II-1. Le General Rosas et la Question de la Plata, par
M. Chevalier de Saint Robert. (General Rosas and
the Question of the River Plate. By M. Chevalier
de Saint Robert) Paris, 1848.
2. Protocolo de la Negociacion de Paz, promovida
por los SS. Ministros Plenipotenciarios de los
gobiernos interventores, iniciado el 21 de Marzo
y terminado el 8 de Junio de 1848. Publicacion
Official, (Protocol of the Negotiation for Peace,
promoted by the Ministers Plenipotentiary of the
mediating Governments, commenced on the 21st
of March, and ended on the 8th of June, 1848.
Official publication.) Monte Video, 1848.
3. La Gaceta Mercantil. (The Mercantile Gazette)
newspaper, published at Buenos Ayres.
4. El Conservador. (The Conservator) newspaper,
published at Monte Video.
5. Monte Video, Buenos Ayres, and the River Plate:
Correspondence with the British Government rela-
tive to the war between Buenos Ayres and Monte
Video, and the Free Navigation of the River
Plate, with an Appendix, detailing some of the
acts committed by Rosas, Governor of Buenos
Ayres. By GENERAL O'BRIEN. London: Reynell
and Weight, 1845.
6. Observations on the present state of the affairs of
the River Plate. By THOMAS BAINES, Liverpool.
Liverpool Times Office, 1845.
7. An Account, Historical, Political, and Statistical,
of the United Provinces of Rio de la Plata, with
an Appendix concerning the Usurpation of Monte
Video, by the Portuguese and Brazilian Govern-
ments. Translated from the Spanish. London:
R. Ackermann, 1825.