DISCOURSE XIX. PREACHED ON WHITSUNDAY. GALATIANS, CHAP. iv. VER. 6. "And because ye are Sons, God hath "fent forth the Spirit of his Son "into your Hearts, crying, Abba! "Father!" DISCOURSE XX. THE GROUND AND NATURE OF PRIVATE AND PUBLICK WORSHIP. HABAKKUK, CHAP. ii. VER. 20. "The LORD is in his Holy Temple: "let all the Earth keep Silence before "him." DISCOURSE I. St. LUKE, CHAP. vii. Part of VER. 22. "To THE POOR THE GOSPEL IS "PREACHED." N the verses immediately preceding IN my text, we read, that John the Baptift fent two of his difciples to our BLESSED LORD, with this remarkable meffage : "Art thou he that should 66 come, or look we for another ?" Anxious for their falvation, he wished to have all their doubts, with respect to the character of JESUS, fully fatisfied and to make them acquainted, as foon as poffible, with the nature and design of A 2 his |