The Dublin Review, Partie 2Nicholas Patrick Wiseman Tablet Publishing Company, 1848 |
À l'intérieur du livre
Résultats 1-5 sur 62
Page 25
... holy see , and for its active propagation of the Catholic faith . After the battle of Waterloo , it became one of the first objects of William's government , to lay the basis of a constitution that should embrace the whole of his new ...
... holy see , and for its active propagation of the Catholic faith . After the battle of Waterloo , it became one of the first objects of William's government , to lay the basis of a constitution that should embrace the whole of his new ...
Page 27
... Holy Catholic Church , her laws , her morality , and her discipline , would be in their hands . “ In virtue of the authority entrusted to us by the Church , we solemnly protest against the adoption and the insertion of the forementioned ...
... Holy Catholic Church , her laws , her morality , and her discipline , would be in their hands . “ In virtue of the authority entrusted to us by the Church , we solemnly protest against the adoption and the insertion of the forementioned ...
Page 31
... with the clergy and the Holy See . From this time the king's policy may be observed , step by step , showing its more undisguised hostility to the Catholic Church . In July 1822 , an edict was 1848. ] 31 The University of Louvain .
... with the clergy and the Holy See . From this time the king's policy may be observed , step by step , showing its more undisguised hostility to the Catholic Church . In July 1822 , an edict was 1848. ] 31 The University of Louvain .
Page 47
... Holy Roman Empire , was apparently in a state of perfect repose at the commencement of the present year . It was the abode of the best of emperors , the wisest of politicians of the very Nestor of statesmen - of the greatest diplomatist ...
... Holy Roman Empire , was apparently in a state of perfect repose at the commencement of the present year . It was the abode of the best of emperors , the wisest of politicians of the very Nestor of statesmen - of the greatest diplomatist ...
Page 64
... holy members of the pious order of the Redemptorists . The writer of this article was in Vienna at the time the outrage was perpetrated on the Redemptorists - when their place in the city was taken possession of by the mob , and they ...
... holy members of the pious order of the Redemptorists . The writer of this article was in Vienna at the time the outrage was perpetrated on the Redemptorists - when their place in the city was taken possession of by the mob , and they ...
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ancient animal appeared Austria bile bishops body Boodhist Boodhoo carbonic acid Catholic Ceylon character Christian Church consequence contain cultivated death despotism devotion divine doctrine Döllinger doubt effect emperor empire England English fact faith Father favour feeling flesh Germany Hekla holy humic acid inhabitants instruction interest Ireland island king labour land landlords lava learning Liebig live London Lord Lord Castlereagh manner ment mind missionary mountain nation natives never Nithard nitrogen observed opinion Ostyaks oxygen passed persons plants poor population portion Portuguese present priests Prince Metternich principles Protestant Protestantism reader Reformation regard religion religious revolution Samoyedes sanatory Saxons Siberia Singhalese soil spirit Stellinga supply thing thought tion Tobolsk town travellers United Irishmen vegetable Vienna whilst words writer yurts
Fréquemment cités
Page 155 - BRIGHT star ! would I were steadfast as thou art— Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night. And watching, with eternal lids apart. Like Nature's patient sleepless Eremite, The moving waters at their priestlike task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores...
Page 149 - Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works. My own domestic criticism has given me pain without comparison beyond what " Blackwood" or the "Quarterly" could possibly inflict : and also when I feel I am right, no external praise can give me such a glow as my own solitary reperception and ratification of what is fine.
Page 155 - The moving waters at their priestlike task Of pure ablution round earth's human shores, Or gazing on the new soft fallen mask Of snow upon the mountains and the moors — No — yet still steadfast, still unchangeable, Pillow'd upon my fair Love's ripening breast, To feel for ever its soft fall and swell, Awake for ever in a sweet unrest, Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath, And so live ever — or else swoon to death.
Page 147 - According to my state of mind I am with Achilles shouting in the Trenches, or with Theocritus in the Vales of Sicily. Or I throw my whole being into Troilus, and repeating those lines, 'I wander, like a lost Soul upon the Stygian Banks staying for waftage,' I melt into the air with a voluptuousness so delicate that I am content to be alone.
Page 150 - I could be buried near where she lives ! I am afraid to write to her — to receive a letter from her — to see her handwriting would break my heart — even to hear of her anyhow, to see her name written, would be more than I can bear. My dear Brown, what am I to do ? Where can I look for consolation or ease ? If I had any chance of recovery, this passion would kill me. Indeed, through the whole of my illness, both at your house and at Kentish Town, this fever has never ceased wearing me out.
Page 150 - The silk lining she put in my travelling cap scalds my head. My imagination is horribly vivid about her — I see her— I hear her. There is nothing in the world of sufficient interest to divert me from her a moment.
Page 150 - My dear Brown, I should have had her when I was in health, and I should have remained well.
Page 154 - Even if my body would recover of itself, this would prevent it. The very thing which I want to live most for will be a great occasion of my death. I cannot help it. Who can help it? Were I in health it would make me ill, and how can I bear it in my state? I...
Page 147 - The roaring of the wind is my wife and the Stars through the window pane are my Children. The mighty abstract Idea I have of Beauty in all things stifles the more divided and minute domestic happiness...
Page 148 - As to what you say about my being a Poet, I can return no Answer but by saying that the high Idea I have of poetical fame makes me think I see it towering too high above me. At any rate, I have no right to talk until Endymion is finished...