O N VARIOUS SUBJECTS, BY JACOB DUCHÉ, M. A. RECTOR of CHRIST-CHURCH and AND FORMERLY OF CLARE-HALL, CAMBRIDGE. VOLI. LONDON: PRINTED BY J. PHILLIPS, GEORGE - YARD, And Sold by T. CADELL, in the Strand; H. PAYNE, TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE LADY JULIANA PENN. MADAM, HAVE ever deemed it one of I TH the most favourable circumftances of my life, that your Ladyship condefcended to honour my early youth with your kind countenance and protection. Your amiable character, and exemplary virtues, have always thrown fuch a luftre around you, as could not but enlighten and improve thofe, who came within their influence. This teftimony from me is no more than the just tribute of a grateful heart. a 2 I am 1 I am, therefore, happy in having your Ladyship's permiffion to inscribe to you the following dif courses. You are no ftranger to the sentiments they contain: you love and honour the doctrines they inculcate. The authour intreats to be indulged with a continuance of that regard, which your Ladyfhip hath hitherto fhewn him; and which he hath always held more defirable, in proportion as he hath been better qualified to judge of what is truly honourable and 'eftimable in the intercourfes of focial life. |