in bondage to the devil, the world, and our own evil lufts. Such is that ftate of unregenerate nature, in which we are all born of the first Adam. "The Face of GoD "is hidden from us, and we are trou"bled his Breath is taken away; we "die, and return to our duft." DISCOURSE DISCOURSE VIII. PSALM civ. VER. 29, 30. "THOU HIDEST THY FACE, THEY ARE TROUBLED: THOU TAKEST << AWAY THEIR BREATH; THEY 66 DIE, AND RETURN TO THEIR " DUST. THOU SENDEST FORTH "THY SPIRIT, THEY ARE CRE66 ATED; AND THOU RENEWEST THE FACE OF THE EARTH!" N the preceding discourse I observed, IN that though this paffage of Scripture might seem to relate folely to the present state of the natural world; yet, in a more enlarged and spiritual sense, and without any improper force put VOL. II. K upon |