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Terms on which the Society's Consulting Chemist, DR. A. VOELCKER, may be applied to by MEMBERS ONLY:

1. For advice on one topic..

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2. For an opinion as to the genuineness of a sample of


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5. For determination of Ammonia in Guano or in other

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15. For determination of Lime, Sand, Organic Matter, and

Clay in a Soil

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17. For a full analysis of a Soil..

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18. For partial analysis of a Limestone, Marl, or similar


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19. For complete analysis of Limestone, Marl, &c.
20. For determination of Carbonate of Lime or Gypsum in




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22. For complete analysis of Water

Samples for examination to be sent free of charge.

Members wishing to exercise their privilege on the above-named terms may, if they please, forward their samples for examination by parcel, prepaid, direct to PROFESSOR VOELCKER, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester.

The Professor's fee must be paid in advance, by Post-office order or cheque. But as in some cases information may be desired which is not clearly defined in the above list, members will do well to ascertain the expense which they are about to incur by communication with the Professor.

Samples of manures are best sent in tin canisters: lb. to 1 lb. of a previously well-mixed sample taken from the bulk of manure is a sufficient quantity for analysis. If the manure is quite uniform a much smaller quantity is required, and the sample, weighing about 3 or 4 ozs., is best sent by post.

The members of the Society are recommended in buying artificial manures to ask for an analytical guarantee. As very inferior manures are often sold on the strength of printed analyses, proving that the import of chemical terms used in copies of analyses is not generally understood, Professor Voelcker has kindly offered to give an opinion gratis on all copies of analyses which members may send to him with a directed and stamped envelope.

Depôts for Specimens of Manure to be analyzed by Consulting Chemist.

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Award of Prizes




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CLASS 1. For the best Bull, above three years old on 1st June, 1858, a Silver Cup.

The Prize awarded to Mr. THOMAS WEBBER, of Halberton Court, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull. Bred by himself.

CLASS 2.-For the best Bull, not exceeding three years old on 1st

June, 1858, 12l. Second ditto, 51.

First Prize awarded to Mr. RICHARD CORNER, of Torweston, Williton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull. Bred by himself.

Second Prize awarded to M. GODFREY, Esq., of Ruperra Castle, Cardiff, in the county of Glamorgan, for his Devon Bull. Bred by Sir C. Morgan, Bart., of Tredegar Park, Newport.

Commended, No. 3, Capt. J. T. DAVY, of Rose Ash, South Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull.

CLASS 3. For the best Bull, not exceeding two years old on 1st June, 1858, 10l. Second ditto, 5l. Third ditto, 31.

First Prize awarded to Mr. JAMES MERSON, of Brinsworthy, North Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull. Bred by himself.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. THOMAS WEBBERB, Of Halberton Court, Tiverton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull. Bred by himself.

Third Prize awarded to JAMES W. BULLER, Esq., M.P., of Downes, Crediton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Bull. Bred by himself.


CLASS 4. For the best Cow in Calf (or in Milk, having had a Calf within six months next preceding the first day of the Exhibition), 8l. Second ditto, 4l.

First Prize awarded to Mr. JAMES MERSON, of Brinsworthy, North Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Cow. Bred by Mr. R. Merson.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. JAMES DAVY, of Flitton, North Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Cow. Bred by himself.

Commended, No. 16, Capt. J. T. DAVY, of Rose Ash, South Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Cow.

CLASS 5. For the best Heifer in Calf or in Milk, not exceeding three years old on 1st June, 1858, 8l. Second ditto, 4l.

First Prize awarded to THOMAS STRONG, of Dunchideock Farm, Exeter, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Heifer.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. JAMES DAVY, of Flitton, North Molton, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Heifer. Bred by himself.

Commended, No. 25, Mr. THOMAS STRONG, of Dunchideock Farm, Exeter, in the county of Devon, for his Devon Heifer.

CLASS 6. For the best Pair of Heifers, not exceeding two years old on 1st June, 1858, belonging to the same owner, 8l. Second ditto, 4l.

First Prize awarded to JAMES W. BULLER, Esq., M.P., of Downes, Crediton, Devon.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. JAMES MERSON, of Brinsworthy, North Molton.


CLASS 7. For the best Bull above three years old on 1st June, 1858, a Silver Cup.

The Prize awarded to Mr. JOHN LOGAN, of Maindy House, Newport, Monmouthshire.

Commended, No. 33, Capt. BLATHWAYT, of Dyrham, Chippenham. CLASS 8. For the best Bull, not exceeding three years old on 1st June, 1858, 12l. Second ditto, 51.

First Prize awarded to Mr. R. STRATTON, of Broad Hinton, Swindon, Wilts. Second Prize awarded to the Hon. P. P. BOUVERIE, of Brymore, Bridgwater, Somerset.

CLASS 9. For the best Bull, not exceeding two years old on 1st June, 1858, 10l. Second ditto, 8l.

First Prize awarded to Mr. WILLIAM HEWER, of Sevenhampton, Highworth, Wilts.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. R. STRATTON, of Broad Hinton, Swindon, Wilts.

Commended, No. 51, Mr. EDWARD HOLLAND, of Dumbleton Hall, Evesham, Worcestershire.

CLASS 10. For the best Cow in Calf (or in Milk, having had a Calf within six months next prceeding the first day of the Exhibition), 8l. Second ditto, 4l.

First Prize awarded to Mr. RICHARD STRATTON, of Broad Hinton, Swindon, Wilts.

Second Prize awarded to Mr. RICHARD STRATTON, same as above.

Highly commended, No. 59, Mr. EDWARD BOWLY, of Siddington House, Cirencester, Gloucestershire.

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