A handsome Chased Silver Cup will be given to the Exhibitor who obtains the greatest number of Prizes, and the Society's Medal to the second on the Prize List. CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS. ALL Exhibitors will be required to pay for coops, food, attendance, &c., as follows: The above fees include the free delivery of all birds to and from the Showyard to the railway station, but all carriage must be pre-paid to the Barnstaple station. As it sometimes happens that carriage cannot be paid through, the Secretary must be advised of the fact, otherwise the birds will not be received. All Certificates of entry must be forwarded to Mr. John Kingsbury, Honorary Secretary, 10, Hammet Street, Taunton, together with the amount of fees chargeable at the above rates, on or before the 1st of May, 1859, on printed blank forms, which will be furnished by him on application. Exhibitors must state the price, breed, and age (if possible), calculated up to the day of exhibition, of their specimens, on their certificates; and all birds competing for any chicken's prize must have their exact ages entered thereon. And a sale must take place if the price be offered through the Secretary. High condition, quality, beauty of plumage, purity of race, and uniformity in the markings, combs, and other characteristics, will, in all the classes for Fowl, be taken into consideration by the Judges in a greater degree than mere weight without these distinctions, if the more perfect specimens are at the same time of a fair average size. All specimens must be bonâ fide the property of the Exhibitor; the discovery of any wilful misstatement will exclude the Exhibitor from all future Exhibitions. The Judges will be empowered to withhold any prize where specimens are not considered of sufficient merit, or have been clipped, drawn, or trimmed. The Poultry department will be subject to the rules and regulations of the Steward. The Society's Bronze Medals will be given, if desired, in lieu of Second Money Prizes. The Great Western Railway Company, Bristol and Exeter Railway Company, North and South Devon Railway Company, and Midland Counties Railway Company, have consented to take birds to and from the Exhibition at half the usual rates of charge. No charge will be made for conveyance from the Railway to the place of exhibition. All the specimens intended for exhibition must be at the Show-yard before 10 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday the 31st of May, otherwise they will not be admitted; and no specimen can be removed before 4 o'clock P.M. on Friday the 3rd of June. All Eggs laid will be destroyed. It is particularly desired that no birds be sent unless in a perfectly healthy condition. All birds to which prices have been affixed may be claimed at the price ! put upon them after 3 o'clock on the first day. Application to be made at the Secretary's office, where all sales must be effected, and payment made when the birds are claimed. Exhibitors are particularly requested carefully to examine the Prize Lists and Regulations of the Show, in order to avoid errors in making their entries. It must also be understood that no alteration can be made in the prices as stated on the certificates, and set forth in the Catalogue; that the specimens must be sold in pens, and not divided; and that the persons who have the management of the sales cannot take charge of fowl which are disposed of privately. Attention to these regulations will greatly facilitate the business of the Show, and prevent errors in the accounts, and in the despatch of the specimens at the close. The Steward pledges himself to take every care of the Poultry forwarded for competition, but will not in any case be responsible for any unforeseen accident, loss, or mistake that may possibly occur. In case of the death of any Poultry during the time of exhibition, the bird or birds so lost will be sent back for the inspection of the Exhibitor. A charge of 10 per cent. will be made for all birds sold. All parties applying to the Secretary for Certificates to enclose a postage stamp. All birds purchased must pay full railway fare from the show. Catalogues will be sent when the party applying encloses 8 postage stamps. The Steward will feel particularly obliged by intending Exhibitors applying, at as early a period as they can with convenience do so, for their Certificates, and returning the same. ! Steward of the Department. JOHN KINGSBURY, Hammet Street, Taunton. GENERAL REGULATIONS FOR THE EXHIBITION AT BARNSTAPLE, COMMENCING ON MAY 30TH, 1859; SO FAR AS RELATES TO AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ARTS, AND MANUFACTURES. 1. No Implement, Machine, Work of Art, or other Article, will be admitted for Exhibition or appear in the Catalogue unless the notice of entry and specification thereof, duly filled up in duplicate, be delivered to the Secretary, and the fees thereon paid, on or before the 1st day of April, 1859. N.B. Forms of notice and specification may be had of the Secretary, Mr. 2. The notice must state the amount of the Shed-room required by the Exhibitor, and in calculating such amount Exhibitors will take notice that the Society's ordinary sheds are 20 feet wide and 7 feet high at the eaves. 3. Exhibitors will be required to pay to the Secretary on or before the 1st day of April, 1859, for the ordinary Shed-room required by them, at the rate of 2s. per foot run. 4. No Exhibitor will be allowed to exhibit any article outside his shed-room, except by special permission of the Stewards, in which case he will be required to pay 6d. per square yard for all ground so occupied. 5. Special Shedding open at both ends of sufficient height for Threshing-Machines, 20 feet in width, and in compartments of 14 feet each in length of frontage, will be provided for Exhibitors desiring special Shedding for Machinery in motion, or any other purpose, and giving notice thereof, and a charge will be made of 31. 10s. for each of such compartments, the same to be paid on or before the 1st day of April, 1859. Exhibitors will be allowed to use sufficient space pace outside such compartments for driving their machinery free of charge. 6. Enclosed Shedding for the Exhibition of Works of Art and Industry will be provided for Exhibitors giving notice of their requirements, and paying for the same at the rate of 3s. 6d. per foot run, of a width of 20 feet, on or before the 1st day of April, 1859. Such enclosed sheds will have boarded sides and will be covered with canvas of the best quality. 7. Ground will be appropriated to Exhibitors desirous of erecting buildings for working Machinery, on their giving notice to the Secretary of their requirements, and paying for the ground occupied at the rate of 6d. per square yard, on or before the 1st day of April, 1859. 8. Exhibitors who shall enter Machines, Implements, Works of Art or Industry, and fail to exhibit the same, shall pay to the Secretary, Mr. Henry St. John Maule, a fine of 24 per cent. on the value of the same, as stated in the specification, up to the value of 100l., and 1 per cent. for any value exceeding 100l., unless it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the Stewards that such failure was caused by inevitable accident. 9. The yard will be open for the reception of articles intended for exhibition from 7 A.M. to 6 P.M. on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, the 26th, 27th, and 28th days of May, 1859, and not afterwards. 10. Every article when presented at the gate of the Show-yard must have on some conspicuous part of it a ticket bearing in legible characters the name of the Exhibitor and the number of his stand, which he will receive on application to the Secretary. Articles not so ticketed will be refused admission. 11. All articles must be arranged in the stands in the order in which they are placed in the specification, observing that the numbers must run in the same direction as those of the stands themselves. 12. No article will be allowed to be painted or varnished in the yard on pain of forfeiture; and any on which the paint is wet when presented at the gate will be refused admittance. 13. The Council of the Society will not be responsible for the safe keeping of any article exhibited, and will require Exhibitors to take charge of their own property, and will provide the servants of exhibitors with badges, which they will be required to wear, and which alone will entitle them to admission to the yard. 14. Exhibitors will provide all necessaries for exhibiting their machines in motion, and they will be permitted to bring into the yard hay, straw, corn, turnips, &c., for the purpose of exhibiting their implements in work under such regulations as shall be made by the Stewards. N.B. Arrangements will be made for enabling Exhibitors to supply themselves with corn in the straw, coal, and other necessaries, at moderate prices, provided they give notice, on or before the 1st April, 1859, of the quantities required, and give their orders in writing during the Exhibition. 15. Land and crops will be provided for the exhibition of Field Implements in work free of charge, under such limitations and arrangements as shall be determined by the Stewards. |