LONDON: THOMAS RICHARDSON AND SON, 172, FLEET STREET; 9, CAPEL STREET, DUBLIN; AND DERBY. MARSH & BEATTIE, EDINBURGH; HUGH MARGEY, GLASGOW. NEW YORK: EDWARD DUNIGAN AND BROTHER, 151, FULTON STREET. PARIS: 9, RUE DU COQ, NEAR THE LOUVRE, STASSIN AND XAVIER. CONTENTS OF No. LXXV. I.-1. Gosselin's Power of the Popes in the Middle Ages. 2. Roscoe's Lives of Lorenzo de Medici and Leo X. 3. Life of Savonarola. By DR. MADDEN. London: IL-Lives of the Queens of Scotland and English Prin- cesses connected with the Royal Succession of Great Britain. By AGNES STRICKLAND, Author of don: Churchill. III.-I. Fresenius' Instructions in Chemical Analyses. Lon- 2. Galloway's Manual of Qualitative Analyses. Lon- ... |