The proceed from death. Every object a round us, therefore, continually preaches the same great doctrine, in which we are fully instructed by the transaction of this day. CHRIST'S Resurrection is represented throughout Scripture as an earnest of our own. only way to secure to ourselves an happy refurrection, is by "dying to fin, " and living unto righteousness." "Like "as CHRIST was raised up from the "dead by the Glory of the Father, "even so we also should walk in new"ness of life." Our spiritual refurrection to a new life, is therefore necessarily preparative to our future refurrection to Glory. And my text assures us, that they are both brought about by the fame means, even by the "Glory of the Father." I shall not take up your time at present, in enumerating the several remarkable circumstances, in which our LORD'S LORD'S Refurrection is figuratively expressive of that great spiritual change, which is called, in my text, "Newness "of Life." I think it will be more profitable to endeavour to explain to you the nature of this important change, and to give you such a description of its falutary effects upon the foul, as will enable you to judge, upon enquiry, whether this "Glory of the Fa"ther" hath yet been revealed to your inward senses. A mere historical Christian will fatisfy himself with poring over the Scripture account of CHRIST'S Sufferings, Death, and Refurrection; and provided he has a clear idea of the outward transactions in his head, he is little anxious about any thing further. He reads them over as any other piece of entertaining history, without feeling himself much interested in their consequences. But as we never can be saved, but by paffing though the same suffering process with our BLESSED REDEEMER, REDEEMER, we should never read any part of the history of his Life, Sufferings, Death, and Refurrection, without making an immediate application of it to our own fouls, that so we may be able to judge, whether "the fame mind be in us, that " was also in CHRIST JESUS;" or in the words of my text, whether, “as "CHRIST was raised up from the Dead, " by the Glory of God the FATHER, "we also walk in Newness of Life." O Chriftian! the Resurrection of thy SAVIOUR will stand thee in no stead, unless it be realized in thy heart! Indulge me, then, with thy closest attention, whilst I attempt to mark out some of the glorious steps, by which this salutary process is carried on in our natures. Those, who deny the great doctrine of original fin, betray a manifeft ig norance norance of the Holy Scriptures, and of their own natures. of the former we find to be continually this, that "in Adam a have died; "that by one man's tranfgreffion fin "entered into the world; that the "thoughts of men's hearts are only " evil continually; that we were con"ceived in fin, and born in iniquity; "that in our flesh dwelleth no good "thing; that the carnal mind is en"mity against God; that our iniquities " are more in number than the hairs of "our head; that there is none of us "that doth good, no not one." The language of nature corresponds with these declarations of Scripture. The voice of all our earthly paffions confirms these revealed Truths. Even those, who were deftitute of an outward revelation, felt and lamented the prevalence and dominion of their corruptions. And our own experience, if we would be ingenuous, ingenuous, must lead us to confess, that we are naturally prone to evil, and averse to goodness. Pure and spotless we came into this world, say some superficial enquirers into human nature; and all the evil we learn or practise, is from the power of example. But when did this example begin? What mortal first introduced it into the world? Where did he learn it himself? Surely it must have proceeded from his own evil heart. So that after all our doubts, we must go back to the same source that the Scripture points out to us, and fix the origin of evil in man, in the disobedience of the first father of the human race, from whom the fatal infection has spread through all his hapless posterity. For the hiftory of past ages informs us, that the world was ever wicked as it is now; and that the violence of human passions hath ever been the spring of all the dif orders |