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" ... reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of opposite or discordant qualities: of sameness, with difference; of the general, with the concrete; the idea, with the image; the individual, with the representative; the sense of novelty and freshness,... "
Journal of the Bath and West of England Society for the Encouragement of ... - Page 248
de Bath and West of England Society - 1859
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Biographia Literaria: Or, Biographical Sketches of My Literary ..., Volume 2

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1817 - 326 pages
...and retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, controul (laxis effertur habenis) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of...sameness, with difference ; of the general, with the contt crete ; the idea, with the image ; the individual, with the representative ; the seuse of novelty...
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Biographia Literaria: Or, Biographical Sketches of My ..., Volumes 1 à 2

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1834 - 360 pages
...retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, controul, (laxis effertur habenis,) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of...with the concrete ; the idea, with the image; the individual, with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects...
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Biographia Literaria: Or, Biographical Sketches of My Literary Life and Opinions

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1834 - 368 pages
...retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, controul, (luxis tfferiur habenis,) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of...with the concrete ; the idea, with the image ; the individual, with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects...
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The Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Prose and Verse: Complete in One Volume

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1840 - 582 pages
...and retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, control, [laxis efertur hit/Kin'-, ess. ™» deem my zeal or factions or mistimed ;...them, "T», playing tricks with conscience, dare not individual, with the representative; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects...
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The Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: Prose and Verse

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1845 - 582 pages
...and relamed under their irremissive, though pintle and unnoticed, control, [Iaxis effertur Ao6eni>.) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of opposite or discordant qualities ; of samencFs. with difference; of the general, with the concrete; the idea, with tho image; the individual,...
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Biographia Literaria; Or, Biographical Sketches of My Literary ..., Volume 2

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1847 - 382 pages
...gentle and unnoticed, control, laxis ejfertur habenis, reveals itself in the balance or reconcilement of opposite or discordant qualities ; of sameness,...with the concrete ; the idea with the image ; the individual with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness with old and familiar objects...
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Biographia Literaria; Or, Biographical Sketches of My Literary ..., Volume 2

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1847 - 380 pages
...the balance or reconcileSment of opposite or discordant qualities ; o_fsameness, with differ, ence ; of the general with the concrete ; the idea with the image ; the individual with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness with old and familiar objects...
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The American Whig Review, Volumes 7 à 8

1848 - 1390 pages
...retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, control, <la.i:is effertur habtnu,) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of...with the concrete ; the idea, with the image ; the individual, with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects...
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The American Whig Review, Volume 1 ;Volume 7

1848 - 724 pages
...retained under their irremissive, though gentle and unnoticed, control, (¿axis effertur habenis,) reveals itself in the balance or reconciliation of...with the concrete ; the idea, with the image ; the individual, with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness, with old and familiar objects...
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Biographia Literaria; Or, Biographical Sketches of My Literary ..., Volume 2

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1848 - 378 pages
...gentle and unnoticed, control, laxis effertur habenis, reveals itself in the balance or reconcilement of opposite or discordant qualities ; of sameness,...with the concrete ; the idea with the image ; the individual with the representative ; the sense of novelty and freshness with old and familiar objects...
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