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coming year, so as almost to form a substitute, at least for the laity, for the ordinary Catholic Directory.

VII. The Rights of Industry, -Part III. On the Best Form of Relief to the Able-bodied Poor, By G. POULETT SCROPE, M.P., F.R.S. London: James Ridgway, Piccadilly, 1848.

THIS most important subject is here discussed with great clearness and ability, and a conclusion is come to with which we entirely agree. The first point established is, that the applicants for relief should be set to work, not indeed for regular wages, as has been done in France and Ireland, but for ration-pay, for their necessary support. It is next shown that out-door productive labour is to be preferred to the stone-breaking system; first, because it is productive; secondly, because it is not so offensive and demoralizing to the honest poor man as that which is useless, and resembles the penal tasks of criminals; thirdly, by the saving it effects to the rate-payers, it rather improves than lessens demand; and fourthly, it has been shown to be as good a test of pauperism as the workhouse itself, while it is free from its most serious disadvantages. The writer then passes to the consideration of the best form of out-door work, and premising that it must all be, not for private, but for public benefit, proposes three plans: First, road-making, or public works, under the regulation of a Union Board of Works. Secondly, the reclamation of waste land, for the sale of which, acts of parliament might, if necessary, be obtained, as they are for railways; and, lastly, and in case of necessity, colonization. Such is, briefly, the argument of the pamplet; it seems to us to be a right view of a subject upon which the importance of having right views can hardly be too highly estimated, and we should, therefore, be glad to see it widely circulated.

VIII. The True Cure for Ireland; - The Development of her Industry.
Being a letter to the Right Hon. Lord John Russell, M.P., &c., &c.,
By the REV. G. H. STODDART, A. M.
W. Sanders, 6, Charing Cross, 1847.

London: Trelawny;

THIS little pamphlet has, at least, one merit; it is filled, not with complaints, but with remedial suggestions. It advocates a line of policy of which no one can dispute the excellence: to develop the industry and resources of Ireland, rather than to maintain her in miserable idleness. As means towards attaining this end, it recommends: 1. The employment of able-bodied paupers, by the PoorLaw Guardians, upon the lands of such farmers as are unable to cultivate them themselves, the expenses to be repaid by the produce. 2. A plan for a society to make dry peat and peat-charcoal, from the bogs, and to reclaim, at the same time, the sub-soil for cultivation; showing, by statements and estimates, the great probability of demand and profit. To determine upon the merits of such extensive plans, requires great information and experience, but in a necessity that is still so urgent, no plans ought to be rejected, without receiving, at least, an impartial and careful consideration.

ΙΧ. – Ἡ του Αγιε Ιακωβε Λειτεργια. The Greek Liturgy of St. James. Edited, with an English Introduction and Notes, together with a Latin Version of the Syriac Copy, and the Greek Text restored to its Original Purity, and accompanied by a Literal English Translation. By the Rev. W. TROLLOPE, Μ.Α. Pembroke College, Cambridge. 8vo. Edinburgh, H. Clarke, 1848.

THIS is the first of a projected series of liturgical publications, and is intended to be followed 'in quick succession' by the Liturgies of St. Basil and St. Chrysostom, as also the Apostolical Constitutions. We shall reserve for the more advanced stage of the publication some observations on this interesting subject, which we have long contemplated.

For the present it will be enough to say, that the Liturgy of St. James is perhaps the most interesting with which Mr. Trollope could have commenced as a specimen of his intended series. The text is derived substantially from that of Assemanni's Codex Liturgicus, but with continual reference to all the other sources of emendation which the works of more recent critics have supplied. The notes are partly critical, partly polemical. Mr. Trollope is a decided Anglo-catholic, but strongly anti-Roman in his tendencies; and his annotations on all those passages which bear upon transubstantiation, the commemoration of the dead, &c., are coloured by these tendencies. It is fortunate that St. Cyril of Jerusalem has commented upon the very same passages, and, notwithstanding our respect for Mr. Trollope's learning, we believe the student of antiquity will prefer St. Cyril's commentary upon these passages to those of the modern commentator, however learned and ingenious.

Nevertheless, we cannot but receive with great satisfac

tion so interesting an accession to our very limited stock of liturgical literature, and we shall look forward anxiously for the remaining volumes of the series.

X.-Dr. Gauntlett's Three Hundred and Seventy-Three Chants for the Psalms, in four parts. - Three Hundred and Seventy-Three Chants, ancient and modern, set to the Psalms, so that each Psalm has one or more Chants, descriptive of its character and sentiment : the whole arranged in a four part harmony, for voices and organ accompaniment. By HENRY JOHN GAUNTLETT, Mus. Doc. London: Lonsdale, Old Bond Street; and Houlston and Stoneman, Paternoster Row. 1848.

We should consider that this work required only to be known, to command the widest circulation; nor can it fail to be speedily and generally known, for Dr. Gauntlett, setting before him a most desirable object, has pursued that object with such a practical and pains-taking earnestness as ensures its success. The object is to render the singing of the Psalms of David, both in congregations and in families, more easy and acceptable, more suitable in the performance, and more universal. By Catholics, richly furnished as they are in all selections and combinations of Holy Scripture, and in all that the grandeur of human thought, kindled by divine inspiration, has, for eighteen hundred years, been able to contribute to devotional exercise, the want of such a compilation as the present will not be so deeply felt; yet it is one in which they must sympathise; for to us the Psalms cannot be indifferent in any form which leaves them their original sublime simplicity. To protestants they must be all in all; for they contain whatever is flexile, tender, or inspiring in their form of worship; they, therefore, will be delighted to find the chanting of the Psalms recommended with all the eloquence of real love; and all the musical learning which Dr. Gauntlett has brought to bear upon it, made so available and practical, that every congregation in the country, possessing the rudiments of music, may, withont further teaching, instruct themselves from his book. The work is divided into five parts, four of which are counterparts, except so far as that the psalms are set in the four parts of Bass and Treble, Alto and Tenor; these are given in the ordinary clefs and time, suited to ordinary voices, and to a moderate amount of musical knowledge; under the music is given the whole psalm, disposed in the versicles or parallelisms corresponding with each other, which have so often been observed upon, as:

[blocks in formation]

So marked as to show the proper accentuation and division of the words. Each psalm is introduced by a few words explanatory of its spirit and purpose, and each volume is prefaced by an eloquent enforcement of the beauty and value of the psalms as a congregational exercise, and by instructions as to the best method of singing them. The fifth part belongs to the organist, combining the four parts in a full and easy accompaniment. Nothing is wanting which could conduce to the facility and completeness of this devotional exercise, nor has Dr. Gauntlett omitted anything which a protestant could do, to make it a real exercise of the heart and the understanding. We should not fulfil our task did we not add that, in perfect consistency with his pious purpose, the author has made his book so cheap as to be universally accessible; the price is but six shillings for the five volumes of this well executed, well got up, and useful work.

XI.-L'Anima Amante; or, The Soul Loving God. Translated from the Italian of the Very Reverend J. B. PAGANI, Provincial of the Order of Charity in England. London: Burns, 1848.

To those who are acquainted with Dr. Pagani's 'Anima Divota,' it would be more than superfluous to use many words in recommending its companion volume, the 'Anima Amante.' It combines the solidity of a theological treatise with the unction and fervour of a book of devotion, and is at once a most learned and interesting dissertation on the nature, obligation, and motives of the virtue of divine charity, and a most instructive and practical exhortation to its observance.

Indeed, we have seldom met with a book of devotion which more happily unites learning and piety, the loftiest spirituality with the most humble and practical self-discipline, and which appeals so successfully both to the head and to the heart in the enforcement of its lessons of love.

It is almost out of place, in speaking of such a volume, to advert to a matter of so minor importance as its mere material execution. But we cannot omit the opportunity of expressing our admiration of the beauty and accuracy of Mr. Burns's typography, and of the elegance, tastefulness, and perfect appropriateness of the style of decoration which he has introduced in this and his other religious publications.



Abercrombie, Sir Ralph, remonstrance against
Lord Castlereagh, 449.

Act for Health of Towns, 131-constitutes a
Board of Health, 132- beneficial clauses
omitted in it, 135, 137.

Agriculture in Ireland, impossibility of its mak-
ing progress, 296-encouragement of pas-
tures, 300.
Alligators, 81.

Angelico, Fra da Fiesole, 392-his life, ibid-his
works, 393-loss of some of them, 395.
Anne of Austria sent travellers into Siberia, 141
Architecture, how its rise should be represent-
ed, 500.
Art, 386.

Art, Spanish, 477-devoted to the Church, 478
-has never turned from religion, 480-its
peculiarities, 481-produced, or nourished in
holiness the artists, 483-want of a religious
school of, seen in the House of Lords, 504.

Ashes, shower of, 11-13.

Association, Protestant, of Peep-of-day Boys,


Baikal, Lake, 160.

Baini, Abate, Dissertation on Musical Manu-

scripts in Saxon Notation, 373.
Bartolommeo, Fra, his life, 401-and works, ibid
-his meeting with Raffaelle, 403.

Bashkirs, manners of, 149.

Baths, public, advantages of, 130.
Reef, method of boiling, 200-salted, ibid.
Bile. 190, 194.

Bill, Health of Towns, 131-omissions in, 137.
Births, their proportion to deaths, 128.
Bishop of Ghent, his pastoral instruction, 26-
of Tournai, his pastoral seized by the police,
27-of Ghent, his resistance to the king, 28.
Bishops, Belgian, their remonstrances with the
king, 26-their judgment on the new consti-
tution, 27-remonstrances against the king's
new college, 33-refuse to ordain the pupils
from it, 34-steps taken by them to re-estab-
lish a university, 35.

Board, General, of Health, its powers, 133.
Body of man, theory concerning it, 201.
Boodhoo, religion of, 94-temples of, 102.
Books, notices of, 242, 512.

Blackstone, concerning the holders of land, 337.
Broglie, M. de, Bishop of Ghent, his character
and history, 28-prosecution against him by
the court, 29-ignominious manner of his
sentence, 30-his suspension and death, 31-
conduct of his vicars-general, 31.

-its publicity, 268-originated in the mar-
riage of Charles I. with Henrietta Maria, 270
-resume their own dress, 272-their success,
273-similarity of their converts to those of
the present day, 279-their chapel closed on
the departure of the queen, 283.
Carbon, its uses in the system, 195-from what
substances derived, 197.

Castlereagh, Lord, his political acts, 429-natu-
ral qualities, 430-his system of espionnage,
433-his memoirs, 435-involved in the dis-
graceful transactions of the Portland admi-
nistration, 437-various wicked acts, 438-
death and funeral, 439-protection of the
Peep-of-day Boys, ibid-of the Orangemen,
442-money paid by him to spies, 445-his
orders to Sir R. Abercromby, 448-his know-
ledge of the cruelties and tortures practised,
451-Catholics cheated into approving the
Union, 436-Irish cruelties which urged them
to rebellion, 444
- rewards the torturers,

Catholics in Ceylon, 111.
Catholic Church, her effect upon art, 495.
Catholicism, its influence in Ceylon, 110.
Ceylon, works concerning it, 72-description of
the island, 73-vegetation of, 77-salt lakes,
ibid-animals found there, 78-Veddahs, 82
-its population, 82, 92-conduct of the Eng-
lish there, 84-its former history, 87-ruin,
ibid-introduction of Christianity into, 89-
⚫ of the principles of the Reformation, ibid-
Protestant religion there, 103-progress of
the Catholics, 106-language, 113.
Channing, Dr., his life, 407-his first views of
religion, 408-appointed minister, 411-reli-
gious opinions, ibid-political opinions, 419-
private character, 421-became an author,
422-efforts against slavery, 424-anecdote of
him, 426-his style of writing, 427-his death,
428-general character, ibid.

Chant, the Gregorian, universal desire to re-
sume it, 371-efforts to obtain in its purity,

Charlemagne, the Emperor, charged with cruelty
to the Saxons, 355-his conditions of peace
with them, 357-wise government of Saxony,


Cano, Alonzo, a Spanish artist, 490-his death,


Canning, George, disapproved Lord Castle-
reagh's conduct, 437.

Capuchin Friars, their mission in England, 267

China, first appearance of, 161.
Cholera at Ceylon, 111.
Church, Catholic, must seek to improve and
maintain liberty of action, 35, 39.

of England, state of parties in it in King
Charles's time, 275-diversity of opinions
concerning Catholics, 276-union party as
active as at the present day, 277.

Compitum, 464.
Coolies, Malabar, 86.
Cyprian, Father, narrative of the mission of the
Capuchin Friars, 269.

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