"fore fhall I lack nothing: he ma"keth me to lie down in green paf 66 tures, he leadeth me befide the still "waters-My beloved is mine, and I am his,-He is faireft among ten "thousand-This is my beloved, and "this is my friend, O daughter of Jerufalem !" DISCOURSE XI. PSALM XXXVii. VER. 37. "MARK THE PERFECT MAN, AND BE"HOLD THE UPRIGHT; FOR THE "END OF THAT MAN IS PEACE." "D UST thou art, and unto duft "thou shalt return," was the awful fentence denounced against rebellious man by his infinitely just Creator. No fooner had Adam fallen from that state of innocence, perfection, and intimate communion with God, in which his light, and life, and happinefs fupreme confifted, than he became subject 0 4 |