Roman Portraits, a Poem, in Heroick Verse; with Historical Remarks and Illustrations: by Robert Jephson, EsqHenry Baldwin, 1794 - 275 pages |
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Roman Portraits, a Poem, in Heroick Verse: With Historical Remarks and ... Robert Jephson Affichage du livre entier - 1794 |
Roman Portraits, a Poem, in Heroick Verse; With Historical Remarks and ... ROBERT. JEPHSON Aucun aperçu disponible - 2018 |
Roman Portraits, a Poem, in Heroick Verse; With Historical Remarks and ... Robert Jephson Aucun aperçu disponible - 2019 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
admirable Æneid ancient Antony arms atque Augustus bade blood boast bold bosom breast Brutus CASS Catiline Cato character charms Cicero Coriolanus crimes cruel cruelty dæmon death DION Dion Cassius display'd emperor Engraved Ennius Epist erat etiam eyes fame favourite fierce FLOR foes form'd France genius Georgicks gladio grace heart heaven honour horrour human Julius Cæsar king laws less liberty Livy lord lov'd LUCAN Mæcenas mankind Marius ment mind Montesquieu muse nature nature's never nihil numbers o'er Octavia once OVID pass'd passions perhaps person Plebeian Plutarch poem poet Pompey Pompey's pride proud publick quæ quam quod rage republick ROBERT JEPHSON Roman Rome Rome's Sallust Scipio SCIPIO AFRICANUS senate shame shews soft soul spirit SUET sword Sylla Tacitus tears Tiberius Tibullus toil tongue Tully Tully's tyrant verse Virgil virtue wise youth δε και μεν ουδε τε τοις
Fréquemment cités
Page 140 - Bene et composite C. Caesar paulo ante in hoc ordine de vita et morte disseruit, credo, falsa existumans quae de inferis memorantur, divorso itinere malos a bonis loca taetra, inculta, foeda atque formidulosa habere. Itaque censuit pecunias eorum publicandas, ipsos per municipia in custodiis habendos...
Page 261 - In the most high and palmy state of Rome, A little ere the mightiest Julius fell, The graves stood tenantless, and the sheeted dead Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets...
Page xxviii - For my own part, I used to think myself in company as much above me, when I was with Mr. Addison and Mr. Pope, as if I had been with all the Princes in Europe.
Page xi - They are such as render negotiation useless, and must entirely deprive of stability any peace which could be concluded in such circumstances. Where is our security for the performance of a treaty where we have neither the good faith of a nation, nor the responsibility of a monarch ? The moment that the mob of Paris becomes under the influence of a new leader, mature deliberations are reversed, the most solemn engagements are retracted, our free will is altogether controlled by force.
Page xiv - The country be shut up, lured by the scent, On church-yards drear (inhuman to relate!) The disappointed prowlers fall, and dig The shrouded body from the grave; o'er which, Mix'd with foul shades, and frighted ghosts, they howl.
Page 131 - Caesar cedere, aitque eum elegantem, splendidam quoque atque etiam magnificam et generosam quodam modo rationem dicendi tenere ; et ad Cornelium Nepotem 2 de eodem ita scripsit : " Quid ? oratorem quem huic antepones eorum, qui nihil aliud egerunt ? Quis sententiis aut acutior aut crebrior ? Quis verbis aut ornatior aut elegantior?
Page x - What could be the effect of any negociation for peace in the present moment ? It is not merely to the character of Marat, with whom we would have to treat, that I object; it is not to the horror of those crimes which have stained their legislators, crimes in every stage rising above another in point of enormity ; but I object to the consequences of that character, to the effect of those crimes.
Page 172 - Triumviratum rei p. constituendae per decem annos administravit ; in quo restitit quidem aliquamdiu collegis ne qua fieret proscriptio, sed inceptam utroque acerbius exercuit. Namque illis in multorum saepe personam per gratiam et preces exorabilibus solus magno opere contendit ne cui parceretur, proscripsitque etiam C. Toranium tutorem suum, eundem collegam patris sui Octavi in...
Page 134 - Phoenissis habebat, quos dicam, ut potero ; incondite fortasse, sed tamen, ut res possit intelligi : " Nam si violandum est jus, regnandi gratia Violandum est : aliis rebus pietatem colas.
Page 27 - ... primum ultimumque illud supplicium apud Romanos exempli parum memoris legum humanarum fuit, in aliis gloriari licet, nulli gentium mitiores placuisse poenas.