tle, "what we have eat, or what we "have drank, or wherewithal we have "been clothed;" whether, in our paffage through this vale of mifery, we have been clothed in purple, or in rags; whether we have fared sumptuously in a palace, or dwelt penuriously in a cottage. The only confolation that we can poffibly receive at that dread hour, must be derived from a conscioufnefs of having availed ourselves of the opportunity, which the Grace of GoD hath afforded us, of being and doing good; and from a fenfibility of our own nothingness, and the All-fufficiency of Redeeming Love. If we have been fo happy as to have seen, with spiritual eyes, the Salvation of GOD in CHRIST, and to have attended to the frequent openings, calls, and warnings of Eternal Love, at various times and feafons; if, from a deep fenfe of the poverty of nature, we have lived continually C 4 continually upon the riches of God's Free Grace in CHRIST, and, as we have freely received, freely imparted to all around; if, with Enoch," we have "walked with GOD," and trod the ground of Heaven, if I may so speak, whilst we have been ftrangers and pilgrims upon earth-then, indeed, we may depart in peace; and lay down our weary heads to fleep the fhort fleep of death, in fure and certain hope of waking in the mild regions of Celestial Light and Love. DISCOURSE DISCOURSE III. ISAIAH, CHAP. xl. VER. 10, II. 66 "BEHOLD! THE LORD GOD WILL "COME WITH STRONG HAND, AND 66 HIS ARM SHALL RULE FOR HIM: BEHOLD HIS REWARD IS WITH 66 HIM, AND HIS WORK BEFORE HIM. HE SHALL FEED HIS FLOCK LIKE A SHEPHERD; HE SHALL GATHER THE LAMBS WITH HIS "ARM, AND CARRY THEM IN HIS "BOSOM; AND SHALL GENTLY 66 LEAD THOSE THAT ARE WITH "YOUNG." HESE words exhibit to our TH view fome of the most lively characteristics of that Illuftrious Saviour, by whose bleffed incarnation, our fallen race are become again entitled to that long-loft |