are called "The Poor," the BLESSED JESUS tells us, that his Gospel was more immediately preached. During his pilgrimage upon earth, such was the pride and arrogance of the Jewish Rabbies and doctors of the law, that they looked down upon the illiterate vulgar with a sovereign contempt. They were too mercenary, to instruct them without a reward; and too vain, to associate with them, whilst they were poor and uninstructed. Their lectures and expositions, such as they were, they reserved for their rich and honourable pupils, whose wealth might fatisfy their avarice, whilst a connexion with their splendid and powerful families would gratify their ambition. Their hatred of the Poor feems to have been of the most malicious kind: for though they took no pains to instruct them in their duty, they were careful enough "to bind heavy burdens upon them, grievous "to : "a preacher of the Gospel to the "Poor. To the Poor the Gospel is " preached." The original word, which we render Gospel, fignifies good news or glad tidings; so that the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST means, the glad tidings published to mankind by this Illustrious Personage. To those, who have been brought, by the kind dispensations of Divine Grace, to a proper sense and conviction of their fallen state, this Gospel must be glad tidings indeed! From the original apostasy of our first progenitor, we inherit a distempered ruined nature: our whole frame hath lost its primitive health, and strength, and beauty. The Gospel of JESUS CHRIST informs us of a Medicine of Sovereign Virtue, by which this disease may be effectually removed, and the ruins of man completely repaired. JESUS CHRIST himfelf Our BLESSED LORD, indeed, honoured the State of Poverty with peculiar marks of his regard. From the history of his birth it appears, that he came into the world in the most needy and indigent circumstances. His Virgin Mother, and reputed father, though descended from the royal line of David, had nothing left of the affluence and splendor of their family. When he commenced his public ministry, the companions and disciples he made choice of, were a set of poor illiterate fishermen. From several circumstances related in the gospel history, we find, that under the protection of Providence, he was supported by the contributions of his friends and followers. Himself gives us a lively but affecting picture of his own poverty : "The foxes have holes, "and the birds of the air have nests; "but the Son of Man hath not where " to lay his head." Doubtless, Doubtless, it best suited the grand design of Infinite Wisdom, in the scheme of man's redemption, that the SON OF God should make his appearance in this indigent state. This design was to restore fallen men to their primitive state of innocence and glory; and in order to this, they were to be called from an earthly, to a heavenly life; from a worldly kingdom, to a kingdom that is not of this world. Their earthly nature was to be mortified and fubdued; an heavenly nature was to be given them, and they were to be "anew after the Image of God in " righteousness and true holiness." Now a state of poverty, a state in which we are destitute of this world's goods, seems to be most favourable to this blessed change. For though an humble mind does not always dwell beneath an humble roof; though the poor do not always embrace a preached gospel; yet our BLESSED LORD, who was intimately acquainted quainted with human nature, well knew, that the more a man possesseth of the good things of this life, the more his affections are engaged to it, and of course, that the want of these must have a natural tendency to disengage them. To the Poor, therefore, in a more particular manner, he preached his Gospel, as he had reason to conclude, from their situation and circumstances, they would be better disposed to receive it. And to the Poor let his Gospel still be preached! for without this they must be doubly miferable. The rich and the great have their confolation, or fomething that serves them for confolation, in this world; "they, in their life-time, " receive good things:" but the Poor, who receive evil things, if they are without those real consolations which the Gofpel alone can administer, must be poor indeed! If, whilst outward troubles and misfortunes distress them, they should be destitute of internal peace and joy; if their want of temporal comforts should be |