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، " Emperor of All the Russias, agree to relinquish in
"favour of His Majesty King George I. each Four
، " thousand Pounds Sterling a Year out of the Sums
"" which the Greek Treasury has engaged to pay annually
"" to each of them, in virtue of the Arrangement con-
“cluded at Athens by the Greek Government, with the
،، Concurrence of the Greek Chambers, in the Month of
، “June 1860:

، " It is expressly understood that these Three Sums,
، " forming a Total of Twelve thousand Pounds Sterling
، " annually, shall be destined to constitute a personal
، "Dotation of His Majesty King George I., in addition
" " to the Civil List fixed by the Law of the State. The
، " Accession of His Majesty to the Hellenic Throne shall
، " not otherwise involve any Change in the financial
، " Engagements which Greece has contracted by Article
، " XII. of the Convention of May 7, 1832, towards the
، " Powers Guarantors of the Loan, nor in the Execution
، " of the Engagement taken by the Hellenic Government

" in the Month of June 1860, upon the Representation ،" of the Three Courts :"

And whereas it is expedient that the recited Articles of the ' said Treaties as far as they relate to the Engagements on the Part of Her Majesty therein comprised be confirmed, and that Provision be made to give effect to those Engagements :' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

1. The recited Articles of the said Treaties as far as they Confirmation relate to the Engagements on the Part of Her Majesty therein of Treaties. respectively comprised are hereby confirmed.

quish in favour

2. It shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Power to TreaTreasury to relinquish in favour of King George the First, the sury to relinKing of the Hellenes, during his Reign, the Sum of Four of George I. thousand Pounds Sterling a Year in the recited Articles men- during his tioned, and accordingly to the Extent of a Sum of Four thou- Reign 4,000l. a sand Pounds Sterling a Year during the Reign of the said King to release the Greek Treasury from the Obligation of the Arrangement concluded at Athens in the Month of June One thousand eight hundred and sixty as aforesaid.


An Act for confirming a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the Charity called "The Free Grammar School" in the City of Coventry.

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[14th July 1864.]


WHEREAS the Charity Commissioners for England and 11th Report Wales, in their Report to Her Majesty of their Pro- 1864.

'ceedings during the Year One thousand eight hundred and


• sixty

dated 27th Feb. Scheme confirmed.

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sixty-three, have reported that they have provisionally approved and certified a Scheme for " The Free Grammar School " in the City of Coventry," and such Scheme is set out in the 'Appendix to their said Report: And whereas it is expedient ' that the said Scheme, as the same is set out in the Schedule ' to this Act, should be confirmed:' Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

1. The said Scheme shall be confirmed and take effect.



1. From and after the Establishment of this Scheme, the Rectory of the Parish Church of Saint John in the City of Coventry shall be severed and held separately from the Office of Head Master of the above-mentioned Free Grammar School, and the respective Offices of Usher of the said School and Lecturer of Saint John's Church shall be abolished.

2. The Provisional Agreement made on or about the 22d Day of December 1856 by the then Trustees of the said School with the Reverend Thomas Sheepshanks, Clerk, the present Rector of the said Parish Church of Saint John, for the Relinquishment by him the said Thomas Sheepshanks of the Office of Head Master of the said School, then held by him jointly with the said Rectory, upon the Terms following; namely,

That the said Rectory, with the Emoluments and Profits exclusively attached or belonging thereto, should thenceforth be retained and held separately by him, subject to the Obligation of performing the whole of the parochial and other Duties incidental to the Tenure of such Rectory; and that he the said Thomas Sheepshanks should also receive out of the Income of the said School Estate, in addition to the said Emoluments and Profits, the annual Stipend or Sum of 420l., to be paid to him by the said Trustees during his Tenure of the said Rectory by equal half-yearly Payments on the 24th Day of June and the 25th Day of December in every Year;

shall from and after the Establishment of this Scheme be confirmed and held to have taken effect from the Execution of such Agreement; and the Trustees of the said Charity are hereby authorized, with the Sanction and Approval of the Charity Commissioners, to do any Acts and to make and execute any Deeds or Assurances which may be necessary or proper for carrying the aforesaid Terms of the said Agreement into more complete effect.

3. The Trustees of the said Charity shall pay out of the yearly Income thereof to every future Rector of the said Parish


of Saint John the Baptist, from and after the Avoidance of such Rectory by the said Thomas Sheepshanks, the yearly Stipend or Sum of 200l., by equal half-yearly Payments, in full Discharge and Satisfaction of all Right and Claim on the Part of such Rector to or for any Payment, Remuneration, or other Benefit from or out of the Endowment of the said School.

4. The Advowson or Right of Patronage and Presentation of and to the said Rectory of the said Parish of Saint John's shall, as soon as conveniently may be after the Establishment of this Scheme, be sold by the Trustees of the said Charity, with the Approbation of the Charity Commissioners; and the clear Amount of the Proceeds of such Sale shall be invested in the Purchase of Consolidated 37. per Cent. Annuities in the Name of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, in augmentation of the principal Endowments of the said Charity.

5. If any Doubt or Question shall arise among the Trustees of the said Charity or any of them as to the Construction or proper Application of any of the Provisions of this Scheme, or the Mode of giving effect to the same, Application may be made by the said Trustees or the Majority of them to the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales for their Opinion and Advice thereon, which Opinion or Advice, if given, shall be binding on the Trustees and other Persons interested in the Matter.

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An Act to provide for Superannuation Allowances to Officers of Unions and Parishes. [14th July 1864.] WHEREAS it is expedient that Provision should be made to enable Superannuation Allowances to be granted to Officers of Unions and Parishes who become disabled by Infirmity or Age to discharge the Duties of their Offices: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

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of Poor

annuation Al

1. That the Guardians of any Union or Parish, and the Power to GuarTrustees or Overseers of any Parish appointed or incorporated dians and Trusunder a Local Act, may, at their Discretion, with the Consent tees, with Conof the Poor Law Board, grant to any Officer whose whole Time Law Board, to has been devoted to the Service of the Union or Parish and grant Superwho shall become incapable of discharging the Duties of his lowances to Office with Efficiency, by reason of permanent Infirmity of Officers in cerMind or Body, or of old Age, upon his resigning or otherwise tain Cases. ceasing to hold his Office, an annual Allowance not exceeding in any Case Two Thirds of his then Salary, whether computed according to a fixed Sum or to a Poundage, and shall charge such Allowance to the same Fund as that to which such Salary would have been charged if he had continued in his Office. 2. This

Such Allow

2. This Allowance shall be payable to or in trust for such ances not to be Officer only, and shall not be assignable nor chargeable with


Limitation of Grants of Allowances.

Notice of Grant to be given to Guardians.

Interpretation of Words herein used.

16 & 17 Vict. с. 45.

Deferred An

nuities may be

granted if Sum required be

paid in smaller


Such Annuities

to Extent of 50l.

his Debts or other Liabilities.

3. No Officer shall be entitled to such Allowance on the Ground of Age who shall not have completed the full Age of Sixty Years, and shall not have served as an Officer of some Union or Parish for Twenty Years at the least.

4. No Grant shall be made without One Month's previous Notice, to be specially given in Writing to every Guardian of the Union or Parish and to every Member of the Board of Trustees or Overseers (as the Case may be), of the Proposal to make such Grant, and the Time when it shall be brought forward.

5. The Words herein used shall be interpreted in the Manner prescribed by the Statute of the Fourth and Fifth Years of William the Fourth, Chapter Seventy-six, and the subsequent Acts amending or explaining the same.


An Act to grant additional Facilities for the Purchase
of small Government Annuities, and for assuring
Payments of Money on Death. [14th July 1864.]
WHEREAS under the Act Sixteenth and Seventeenth

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Victoria, Chapter Forty-five, Deferred Annuities of ' small Amounts can only be granted upon the Condition that 'the full Amount required to purchase such Annuities shall be paid in One Sum, or by annual Payments during a Course ' of Years fixed at the Time of Purchase: And whereas under the said Act Contracts for Payment of a Sum of Money on Death cannot be entered into except upon the Condition that the Party contracting for such Payment on Death shall at the same Time purchase a Deferred Annuity depending upon his or her own Life: And whereas it is expedient to amend ' the said Act:' Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows:

1. Deferred Annuities, authorized to be granted by the Second Section of the said Act, may be granted upon the Condition, to be fixed at the Time of Purchase, that the Sum required under the said Act to purchase such Annuity shall be payable in smaller Instalments and at shorter Periods than are now fixed by the said Act.

2. Annuities authorized to be granted under the Second may be granted Section of the said Act may be granted in Amounts exceeding the Limit of Thirty Pounds fixed by the said Act, but no such Annuity shall be granted to any One Person to an Amount exceeding Fifty Pounds per Annum.

3. So much of the Tenth Section of the said Act as requires Portion of Sect.

that a Deferred Annuity shall be purchased by any Person 10 of recited contracting with the Commissioners for the Reduction of the Act repealed. National Debt for Payment of a Sum of Money on Death shall

be and the same is hereby repealed.

4. No Contract for a Payment on Death shall be entered Limit on Age into by or on behalf of any Person under the Age of Sixteen of Persons inor over the Age of Sixty Years.



5. No Contracts for Payment to be made on the Death of Limit of Sum any One Person under this and the said Act shall be for a greater Amount in the whole than One hundred Pounds, or of a less Amount than Twenty Pounds.


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6. 'Whereas by the Sixteenth Section of the said Act it is Power to con

' enacted, that the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may from Time to Time direct the Commissioners for the 'Reduction of the National Debt to use and adopt such Tables as shall from Time to Time be authorized and approved of by 'the said Commissioners of the Treasury for the Grant of 'Annuities and for Payment of Sums of Money to be secured 'at Death under the Provisions of the said Act: And whereas ' it is expedient that the Fund to be formed by the Receipt of Sums on account of all such Contracts effected under the 'said Act and this Act shall be adequate to meet all Claims accruing and to accrue thereon, so as to render certain the Fulfilment of all Engagements to Persons contracting for 'such Annuities or Payments on Death, or for any Com'positions or Sums agreed to be granted upon the Lapse of any Contract, without entailing any Charge in respect thereof, or in respect of Costs and Expenses on the Consolidated • Fund of the United Kingdom:' Be it enacted, therefore, That the said Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall cause Tables to be constructed in accordance with the Principles above recited, upon which Annuities or Payments on Death shall be contracted for under the said Act and this Act, and the said Tables shall be framed, first, for such Contracts as shall provide for the Consideration Money in One Sum; second, for such Contracts as shall provide for the like Payments in annual Sums; and, third, for such Contracts as shall provide for the like Payments by more frequent Instalments; and such Tables, when the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury have approved of the same, shall, together with a Statement of the Rules observed in constructing them, be laid before both Houses of Parliament for Thirty Days before they shall be acted upon; and if any Address shall be presented to Her Majesty from either House of Parliament praying that such Tables may be revoked and cancelled, such Tables shall be revoked and cancelled accordingly; and thereupon the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall order other Tables to be framed for their Approval in lieu of the Tables so revoked and cancelled. The Tables for Payments on Death



refresh An nuities and Insurances.


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