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2) Hughes (T.MCK.). Evolution of British Breeds of Cattle
3) Ishikawa (C.). Studies of reproductive elements. II.
4) Wilson (E.B.). Amphioxus.

5) Morgan (T.H.). Echinoderm Eggs.

6) Hertiwig (Prof.). Befruchtung u. Conjugation.
2-Davenport (C.B.). Studies in Morphogenesis II,
8) Kofoid (C.A.). Cleavage in Limax

9)Minot (C.S.). Gegen das Gonotom

10) Hertiwig (Dr.). Weber Kernstructur

11) Boveri (T.). Organism without characteristics of Mother 12) Morgan (T.H.). Spiral modification of Metamerism 13) Garstang (W.). Phylogeny of the Chordata. 4) Spencer (H.). The inadequacy of "Natural Selection". 5) Weismann (A.). External influences upon Development, 6) Bateson (W.). Variation in secondary sexual charaders. 7) Riley (C.V.). Causes of Variation in Organic forms. 8) Sedgwick (A.). Law of Development.......

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