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to see beyond it, and that will shew him more in things that are invisi. 2 Cor. 4. ble, than can be found in fin, were it ten thousand times more intangling than it is. He has need of patience also to hold out in this work of departing from iniquity. For in-, deed to depart from that is to draw my mind off from that, which will follow me with continual folicitations. Samson withstood his Dalilah for a while, but she got the mastery of him at the last; why so ? Judg.16. 6. Because he wanted patience, he 15, 16, 17 grew angry and was vexed, and could withstand her solicitation no longer. Many there be also that can well enough be contented to shut fin out of doors for a while.; but because sin has much fair speech, Pro. 7. 21. therefore it overcomes at last. For fin and iniquity will not be easily faid nay : It is like her of whom you read, she has a Whores fore-head, and refuses to be ashamed. Wherefore departing from iniquity is a work for length, as long as life shall last. A work, did I say? 'tis a War; a continual combate: Wherefore he that

Jer. 3.


Mat. 24.

that will adventure to set upon this work must needs be armed with Faith and Patience, a daily exercise he will find himself put upon, by 13. the continual attempts of iniquity Revel. 3. to be putting forth it felf. This is 10. called an enduring to the end, a continuing in the word of Chrift, and also a keeping of the word of his patience. But what man in the world can do this, whose heart is not seasoned with the love of God, and the love of Christ? Therefore he that will exercise himself in this work, must be often confidering of the love of God to him in Christ: for the more sense, or apprehenfion a man shail have of that, the more eafie and pleasant will this work be to him. Yea, though the doing thereof should cost him his hearts blood. Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes (fays David) and I have walked in thy truth. Nothing 2 3. like the sense, sight or belief of that, to the man of God, to make him

depart from iniquity.


Plal. 261

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But what shall I do, I cannot de

part therefrom as I should?

Keep thine eye upon all thy shortnesses, or upon all thy failures, for that is profitable for thee. 1. The fight of this will make thee base in thine own eyes.

2. It will give thee occasion to fee the need, and excellency of repen


3. It will put thee upon prayer to God for help, and pardon.. det 4. It will make thee weary of this world.

5. It will make grace to perfevere the more defirable in thine Also it will help thee in the things which follow.

1. It will make thee see the need of

Christs righteousness.

2. It will make thee see the need

of Christs interceffion.

3. It will make thee see thy need

of Christs advocateship.

4. It will make thee see the riches

of Gods patience.

5. And twill make Heaven and eternal life the sweeter to thee when thou comest there.






But to the question. Get more grace. For the more grace thou haft, the further is thine heart fet off of iniquity, the more also fet against it, and the better able to depart from it, when it cometh to thee, tempteth thee, and intreats thee for entertainment. Now the way to have more grace, is to have more knowledge of Chrift, and to pray more fervently in his name: also to subject thy foul and thy lufts with all thy power to the authority of that grace thou hast, and to judge and condemn thy self most heartily before God, for every secret inclination that thou findest in thy flesh to fin-ward.

The improvement of what thou hast, is that, as I may say, by which God judges how thou wouldest use, - if thou hadst it, more; and according to that, so shalt thou have, or not have, a farther measure. He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful (and will be so) also in much, and he that is unjust in the least, is (and will be) unjust 10 in mach. I know Christ speaks here about



Luk. 16. the unrighteous Mammon, but the 10,11, 12. fame may be applied also unto the

thing in hand.

And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another mans, who will commit unto you that which is your own? That is a remarkable place to this purpose in the Reve lations. Behold, faith he, I have fet before thee an open door (that thou maieft have what thou wilt, as was also said to the improving Woman Revel.3.8. of Canaan) and no man can shut it: for Mat.15.28 thou hast a little strength, and haft held

fast my word, and haft not denyed my


A good improvement of what we have of the grace of God at present, pleases God, and ingages him to give us more: but an ill improve. ment of what we at present have, Matt. 25. will not do so. To him that bath, 24, 25,26, (that hath an heart to improve what 27,28, 29, he hath) to him shall be given büt

to him that bath not,

from bim

Shall be taken, even that which be
Well weigh the place and

you small find it fo...


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