because in so doing they will con demn themselves and their manner of living in the world: where is that Minister now to be found that 17. dare say to his people, look on me, and walk as you have me for an example? or that dare say, what you fee and hear to be in me, do, and the God of peace shall be with you. Philip. 3. These men had hope, and hope puri chap.4. 9. fied them to an example, till they became patterns to others: Is not this now far off from some professors in the world, are they purified, are they clean that name the name of Christ? are they weaned from that milk, and drawn from the breasts. No, nor their professionis not attended with grace; they name the name of Chrift; well, but they do not depart from iniquity. Leta man believe a lie, and according to the reality of his belief, such will his obedience be; let a man hope for that, for which he hath no ground to hope, yet his hope will work with him according to the power thereof: And yet we have a generation of men that profest the blef sed Gospel, which yieldeth the moft DS Second most substantial ground for faith and hope: yea, we have a company of men that will be naming the name Christ, which is the sweeteft, the most taking, and defirable name that is named among the fons of men, and for all that, this Gospel, this worthy name, nor yet their naming of it, doth make them depart frem diniquity. But whats the reason? why, they have taken up a profession, but want the Grace of Christ; the Faith, the Repentance, the Love and hope of the Gospel. No marvel then, if they abide among the wooden fort of professors: No marvel then, though the iniquity of their heels still follows them, and that it droppeth from them whereever they go. But fo much for the first reason, Why men do name the name of Chrift and yet do not depart from iniquity. Secondly, The second reason, why reafon. some that name the name of Chrift, depart not from iniquity, is, for that, though they reft not in bare notions, as those forementioned, yet they take up as they, Short of the saving grace of God. There are bare no 1 tions, there are common workings, and and there is a work that is saving, and that will do the foul good toi eternity.. : : 1. There are bare notions, and I Thef. r. they that have them, are fuch unto 5. whom the Gospel comes in wor word only; 1 Cor. 4. such whose Religion stands in word 19, 20. only, and is not attended with a power sutable: that is, there goeth not along with the word, a power sufficient to fubdue, and work over the heart to a cordial, and gracious close with that word that comes tonthem. Yet such is the noise, ::. and found of the word that they are willing to become pro fellors thereof'; there is some kind of musicalness init, specially, when well handled and fingered by a skil fuli preacher. Andelo, faith God unto fuch preachers, when their auditory is made up of fuch kind of hearers, is And lo, thou art unto them Ezek. 33. as a very tovely Song (or as one that 30, 31,320 fings a Song of Loves) of one that hath a pleasant voide, and can play い well on an instrument: For they bean. thy mordsibut they do them not. Heb. 6. 4. *King.31. 2. But then, besides these, there is another fort, and they go further than these. For to them the word came, not in word only, but also in power: though not in that or in fuck a power, as is sufficient, absolutely against all atempts whatsoever, to bring the foul to glory. Of these we read in several places; to wit, that they have tasted of the powers of the world to come; but not so as to bring them safe to glory. Yet thus far they go. 1. They attain light or illumination, to see much of their state by nature with. 2. This light standeth not in bare 27,28,29. speculation, but lets fall upon the conscience, convincing arguments to the bowing and humbling of the spirit. 3. They submit to these convicti ons, and reform, and may for a time, not only come out from them that live in error, but escape the pollu18,19,20. tions of the world, by the knowlege of our Lord and Saviour Jefus 2.Pet. 2. Gal. 3.4. Christ... : 4. Yea, so powerful will this difenfation be, that it will prevail with em, to do and suffer many things for for the vindication of the truth of that Gospel which they profess. For 1. The word will be sweet unto them. 2. Christ, the gift of God, will Heb.6.4.5 be relished by them. 重 3. The powers of the world to come will be in them. 4. Some workings of the Holy Ghoft will be in them. 5. And joy, which is as oyl to the Luk. 8.13. wheels, will be with their fouls. 2 Pe Pet.2. Thus, I fay, it is with some profeffors, who yet cannot be said to depart from iniquity, that is, for all ado, because the things that now are upon them, abide with them but awhile. For awhile, they believe; Luk. 8.13. they rejoyce in the light for a feafon. Joh. 5.35. So they clean escape from them, who live in error for a little, or awhile; and after that return to their old course, and are again intangled with their inquities and overcome. This is called, A turning with the Dog to his own vomit again, and with the Sow that was washed, to her wallowing in the mire. And fome of these are set forth by this and such like sayings. When the unclean Mar Spirit 43 |