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with the same fulness of conviction, that the outward light, striking upon the organs of vision, impresses upon the mind.

In like manner, the man who rolls in worldly affluence, and basks in the funshine of temporal profperity, is too apt to fuffer this Offspring of Heaven to remain inactive in his breast. But when clouds arise, when tempefts gather, and obfcure the light of this elementary fun, he is then prompted to explore a new fun, a new firmament, a new heaven, and a new earth, correfponding to the spirituel senses of that Inward Man, who is hereby awakened, and taught where to look for, and how to receive, influences and impressions of folid and permanent tranquillity and delight.

Amid the greatest carnal security, and whilst finful man is endeavouring


to filence this heavenly guest for ever, it will frequently start from its flumbers, claim its native rights, and feek its native objects and employments. Hence proceed what are called, strong convictions and rebukes of confcience, of which the most obdurate offenders are very sensible, till by repeated resistance, they become callous and dead to their falutary influence, fall under the power of "strong delufion, and "believe a lie." In this cafe, indeed, the Powers of CHRIST within them cannot appear, or be active for their deliverance: for they will not fuffer them to be awakened; "they will "not come to CHRIST, that they may "have life."

But fleeps not the BLESSED JEsus in other hearts than these, even in such as have been already called out of their natural darkness "into his mar

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"vellous light," to whom he hath already manifested his awakened powers, who have been "renewed in the spirit " of their minds," "and created after "the Image of God in Righteousness " and true Holiness?" He sleeps indeed, at times, in a spiritual sense, even in the most virtuous and regenerate breasts; and sleeps, that they may awaken to a greater sensibility of their want of his Prefence, and cry more earneftly to him for the Aids and Comforts of his Spirit.

He sleeps in the bosom of his afflicted children, whilst they are visited with losses and calamities of various kinds, whilst the world frowns upon them, whilst its good things are fnatched out of their possession, and their dearest friends are torn from their bleeding hearts. These visitations are sent in Love The great Lover of Souls seems to retire from his beloved Off


spring, and to withdraw his cheering Influence for the most benevolent purposes, that out of judgment may spring forth mercy, out of momentary diftress pure and permanent delight, and that, by feeling the parent's absence, the child may long more ardently for his


A black cloud, says a pious writer, makes the traveller mend his pace, and be more eager to get home; whereas a fair day, and a pleasant road, steal away at once his time and his affections. Take it, then, as a mercy, thou afflicted foul! that, now and then, a few clouds intercept thy fun; that, now and then, some troubles eclipse thy comforts. Too many fatisfactions at an inn, or upon thy journey, will be apt to make thee "forget thy Father's House,"

Take it as a mercy too, that thy SAVIOUR fleeps within thee; that thou


while to feel

art thereby left for a
the wretchedness of thy nature. Think
not, that he is absent; think not that
thy heavenly powers are extinguished :
they live, and can live amid the fu-
rious tempests of affliction; and when
nature is driven to the last extremity,
they will awaken with new vigour,
and accomplish for thee an happy de-


All this may yield some consolation to a foul oppressed with calamity and forrow: but, alas! what is to be done in the hour of temptation? When corruption, and evil passions, demand an immediate indulgence; when "the " law in the members wars against the " law of the mind," and brings the foul into captivity; when the power of the temptation is so great, that it seems to carry the will, the defires, and affections, along with it-under



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