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and fragrance, for the pleasure or nourishment of man.

Thus it is with refpect to the growth of our Regenerate Nature. "The Seed "of the Incorruptible Word" lies buried in the earthly heart, till GOD “fends "forth his Spirit," by which we are "created;" that is, by which this Seed is called forth out of its hidden ftate, into a birth or manifestation. The fruits of this Regeneration are the only marks by which it can be diftinguished from the unregenerate state: where they do not appear, charity itself will permit us to think, that "he who "liveth" in fuch a ftate," is dead "whilft he liveth."

As the nature of this New Life, therefore, is best known by its fruits or effects, I will attempt to draw the outlines of the Character of a Chriftian, acting through life under the immediate Influence

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fluence and Infpiration of that Spirit, by the fending forth of which he hath been "created," and "the face of his "earthly part renewed."

One of the first realities which the Light of Heaven discovers to his wondering mind, is this: that true religion is not a name, a form, or an opinion, but a Life actuating its proper fpirit, and its proper body; that is, confifting of internal powers and principles, and an external conduct conformable to them: these will generally appear to go hand in hand. But should the outward man, in fome inftances, when viewed with a worldly eye, feem to act inconfiftent with the internal principles of Truth, we must nevertheless be very cautious in forming our judgment in such cases. For the principle within is often good and right, when, from fome ftrange concurrence of outward circumstances, fuch


as education, prejudice, national cuftoms and obfervances, there feems to be a deviation from that principle. The Regenerate Chriftian, fenfible of this, and living, as he does, in the element of Love, has too liberal and extenfive views of the fecret and falutary influences of the DIVINE SPIRIT, to think of confining them within the scanty limits of any particular religious fect or fects in the world. He believes, that they may be frequently found as operative and effectual amid the noise and hurry of fecular life, as within the narrow precincts of a monastery, or the narrower cell of the folitary anchorite.

Wherever the fruits of "Love, Joy, "Peace, Long-fuffering, Gentleness, "Goodness, Faith, Meeknefs, Tempe


rance," are visible, there undoubtedly the SPIRIT OF GOD hath been fent, the face of the earth hath been re"newed."

"newed." The truly Regenerate hath, therefore, a religious contempt for all thofe littleneffes, which are so often feen among nominal profeffors of the Gofpel. He cannot think, that those perfons have made any great proficiency in Christian Knowledge or Chriftian Practice, who dare to call their neighbours goodness in queftion, if they should happen to differ in fome particular notions of Truth from themfelves. These external minutiæ may ferve as fuel to the falfe zeal of pharafaical profeffors, but are beneath the notice of the Heaven-born Chriftian. He knows that, "to "the Pure, all things are pure:" and as, on the one hand, he is careful to avoid every thing that looks like a licentious abufe of this maxim; fo, on other, he would not abridge his Chriftian Liberty by any formal and needlefs aufterities. In a word, his grand concern is, to live above the world,


and to regard its praises as little as its cenfures he is, therefore, in no wife anxious to be thought a fpiritual man, but to be fo in reality.

O Sinner! couldst thou have the leaft idea of those fublime joys, which the Regenerate experience; that delightful Intercourfe with Heaven, which is opened to them in prayer; that ineffable Vifion of celestial objects, that breaks in upon the contemplative eye of Faith;

that Glance from the fource of Uncreated Light, that Tafte of Angels Food, that Touch of Love-in a word, that high and refined entertainment of every fpiritual fenfe and faculty, which they enjoy in their retired moments; couldst thou, I fay, O finner! have the leaft idea of fuch delights as thefe, shame and confufion would cover thy face, on a retrospect of thofe falfe and unprofitable pleasures, to which thou haft hitherto furrendered thine heart. Thou wouldft

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