4.-The Cake, and other Tales, from the German. London, Dublin, and Derby: Richardson and Son, 1849.
5.- The Downfall of a Teetotaler. Richardson and Son, 1849.
London, Dublin, and Derby:
We have classed together these interesting and instructive little books, as a gratifying evidence that the taste for useful Catholic literature, even in its lighter branches, is steadily progressing upon both sides of the Atlantic. Some of them are old acquaintances under a new form; but intended, as they all are, for the instruction and amusement of youth, they are all equally deserving of a cordial welcome.
XIII.-The Primacy of the Apostolic See PATRICK KENRICK, Bishop of Philadelphia. York: E. Dunigan and Brother, 1848. London, Dublin, and Derby.
Vindicated, by FRANCIS Third edition. New Richardson and Son,
We are happy to see a new edition of Dr. Kenrick's well-known work on the supremacy of the Pope. We recommend it to all our readers as an admirable exposition and defence of the rights, privileges, and conduct of the Holy See; and most especially we recommend it to those who rest not on that chosen rock, and yet are seeking to build the Church; who are cut off from that true vine, and yet think to draw from it its heavenly nourishment. In very truth, the mere sight of that glorious tree of life, full of vigour and heavenly energy, standing alone amidst the dead and withered branches that cumber the ground around it, ought to be of itself convincing. But when it is backed by the overwhelming mass of evidence which this book furnishes, it must be hard indeed for the earnest Christian any longer to be blinded to the truth. Dr. Kenrick's work takes in all the points of interest in which the primacy can be viewed; and the advantage of the present edition is, that it classifies them under three distinct heads. The Spiritual Supremacy, the Secular Relations, and the Literary and Moral Influence of the Holy See, are separately and fully treated, and nothing seems to be wanting to make the work a complete exposition of this important subject.
XIV. The Child's Manual of Prayer. London: Dolman, 1849. Contains, besides new devotions for Mass and the Sacraments, some beautiful reflections on the virtues of childhood, and prayers for various intentions.
Acton, Cardinal, 363. Alexander, consecrated Bishop of Magara by Dr. • Joseph, 183.
Alison, Mr., his History of Europe, 65.
Allies, Rev. Mr., 241-his Travels, 243-incon- sistency of his declarations and writings, 244 -his assisting at Mass, 245-his opinions of the Church of England, 246-concerning Ca- tholic doctrines, 248-his intelligence as a traveller, 250-unjust to the Catholic Church in England, 252-objections in a Protestant sense, 255-address to him by the Addolorata, [262. Army of the Duke of Marlborough, character of, 124, 129.
Assembly, national, of Germany, its convocation, 488.
Association, conservative, in Germany, 513. Ath, Siege of, 118.
Austria, grounds of hope for its regeneration, 485-claims the supremacy in the German confederation, 505-course of the revolution in Austria, 508.
Balmes, l'Abbe Jaques, his work on Protestant- ism and Catholicism Compared, 214-points out the advantages of the Pope's temporal arbitration, 236- investigates the state of Spain, 240,
Baltimore, Lord, charter granted to him, 325.- proclaims liberty of conscience, 327.
Benedict XIV., 344. Bible, translations of, 401.
Bishops of the Church of England, 443-their funerals contrasted with those of Catholic bishops, ibid-contrast between Catholic and Protestant bishops, 444-opinions formed of them by labouring men, 446-classification of Protestant bishops, 447-their intercourse with their clergy, 449-reasons for their selection. 457-their ties to the world, 462
rights claimed by the German bishops at their late council, 492.
Catholic, their zeal, 463-those of the preceding generation, 468- their succession in the Midland District, 470-mode in which they are appointed, 473.
Blenheim, battle of, compared with that of Wa- terloo, 83.
Books, Notices of, 263, 522. Buddha, his titles, 286.
Buenos Ayres, history of its ancient vice-royalty, 39-views entertained by France upon it, ibid --administration of 1821, 40-war it is com- pelled to wage against Brazil, 42-parties formed, 43, 51--state of society there, 52-ad- mirably adapted for Irish emigrants, 58.
Bull of Pope Clement X. 184,
Buscapie, El, supposed by Cervantes 143-reason for its title, 144-its discovery, 145-extract from, 148.
Calvert, Sir George, 324. Calvo, "the brave," 119. Cancelleria, 361.
Cardinals, their occupations and duties, 343- their powers, 350.
Caswall, Mr., his Translation of the Church Hymns, 305, 306-examples, 307.
Cervantes, Miguel de, his life, 137-his charac- ter, 141-his death scene, 142-his newly-dis- covered work, ibid.
Ceylon, erected into a vicariate apostolic, 199.
its natural and traditional wonders, 273 -its identity with the ancient Taprobana, 274 -has its legend of a Siege of Troy, 275-simi- larity of its legends and that of Ireland, 277- worship prevailing there, 289-state of the Catholic Church there, 294-of the Protes- tants, 296
Charles II., King, his death-scene, 406. Church, Catholic, proofs of her unity, 24-its establishment in India, 181-her promotion of charitable institutions, 215-toleration, 217- her doctrine concerning the origin of the civil power, 228-favourable to the development of a sound democracy, 236-her condition in England, 254-what possibility of her making concessions to converts, 257-persecutions endured by her in Ceylon, 294-her present state there, 295-her services for the dead, 441-restrictions by which she was fettered in Austria, 485-would suffer from the supre- macy of Prussia, 504.
of England, her present condition, 258- how far in communion with the Greek Church, 379.
Church and State, their separation decreed in Germany, 494.
Clergy of the Church of England, consequences of their marrying, 459.
Colonies, Greek, their progress, 317-ours com- pared with them, ibid-causes of failure with us, 318-examples, 320.
Commandants of fortified towns, rules for the measure of their resistance, 113.
Commissariat, comparison of Wellington and Marlborough in respect to its management, 131.
Confraternity of the Misericordia, 5. Consistories, public and private, 345. Constitution proposed for Germany, 496-pro- scribes aristocracy, 498-weakens royalty, 499. Contributions, treaties for, 107, 136. Convent of the Pulley, 371.
Convents, Greek, their ignorance of the value of their books, 366-anecdote, ibid-at Souriani, 367-at Meteora, 376-at Mount Athos, 381. Conversion, the martyrdom of the present day, 464.
Converts in King James's time, 420.
Council, national (religious, assembled at Wurz- burg, 491-their pastoral, 492-demands made by it ensured, 493.
Core. Archdeacon, his Life of Marlborough, 64. Cranganore, See of, its establishment, 182-ba- nishment of priests from it by the Dutch, 183. Curzon, Mr., his Visit to the Levant, 365-dis- covers manuscripts at Souriani, 367 - his ascent at Pulley, 371-account of the Holy Sepulchre, 373-of St. Sabba, 374-interview with the Greek Patriarch, 379-visits Mount Athos, 381-discovers books in the Monastery of Caracalla, 383-account of the library of Heron, 384-anecdote, 388-of a bird, 389.
Davies. Mrs. Christian, 107.
Dendermond, siege of 118.
Dataria, 362.
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 152-impossible to de- scribe his theology, 154-its effects, 156-cha- racteristic of his mode of thought and expres- sion, 158-instances, 160-his mysticism, ibid -obscurity of his style, 161-his love of na- ture, 162-his Pantheism, 165-his Essay on Poesy, 168-on Experience, ibid-on Charac- ter, 169-on Manners, 170-on Politics, ibid- the Nominalist and Realist, 171-on the New England Reformers, 172-his style, 175-his poetry, 176.
Figuerado, Raphael, Vicar Apostolic of Mala- bar, 185.
France, reaction there of public feeling, 515. Freyja, 284.
Gardiner, Colonel, 129.
Germany, constitution of the empire, 501-rea- sons for entertaining hope of its future, 514,
Goa, Archbishop of, his power limited to the Portuguese dominions. 185-a new schismati- cal archbishop appointed, 200-archbishop appointed by agreement between Rome and the government of Portugal 203-becomes im- mediately a schismatic, 204.
Government, civil, 228-its limits, 229.
Gregory XVI., Pope, progress of Catholicism under him, 180-in the peninsula of India, ibid-suppresses the four sees of Cranganore, Cochin, Meliapore, and Malacca, 202.
Hospitals, foundling, 7. Ho uses of refuge, 9. Huddleston, the Rev. Mr., 414.
Hymns, 300 of the Divine Offices lose some- times by being separated, 304-merit of Mr. Caswall's collection, 305-difficulty of transla- tion, ibid-Dies Iræ, 307-Stabat Mater, 308 -Veni Sancte, 310-Lauda Sion, 311-to St. Hermenegild, 313-for Friday in Lent, 314- Ave Maris, 314.
Innocent XII, Pope, negotiates with the Dutch government, and appoints a Vicar Apostolic of Malabar, 186-supported by the Portuguese government, ibid.
Inquisition, its origin and character, 218-mode of doing business, 346.
James II., falsehood of Macaulay's charges against him, 404, 440.
Jesuits, character of the society by Macaulay, 433.
Jomini, on the seven years' war, 62, 66-opinion concerning the battle of Lissa, 82-his opinion of Frederick, 89.
Kenrick, Dr., 348.
Kaloyeri, 381.
Lediard, his account of the reformation of Marl- borough's army, 123.
Legends, similarity between those of different nations, 278-traditions of Christianity they contain, 285-of the fall of angels, 288-legend of snakes, 299.
Lloyd, General, his rules on military subjects, 81.
Macaulay, Mr., literary merits of his History,
390-his party spirit, 394-object of his his- tory, 396-his bad opinion of the Catholic re- ligion, 397-favourable testimony upon some points, 398-his exaggerations, 402- false- hoods against King James, 404-against Hud- dleston, 414-his manifest partiality, 415- injustice to Mary of Modena, 418-harshness to the memory of Dryden, 427-his character of the Jesuits, 433-of the Irish, 434-insuffi- ciency of his authorities, ibid-his character of the clergy, 435.
Manoel, Fre, protests against the authority of the Pope's Vicar Apostolic, 189-his death, 198. Marlborough, Duke of, 62-opinion of foreigners concerning him, 63-Napoleon's opinion con- cerning him, 67-comparison of Wellington with him, 67, 68-his difficulties, 68, 77-his personal qualifications, 69-slander against him, 70-his campaign of 1702, 72-his dex- terous management to carry out his campaign on the Danube, 74-comparison of that march with the Italian campaign of 1796, 76-whe- ther great in strategies as in tactics, 84-plun- dering the Bavarians, 97-taking of Treves, 100-exacts contributions in the country of Laleu, 104-devastations after the battle of Oudenarde, 105-breaks the lines of Vauban, 113-description of his character and camp, 122, 129-how much beloved by his soldiers, 133.
Mary of Modena, 418. Mary, Queen, 415.
Mushorea, association of the, 52. Menin, Siege of, 117, 118. Meteora, scenery of, 376. Metternich, Prince, 508. Mihindo, 281.
Milner, Dr. 470-circumstances of his episco- pacy, 472-his appointment of Bishop Walsh, 474.
Missions of the Protestants in Ceylon, 296. Monks, Abyssinian, at Souriani, 369- their
library, 371-mode of writing, ibid.
Monte Video, town of, its importance and length of its resistance, 36-assistance rendered to it, 55.
Napoleon, his instructions to commandants of towns. 113.
O'Connor, Dr., appointed Vicar Apostolic of Madras, 188-is opposed by the clergy, 193-- letter received by him from Fre Manoel, 196 -his authority protested against by the clergy, 198.
Offices of the Church, 302. Orders, Religious, 223.
Ordination in the Church of England, 451- scene of an ordination, 454-preparation for ordination in the Catholic Church, 462.
Oudenarde, battle of, 105.
Pantheism, 482. Parliament of Berlin, 512.
of Frankfort, its proceedings, 495-
what degree of power to be allowed to the central parliament, 501-confers the supre- macy on Prussia, 506.
Patriarch, Greek, 379. Penn, William, 331.
Pius IX., Pope, letter of to the Right Reverend Bishop Whelan, 212.
Plate, River, affairs of, 34.
Rome, 182-their falling away from the faith, 182.
Toleration, religious, practised by the Catholic Church, 217.
Tribunals in Rome, 360. Troy, legend of the seige of, in Ceylon, 275.
Popes, their mode of government, 338-their great labours, 344.
Pridham, Mr., his inaccuracy respecting St. Francis Xavier, 292-his bigotry, 293-his account of the past and present state of the Catholic Church in Ceylon, 294-great merit of his work, 299.
Property, proposed alteration in the law of its descent, 335.
Protestantism has checked and divided the action of the Catholic Church, 216-destroyed the balance of power in the state, 238.
Prussia, king of, his conduct in revolution, 511. -supremacy claimed for it, 503-division of opinions concerning it, 507.
Ross, Miss Thomasina, 142, 148-merits ofer life of Cervantes, 152.
Sacred congregations of the Holy See, 338- what value should be attached to their deci- sions, 341-their mode of doing business, 341 -how composed, 345-Third congregation, 351-of Rites, 352-for extraordinary affairs, 353-for the guardianship of St. Peter's, 353- of Ecclesiastical Immunities, 354-Discipline, 354-examination of Bishops, 354-Index, 355 -books of the oriental church, 356-indulgen- ces and relics, 356-of the Propaganda Fide, 357-for Bishops and regulars, 35).
St. Leger, Dr., first Vicar-Apostolic of Bengal, 188-opposition he met with, 188-confirma- tion of his authority, 191---appeals to the Eng- lish Governor-general, 192.
Savonarola, sketch of his life, 12-his death, 16 and works, 17.
Schism of Portuguese Bishops in Malabar, 186- conduct of Portuguese government in the matter, 199-difficulties of the question, 205, Schools established at Rome, 27. Segreterie, 359.
Singhalese, their character, 287-their worship, 289.
Suffrage, Universal, its results in Germany, 496. Swift, value of his testimony concerning the mo- rality of the army in his day, 125.
Syrian Christians, their conversion to the see of
Unitarians' party in the government of Buenos Ayres, 43-their war with the Federalists, 44 -how they came by the name of 'savage,' 51, Uruguay, Oriental del, its creation as an inde- pendent State, 42.
Vauban does much to promote a war of posi- tions, 110-instructions to defend lines, 112- considers the strong places of his day as ill- defended,
Ventura, Father, his sermon at Rome, 32. Veto, the, 500.
Vicar Apostolic of Malabar, his jurisdiction limited to without the Portuguese dominions, 186-his attention directed to the mischief done in his diocese by Portuguese Priests, 187. Vicariate, Apostolic, erected in Bengal, 188. Apostolic, erected in Madras, 188. Virginia, colony of, 320-its establishment, 320. Visitation, Apostolic, 349.
Vocation to the ecclesiastical state, that of Ca- tholics and Protestants compared, 445-cir- cumstances inducing it in the Church of Eng- land, 452.
Walsh, Bishop, 468-his education, 469-his private character, 471-new era in Catholic affairs under him, 475-turns his attention to beautifying the Church and Church services, 477-his course in respect to the Oxford movement, 478-encouragement of the Re- view, 480.
War, system of, before the French Revolution, 78-whether it is lawful to make war support war, 89-always the practice to do so, 93-in- stances, 94from the Germans, 94-the French, 95-from the Dutch, 96-from the English, 97-change in the opinions concern- ing it, 103-war of positions, 1c9-rules for the defence of fortified towns, 113. Wellington, Duke of, 67-his practice of raising contributions on the inhabitants, 92,
Duke of, his use of entrenched lines, 110-did not obtain the regard of his soldiers, 120-his complaints of his army, 121. Wesleyans, favourable testimony to their mis- sionar.es. 298.
Whately, Archbishop, concerning emigration. 316 Whiteside, Mr., his work on Italy, I-unfair judgment of the people, 3-account of chari- table institutions, 4 of the disposal of the dead, 6-his opinion of the result of charita- ble institutions, 11-numerous mistakes con- cerning Rome, 18-erroneous criticism, 19- authorities upon which he relies for matters of fact, 22-refutation of his opinion that the Catholic Church does not possess unity, 22- his charge against the Church of opposing education disproved, 26-mis-statements con- cerning the wealth of the clergy, 27-absurd reasoning respecting miracles, 28-testimony in favour of the Church, 30-mistakes con- cerning the government of Rome, 30.
Xenophon, library at the convent of, 385.
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