The American Travellers' Guides: Hand-books for Travellers in Europe and the East, Being a Guide Through Great Britain and Ireland, France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Tyrol, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Russia, Spain, and Portugal, Volume 1 ;Volume 17,Partie 1 ;Volume 18,Partie 1

Fetridge & Company, 1879

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Expressions et termes fréquents

Fréquemment cités

Page 13 - I will support, protect, and defend the Constitution and Government of the United States, against all enemies, whether domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, allegiance, and loyalty to the same, any ordinance, resolution, or law of any State, Convention, or Legislature, to the contrary notwithstanding...
Page 148 - Linlithgow with hay, and he had been ordered by the English governor to furnish some cart-loads, of which they were in want. He promised to bring it accordingly ; but the night before he drove the hay to the castle, he stationed a party of his friends, as well armed as possible. near the entrance, where they could not be seen by the garrison, and gave them directions that they should come to his assistance as soon as they should hear his signal, which was to be, — -"Call all, call all!
Page 502 - Rubens appears to have had that confidence in himself, which it is necessary for every artist to assume, when he has finished his studies, and may venture in some measure to throw aside the fetters of authority ; to consider the rules as subject to his control, and not himself subject to the rules ; to risk and to dare extraordinary attempts without a guide, abandoning himself to his own sensations, and depending upon them.
Page 212 - And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Page 148 - ... from being closed. The portcullis was also let fall, but the grating was caught on the cart, and so could not drop to the ground. The men who were in ambush near the gate, hearing the cry, "Call all, call all, "ran to assist those who had leaped out from amongst the hay ; the castle was taken, and all the Englishmen killed or made prisoners. King Robert rewarded Binnock by bestowing on him an estate, which his posterity long afterwards enjoyed.
Page 9 - ... gazed at among a foreign people. None want an excuse : if rich, they go to enjoy; if poor, to retrench ; if sick, to recover ; if studious, to learn ; if learned, to relax from their studies.
Page 158 - ... and stables, partly ruinous, and closed on the landward front by a low embattled wall, while the remaining side of the quadrangle was occupied by the tower itself, which, tall and narrow, and built of a greyish stone, stood glimmering in the moonlight, like the sheeted spectre of some huge giant.
Page 502 - The works of Rubens have that peculiar property always attendant on genius, to attract attention, and enforce admiration in spite of all their faults. It is owing to this fascinating power that the performances of those painters with which he is surrounded, though they have perhaps fewer defects, yet appear spiritless, tame, and insipid ; such as the altar-pieces of Crayer, Schut, Segers, Huysum, Tyssens, Van Balen, and the rest.
Page 502 - ... contribute to awaken and keep alive the attention of the spectator ; awaken in him, in some measure, correspondent sensations, and make him feel a degree of that enthusiasm with which the painter was carried away. To this we may add the complete uniformity in all the parts of the work, so that the whole seems to be conducted, and grow out of one mind : every thing is of a piece, and fits its place.
Page 9 - And yet, notwithstanding all this, and a pistol tinder-box which was moreover filched from me at Sienna, and twice that I paid five Pauls for two hard eggs, once at...

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