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improve it, you will find yourselves bleffed in the end. You are removed from a thousand temptations, that furround the rich and great. True it is, you have temptations peculiar to your state and circumstances; but perhaps they are much weaker than those to which men are exposed by affluence or grandeur. Of these, however, beware! if they are indulged, they will gain strength, and in time become almost invincible. Beware of envy! beware of malice! A grudging of our neighbour's fortunes or honours, betrays a want of that humility and true refignation which must characterize the fincere Christian. Think not, that because a man is rich, he must necessarily be proud, infolent, and overbearing. The God that giveth riches, may sanctify them to the possessor; and Poverty of Spirit hath been known to dwell in courts and palaces. Thank God, that you have but little of world

ly wealth, and pray earnestly for the riches of his Grace.

As for you, who are truly "Poor " in Spirit," who experience that humility, and felf-abasement, which I have shewn to be so necessary a preparative for the reception of the Gofpel, I give you joy in the Lord! "As for"rowful, be ye always rejoicing! As

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poor, be ye always rich in CHRIST!" When you are most sensible of this poverty, you are then in the safest state. "When you are weak, then are you " strong." Ye are espoused to "CHRIST-Ye are no more darkness, " but now ye are Light in the Lord." Yours is the kingdom of GOD! Yours are the comforts of Grace here, and the sweet hope of Immortality hereafter ! Should envious clouds now and then intervene; should a deep sense of your own poverty be so powerfully revived, as to render you dark and difconfolate-do not


let go your hope! Remember, it is to you the Gofpel is preached! JESUS, your Bridegroom, the light and life of your foul, hath only left you for a season, that, in this widowed state, you might feel your want of him, and long more earnestly for his return, and love him more ardently when he makes his appearance again.

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"Blefsed are they that mourn, for

they shall be comforted!"- Sweet tidings to the disconsolate Christian! "Yet a little while, and he that shall

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come, will come, and will not tarry." He will come in peace, dear mourner, to thine heart, and give thee a sweet earnest and anticipation of that Fullness of Joy, which he has prepared for thee, in his own kingdom of everlasting Light and Love.







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