SMALL BREED. CLASS 51. For the best Boar, not exceeding two years old on 1st Prizes. January, 1859 £4 Second ditto 2 CLASS 52. For the best Breeding Sow in farrow, or that has farrowed within four months of the first day of the exhibition 4 Second ditto 2 CLASS 53. For the best pen of three Breeding Sows, not exceeding nine months of age on the 1st June, 1859 3 Second ditto 2 SPECIAL PRIZES. GIVEN BY WILLIAM MILES, Esq. CLASS 54. For the best Shoeing-smith, the shoes to be made and fixed on the ground £3 3s. 22 11 Persons intending to compete for the Shoeing Prizes must give notice in writing to the Secretary, 2, Wood Street, Bath, on or before the 1st day of May, 1859, and must be at the Director's Office in the Show Yard on Wednesday morning, the 1st day of June, 1859, at 8 o'clock, to receive instructions. *** Judges have power to expend a sum not exceeding 201. in prizes for Extra Stock. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. When the Cows and Heifers are certified to be in Calf, and not having Calved within Six Months previous to the first day of Exhibition, the Prizes awarded will not be paid until a Certificate of Calving has been delivered to the Secretary. The Bulls in Classes 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, and 14 shall be certified to be the Sires of live Calves. The Sheep must be shorn close in every part not earlier than the 1st of May. The Judges will be instructed to disqualify all unfairly shorn. No animal of any kind which has gained a First Prize in any Class, at a Meeting of this Society, will be allowed to compete in the same Class at any future Meeting. No animal can be entered in more than one Class. Each lot of Ewes must be of the same Flock. The three Sow Pigs in each pen must be of the same litter. All Foals must be the offspring of the Mare along with which they are exhibited for a prize. • In all cases where prizes are awarded conditionally, they will be withheld until the exhibitor shall have proved to the satisfaction of the Council that the conditions have been complied with. All animals exhibited must be bonâ fide the property of the exhibitor. RULES OF ADJUDICATION. In awarding the Prizes to Cattle, Sheep, and Pigs, the Judges will be especially instructed not to take into consideration the present value to the Butcher of the animals exhibited; but to decide according to their relative merits for the purpose of Breeding. The Judges will be instructed not to award any prize in classes in which the animals exhibited do not possess sufficient merit. General Regulations for the Exhibition of Live Stock. 1859. 1. PERSONS intending to exhibit Stock must send in their applications for blank forms of Certificates to the Secretary, No. 2, Wood Street, Bath, on or before the 5th of April, 1859-(forms of application can be obtained of the Secretary); on receiving such application the Secretary will forward to each Exhibitor copies of the required form of certificate, which must be filled up and returned to him on or before the 19th of April, 1859. All Forms of Certificate insufficiently or incorrectly filled up will be at once returned to the proposing Exhibitor by the Secretary: and if these are not thoroughly completed in all particulars, and sent to the Secretary before the 1st day of May, 1859, the animal to which the certificate refers will be excluded from competition. No Member whose subscription is in arrear will be allowed to exhibit until his Subscription is paid. Non-Members must pay 10s. for every head or lot of Live Stock, before obtaining a ticket of admission to bring them into the Show-yard. Any person entering more lots in any one Class than the number of Prizes offered, must pay for the additional number 5s. for each lot of Sheep, Bullocks, and Pigs, 15s. for each Horse and Colt, and 10s. for each Pony. 2. All persons may exhibit an unlimited number of Animals as Extra Stock, by payment of 5s. per lot for Bullocks, Sheep, and Pigs, and 10s. for Horses and Colts, and 10s. for Ponies. N.B. One or more animals, according to the classes, as set out in prizesheet, shall be deemed a lot. 3. Any person entering any Stock, and failing to exhibit the same, shall pay a penalty, in the case of Cattle or Horses, of 10s., and of Sheep or Pigs of 58., per lot, or be disqualified from exhibiting in future, unless the non-exhibition of such Stock be caused by the death of the animal or animals, contagious disease, or unavoidable injury. 4. All Animals intended for exhibition must be brought to the Show-yard on Monday the 30th day of May, between the hours of 10 in the morning and 7 in the evening, and between 7 in the morning and 2 in the afternoon of Tuesday the 31st day of May, OTHERWISE THEY WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. The cloth ticket, which will be sent by the Secretary, must be properly tied on each animal before it is brought to the gate; and the admission order, which will be also sent by the Secretary, for stock properly entered, must be delivered to the gatekeeper of the yard by the person who brings the stock for admission. 5. All Bulls must have a ring or clamp attached to their nose, and all other cattle be properly secured to the satisfaction of the Director and Stewards, on being brought to the gate of the yard, or THEY WILL NOT BE ADMITTED. 6. All Servants in charge of Stock, and all Stock brought into the Showyard, will be subject to the Orders, Regulations, and Rules of the Director and Stewards of the Cattle-yard. Bona-fide Servants only in charge will be allowed to enter the Show-yard with their Stock. 7. All Stock must remain in the Show-yard until after Two o'clock in the afternoon of Friday the 3rd day of June, and as much longer as the Director may deem necessary. The delivery order, filled up and signed by the Exhibitor or his agent, must be delivered up to the gatekeeper :-no Stock can be removed without it. NOTE. Hay, straw, and green food will be provided for the stock whilst in the yard free of expense. Aug. 28th, 1858. By order of the Council, 2, Wood Street, Bath. Prizes offered AT THE MEETING OF 1859, TO BE HELD AT THE TOWN OF BARNSTAPLE, ON THE 1ST, 2ND, AND 3RD DAYS OF JUNE. Class Prizes for Poultry and Pigeons. POULTRY. SPANISH. 1.-For the best Cock and two Hens. A Chased Silver Cup, value 400 Second Prize 2. For the best Cock and two Hens £. s. d. 100 : 0 100 A Chased Silver Cup. 100 : 0 100 A Chased Silver Cup. 100 : : 0 100 COCHIN-CHINA (CINNAMON, BUFF, OR LEMON). COCHIN-CHINA (BROWN, PARTRIDGE, AND GROUSE, WHITE OR BLACK). GAME (WHITE AND PILES, BLACKS AND BRASSY-WINGED). 5. For the best Cock and two Hens GAME (BLACK-BREASTED AND OTHER REDS). 6. For the best Cock and two Hens GAME (DUCKWINGS AND OTHER GREYS AND BLUES). 7.-For the best Cock and two Hens Second Prize 0 10 0 Third Prize HAMBURGH (GOLDEN AND SILVER PENCILLED). 9. For the best Cock and two Hens Second Prize Third Prize :: : A Chased Silver Cup. 100 0 10 0 : HAMBURGH (GOLDEN AND SILVER SPANGLED). 10. For the best Cock and two Hens : A Chased Silver Cup. POLANDS (BLACK, WITH WHITE CRESTS). 11. For the best Cock and two Hens Second Prize Third Prize A Chased Silver Cup. 100 0 10 0 One Male and Two Females to be Exhibited in each Class of Chickens. *14. For the best Cock and two Hens Second Prize : : : A Chased Silver Cup. 100 0 10 0 : DORKING CHICKENS (OF ANY VARIETY). *15. For the best Cock and two Hens : A Chased Silver Cup. 100 0 10 0 GAME CHICKENS (OF ANY VARIETY). *16. For the best Cock and two Hens : A Chased Silver Cup. Second Prize : : 100 0 10 0 Class * A Prize of 11. will be given to the best Pen of Chickens shown in these classes, considered entirely with regard to table purposes. Cross-bred birds competing for this prize must have their origin stated. Absence of offal, whiteness of skin and fat, early maturity and size, will be chiefly considered. |