BATH AND WEST OF ENGLAND SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF Agriculture, Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce. ESTABLISHED 1777. RULES. I. The Society shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, Council, Treasurer, Secretary, Governors, and Members, and shall have the following objects: 1st. To hold meetings in the West of England for the exhibition of breeding stock, agricultural implements, and such other articles connected with agriculture, arts, manufactures, or commerce, as may be determined upon by the Council. 2nd. To offer premiums for essays and reports on subjects affecting the agriculture of the West of England, and to publish a Journal for circulation. II. The West of England shall be divided into two districts, to be called the Eastern and Western. III. The boundary line separating Devon from Somerset and Dorset shall be the division of such districts. IV. The Council shall consist of a president, vice-presidents, and forty-eight other members (twenty-four of whom shall retire annually by rotation, but shall be eligible for re-election), and shall be elected by the whole body of members. One half of the Council, exclusive of the president and vice-presidents, shall be chosen from persons residing or representing property in the Eastern District, and the other half from persons residing or representing property in the Western District. V. The election of President and Council shall take place at the annual meeting; and they shall enter into office at the conclusion of the annual meeting at which they have been chosen. The Council shall have power to nominate Vice-Presidents, and fill up such vacancies in their own body as may from time to time occur during the interval between the annual meetings. VI. The entire management of the Society, including the power of making by-laws, of settling the prizes to be awarded, of nominating the committees, fixing the places of meetings, of appointing or removing the Treasurer, Secretary, and such other officers as may be required to carry on the business of this Society, shall be vested in the Council, who shall report their proceedings at the annual meeting to be held alternately in the Eastern and Western Districts, and submit them to the meeting for confirmation. VII. The meetings for exhibitions shall be held in different towns in successive years, alternately in each district. VIII. Every subscriber of 11. annually shall be a member; of 21., a governor, and eligible for election as a vice-president; and every yeoman and tradesman subscribing 10s. and upwards annually shall be a member of the Society; and all shall be deemed such, and liable to pay their subscription, until they shall give notice in writing to the Secretary of their intention to withdraw. The subscriptions to become due and be paid in advance on the 1st of January in each year. IX. The payment of 10l. in one sum shall constitute a member for life. X. To entitle a member to exhibit, he must have been a member for six months, and have paid his subscription at least one month previous to the day of exhibition. Non-members will be permitted to exhibit stock, agricultural implements, or other articles, on payment of such a sum as the Council shall direct. XI. Entries must be sent to the Secretary at least sixty-two days previous to the day of exhibition; who, upon their reception, shall forward by post printed forms of certificates to each exhibitor, which shall be filled up by him and returned to the Secretary at least forty-eight days previous to the day of exhibition. XII. Members will be admitted to the exhibition without charge, by tickets (not transferable) to be issued by the Council; and other persons will be admitted on payment of such a sum as the Council shall direct. XIII. The annual meetings of the Society shall be held in the months of May or June. XIV. That if it be proved to the satisfaction of the Council that any person has attempted to gain a prize in this or any Agricultural Society by a false Certificate, or by a misrepresentation of any kind, such person shall thereupon be excluded from again exhibiting in this Society. XV. All prizes shall be open for competition to the United King dom. But no exhibitor of stock, or person intending to compete for any of the Society's prizes, shall be privy to the selection of judges to award the premiums. XVI. The proceedings of the Society, including the Prize Reports and List of Members, shall be printed annually, and every subscriber not in arrear with his subscription shall be entitled to receive one copy, free of expense, and there shall be an additional number printed for sale. XVII. No new rule shall be proposed, or existing one altered or rescinded, excepting at an annual meeting, and then only provided a statement in writing shall have been sent to the Secretary at least twenty-eight days previously, setting forth the rule to be proposed, rescinded, or altered; and in the last case the proposed alteration shall be stated. XVIII. No subject or question of a political tendency shall ever be introduced at any meeting of this Society. PATRON. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE. THE DUKE OF BEDFORD. VICE-PATRONS. THE EARL FORTESCUE. THE EARL OF MOUNT EDGECUMBE. THE LORD PORTMAN. Elected. Name. COUNCIL. (1858-1859.) Address. 1858 ADAIR, D. .... Heatherton, Taunton 1857 ANDREWS, G. H. Rimpton, Sherborne 1857 BAILWARD, JOHN. Horsington, Wincanton 1858 BEAN, H.L... Ashcott 1857 BULLOCK, GEORGE North Coker, Yeovil 1858 BUSH, CLEMENT.. Weston, Bath 1858 COTTERELL, J. H.. Bath 1858 CALDWELL, H. B. Chippenham 1856 DANGER, THOMAS. Huntstile, Bridgwater 1858 GRAY, JOHN. .. Kingweston, Somerton 1858 GRAY, JONATHAN. Summerhill House, Bath 1857 GILLETT, W. E.. Taunton 1857 HANCOCK, J. D... Halse, Taunton 1858 HARBIN, GEORGE Newton House, Yeovil 1858 HOLE, JAMES . Knowle, Dunster 1858 KING, J. WEBB . Ash, Martock 1858 KNOLLYS, I. E... Fitzhead, Taunton 1857 LUSH, JOSEPH.. Bruton 1857 MORLE, THOMAS B. Cannington, Bridgwater 1857 MOYSEY, H. G... Bathealton, Wellington Elected. Western Division. Address. Name. 1857 ACLAND, T. D.. 1857 BELFIELD, JOHN 1858 CLARKE, R. H... 1858 DAVY, J. T. . Collumpton . Dartington, Totnes 1858 FRY, JOHN. . Woodgate, Wellington [ton 1858 GORDON, C., jun. . . Winscombe Park, Honi 1857 GOULD, J. 1857 HOOPER, JOHN 1857 HUSSEY, THOMAS.. 1858 LANGDON, GEO. 1858 MAY, R.. 1857 NEWMAN, T... 1858 OLDREIVE, J. L. 1857 PORTER, WM. . Kenton, Exeter . Chagford Waybrooke, Exeter Ashford, Barnstaple . Rewe, Exeter Hembury Fort, Honiton Newton House, Drewsteignton 1857 PITTS, JAMES PITT 1857 PITMAN, SAMUEL. Rumwell Lodge, Taunton 1857 POOLE, GABRIEL. Bridgwater 1858 VIDAL, E. U. • Cornborough, Bideford 1857 SMITH, ROBERT.. Emmett's Grange, Southmol1857 THOMPSON, WM. Bath. [ton 1858 WIDDICOMBE, J. .. Torrhill, Ivybridge 1857 WIPPELL, WM.... Rudway, Thorverton 1858 WALROND, J. W... Bradfield, Thorverton ACLAND, T. D. | HUSSEY, T. | GILLETT, W. E. | POOLE, G. S. MAULE, HENRY ST. JOHN, Newton St. Loe, near Bath. Offices, 2 Wood-street, Bath. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. ROBERTS, WILLIAM, Broad Gate, Exeter. CONSULTING CHEMIST. VOELCKER, Dr. AUGUSTUS, Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. CONSULTING ENGINEERS. GOOCH, DANIEL; and EASTON, EDWARD. DIRECTOR OF SHOW-YARD. Stewards of Departments (1858). Stewards of Stock. FARRANT, MARK.. Growing, Collumpton MOYSEY, H. G..... Bathealton, Wellington Stewards of Implements. GRAY, JOHN .. ....Somerton KNOLLYS, J. E.....Taunton Steward of Shedding. GRAY, JONATHAN.. Summerhill House, Bath Steward of Poultry. PITMAN, S. ...... Rumwell Lodge, Taunton Secretary of Poultry. KINGSBURY, JOHN.. Taunton. Arts and Manufactures Committee (1859). ACLAND, THOMAS D.. Chairman of the Committee MILES, WILLIAM. SILLIFANT, JOHN. . Treasurer for Special Fund .Coombe, Crediton, President of the Society DREWE, EDWARD S..The Grange, Collumpton, Chairman of the Subscrip tion Committee BREMRIDGE, RICHARD Mayor of Barnstaple BUSH, CLEMENT BROWN, G... CHANTER, J. R. COTTON, R. W. DAW, J. EASTLAKE, W. .Architect, Exeter .Bath . Barnstaple . Barnstaple .Plymouth GILLETT, W. E....Taunton, Chairman of Fi nance Committee GRAY, JONATHAN .Bath, Steward of Shedding |