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should depart from iniquity. To wha end should fuch be comprehended in this exhortation of his? To no purpose at all: for the more an erroneous perfon or a deceiver of Souls shal back his errors with a life that is morally good, the more mischievous, dangerous, and damnable is that man and his delusions; wherefore fuch a one is not concerned in this exhortation.

4. There is a naming of the name of Chrift magically, and after the ... manner of Exorcifm, or conjuration as we read in the Acts of the Apostles. Ats 19. The vagabond Jews, the exorcists there say, We adjure you by Felus whom Paul preacheth. Thus they called over them that had evil spirits, the name of the Lord Jesus. But what if these should cloth this their devilish art and devilish way of using or naming of the name of the Lord Jesus, with departing from iniquity so, as to commend their whole life to byestanders for fuch as is morally good: what advantage would Chrift, or Paul, or the Gospel get thereby? verily none at all, but rather dammage and reproach: as will foon ap

13,14, 15.


pear to any mans reason, if it be confidered that goodness of life joyned to badness of principles, is like the Devil clothed in white, or Satan transformed into an Angel of light. And Paul was grieved in his Spirit when the wench that had a spirit of divination did acknowledg him to be

the servant of the most high God, for he knew it would nothing further or help forward the Lords design, but be rather an hindrance thereto. For when Witches and Devils come once to commend, or make use of the name of Christ, Chrift and Paul like it not; therefore Pauls exhortation which here we are presented with by the Text, is not extended to any of the four forts aforenamed, but,

if First, To those upon whom his Acts 15. mame is called, they should depart 17. rom iniquity. I fay those whom God sas fo far dignified, as to put the name of Chrift upon them: and I will add, that apply that name to themselves. And the reason is because God is now Ch rloncerned. God has changed thy 26. ?ame from Pagan, to Christian, and ou chusest to call thy felf by that me, faying, I belong to Christ. Now thou

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Chap. 1


1 Pet. 4.



Pla.66. 18.

thou must depart from iniquity, for that notice is taken of thee both by Heaven and Earth, that thou art become a Disciple, and let every one that (fo) nameth the name of Christ, or, that nameth it (being himself by God and himself put under such circumstances as these ) depart from iniquity.

Secondly, It is spoken to those that name the name of Christ either in the publick, or pr i ate, worship of God: being themselves professed worshippers of him: and the reason is, for that the ordinances as well as the name of God is holy, and he will be sanctified in them that come nigh him. He therefore that approacheth the prefence of Christ in prayer, or any other Divine appointment, must take heed of regarding of iniquity in his heart; else the Lord will stop his ears to his prayers, and will shut his eyes, and not take notice of such kind of worship or worshippers.

Thirdly, Those that the Apostle in this place exhorts to depart from iniquity, are such as have taken into themselves the boldness to say, that they are in him, abide in him, and confequently



sequently are made partakers of the benefits that are in him. He that faith he abideth in him, ought himself 1 Joh.2. also to walk even as he walked. And the reason is, because Christ is a y fruitful root, and a free conveyer of sap into the branches; Hence it is written, that the trees of the Pf. 104. Lord are full of fap. So then, e he that nameth the name of Christ by way of applying to himself his fbenefits, and as counting that he is found of God in him, and so abideth, ought himself to walk even as She walked, that he may give proof of what he faith to be true, by bearing forth before men that e similitude of righteousness, that is in his Root and Stem: For fuch as the stock or tree is, such let the branches be, but that cannot be s known but by the fruit: by their Mat. 7. 16.



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5. fruit ye shall know them. So then, he that thus shall name the name of Christ, let him depart from iniqui. ty: Yea, let every such man do

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Fourthly, This exhortation is spo-
ken to them that name Chrift as their

Sovereign Lord and King; let them



Ifa. 33-21. depart frominiquity. The Lord is our judge, the Lord is our Lawgiver, the Lord is our King, he will save us, are great words: and as they cannot be spoken by every one; fo they ought not to be spoken lightly by them that can. Nor may he that claims so high a priviledge, be but obedient, submissive, apt to learn, confcienciously to put in praEtice what he hath learnt of his Judge, his Lawgiver, and his King. Left when some shall hear him fay that Chrift by name is his Lawgiver, and his King (and shall yet observe him to do things evil, and to walk in ways that are not good) they should think evil and speak fo of his King; faying, learnt you this of Chrift your King, or doth your King countenance you in ways that are so bad? Or do you by thus and thus doing, submit to the laws of your King! Yea your King, his name and Gofpel shall bear the burden of the evil, together with the shame thereof, ifthouthat nam. eft the name of Christ, shalt not depart from iniquity.


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