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2 Pet. 2.


Cisterns, that can hold no water. But above all; This, as to this head, is the most amazing place, where 'tis said that the self deceiver makes his self deceiving, his sport: Sporting themselves with their own deceivings. These are a pecple far gone to be sure, that are arrived to such an height of negligence, carelesness, wantonness, and desparateness of spirit, as to take pleasure in, and make a sport of that which will assuredly deceive them forever. But this is the fruit of pro fefling of Chrift, and of not departing from iniquity. The wisdom and judgment of God is such, as to give such over to the sporting of themselves in their own deceiv ings.

Thirdly, Those that religiously name the name of Christ, should depart from iniquity, because of the scandal that will else assuredly come upon Religion, and the things of Religion through them. Upon this head I may begin to write, with a figh; For never more of this kind than now. There is no place where the professors of religion are, that is clean and and free from offence and scandal. Iniquity is so intailed to religion, and baseness of life to the naming of the name of Christ, that one may say of the professors of this age, as 'twas said of them of old, All places are full of vomit and Isa. 28. 8. filthiness, so that there is no place clean. Where are they even amongst those that strive for the rule, that mind it at all, when it pinches upon their lufts, their pride, avarice and wantonness? Are not, now adays, the bulk of professors like those that strive at a Gnat and swallow a Ca- Mat. 23 mel? Yea, do not professors teach 24. the wicked ones to be wicked? Ah! Jer. 2.33

Lord God, this is a lamentation, and will be for a lamentation. What a fore disease is now got into the Church of God, that the Generality of profeffors should walk with scandal!

No fashion, no vanity, no pro fuseness, and yet no niggardliness but is found among profeffors. They pinch the poor and nip from them their due, to maintain their own pride and vanity. I shall not need to instance particulars, for from the Rich to the Poor, from the



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Ezek. 20.


Pastor to the People, from the Master to his Man, and from the Mistress to her Maiden, all are guilty of scandal, and of reproaching, by their lives, the name of the Lord. For they profess, and name that worthy name of Christ, but are not, as they should, departed from iniquity.

1. Hence the name of God is polluted and reproached even till God is weary and cries out, pollute ye my name no more with your gifts, and with your Idols. Odo not pollute my name, says God: Rather leave *off profession, and go every one to his wickedness. Tell the world, if you will not depart from iniquity, that Christ and you are parted, and that you have left him, to be imbraced by them to whom iniquity is an abomination. 'Twould far better secure the name of God from scandal and reproach, than for you to name the name of Christ, and yet not to depart from iniquity. Then, though you fin as now you do, the poor world would not cry out, Ay ! this is your Religion! Then they

would not have occasion to vilifie re

lizion, ligion, because of you; since you tell them that Chrift and you are parted.: But,...

2. If you will not leave off to name the name of Chrift, nor yet. depart from iniquity, you also scandal the fincere profeffors of Reli gion; and that is a grievous thing. There are a people in the world that have made it their businessever since they knew Christ, to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of flesh and spirit, and that de fire to perfect holiness in the fear of God: and you scandalous professors mixing your selves with them, 2 Pet.2. make their gold look dim, You are spots 13. and blemishes to them; you are an Jud. 12. evil mixing it self with their good, and a scandal to their holy profef sion. They are you that make the heart of therighteous sad, whom God would not have sad. They are you ✓ that offend his little ones. O!the Millstone that God will shortly hang about your necks, when the time is come that you must be downed in the Sea, and Deluge of Gods wrath.


3. If you will not leave off to name the name of Christ, nor yet depart from iniquity; you continue to extend your scandal also to the word and doctrine of God. They that name the name of Jesus religioufly, shouldso carry it in the world, that they might adorn the doctrin of God their Saviour: but thou that professest, and yet departest not from iniquity; thou causest the name and doctrine which thou professest, to be 1 Tim.6. blafphemed, and reproached by the men of this world; and that is a fad Tit.2.5, thing, a thing that will bring fo



heavy a load upon thee, when God | shall open thine eyes (and he will open them either here or in hell-fire, that thou wilt repent it with great bitterness of foul. The Lord smite thee to the making of thee sensible to thy shame, and converfion, if it be his blessed will. Amen. But, 4. If thou wilt not leave off to i name the name of Chrift, nor yet depart from iniquity, thou wilt bring reproach, fcorn and contempt upon thy self. For fin is a Prov. 14. reproach to any people. 1. These are they that God will hold in great





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