6 two-cent stamps we will send you a brilliant Gem of unusual color and a copy of "The Great Divide," provided you write you saw this in ECLECTIC. Address, "The Great Divide," Denver, Colo. OXFORD WIFE CANNOT SEE HOW YOU DO IT AND PAY FREIGHT. $14 Buys our 2 drawer walnut or oak Im. proved High Arm Singer sewing machine finely finished, nickel plated, adapted to light and heavy work; guaranteed for 10 Years; with Automatic Bobbin Winder, Self-Threading Cylinder Shuttle, Self-Setting Needle and a complete set of Steel Attachments; shipped any where on 80 Day's Trial. No money required in advance. 75,000 now in use. World's Fair Medal awarded machine and attachments. Buy from factory and save dealer's and agent's profits. Cat This Out and send to-day for machine or large free FREE catalogue, testimonials and Glimpses of the World's Fair. OXFORD MFG. CO. 342 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO,ILL, Po MILITARY NOVELS The Army and Navy Register says: BY CAPTAIN CHARLES KING, U.S.A. As descriptions of life at an army post and the vicissitudes, trials, and heroisms of army life on the plains in what are called 'times of peace,' the novels of Captain King are worthy of a high and permanent place in American literature. They will hereafter take rank with Cooper's novels as distinctively American works of fiction." THE COLONEL'S CHRISTMAS DINNER. 12mo. Cloth For sale, or sent carriage paid, by E. R. PELTON, 144 Eighth St., New York. FOURTH EDITION, REVISED AND ENLARGED TREATISE AND HAND-BOOK OF ORANGE CULTURE IN FLORIDA, LOUISIANA, AND CALIFORNIA. BY REV. T. W. MOORE. This is recognized as the best and most practical guide to Orange Culture that has yet appeared in this country. Mr. Bishop, President of the Fruit-Growers' Association of Florida, and owner of three of the finest groves in the State, says: "It contains all the information necessary for success.' Mr. Greenleaf, of Jacksonville, who is improving one of the largest wild groves in the State, says: "The book, if I could have had it one year ago, would have saved me $1000." For sale by all Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, by the Publishers. PRICE, $1. E. R. PELTON & CO., Publishers, 144 EIGHTH STREET, NEW YORK. Half the Joy of GOLING Was never told mental rest and exhilaration that comes through the gentle exercise of riding a wheel-the sense of life and freedom that only a wheelman knows-can be yours if you will. Go thou and buy a bicycle; to learn is easy. Get a Columbia-of course you want the best-and in excellence of construction and finish, as well as in beauty of design these famous wheels are vastly superior to those of any other make in the world, while the great variety of models offered for 1894 makes it always possible for us to meet the requirements of each individual case. Our beautiful catalogue should be in the hands of every intending purchaser. Our agents will furnish it free, or we will mail it for two 2-cent stamps. BOSTON NEW YORK CHICAGO HARTFORD |