Confeffing we are for our fins moft unworthy of thy mercies. + Here remember to give particular thanks for any especial mercies lately receiv'd, ei ther by thy felf, or by any that belong to thee, or are dear to thee, or by thy Country, &c. I heartily thank thee. f Thy making us. g Thy keeping us from evil. b Life, health, food, clothes, feafonable weather, &c. i Above all other mercies, thee most humble d and hearty thanks for all thy goodness and loving kindness to me, and to all men. [t particularly for] I bless thee e for our Creation f, Prefervation g, and all the Bleffings of this life b; for thy preferving me this day, [this night] and for all the mercies of it; but above all forthine Ineftimable Lovek in the Redemption of the world by our Lord Jefus Chrift /, for the means of Grace the hope of Glory n. m, and for I blefs the for. Greater love than can be imagin'd. Thy giving Chrift to Die for the forgiveness of the world. Eph. 1. 7. 1 John 2. 2. m Thy Word, Sacraments, Confirmation, Minifters, Government. ĺ bless thee for these means of grace, and for the grace we receive by these means. # In heaven. We blefs God for our redemption, the means of grace, and the hope of glory above all other mercies, or more than for all other mercies: because thefe are to be valued far above all worldly bleffings. Heartily according to my words. Shew my thankfulness to thee. 9 By giving thanks with my lips. Shew my thankfulnefs in my life. Job 14. 15. Who feet all our doings. By Chrift's giving us this grace, (2 Thef. 2. 16, 17) and for his fake, who Died to obtain it, (Tit. 2. 14) and prays for it Heb. 7. 25. * Be given the thanks and praife of all good. See the Creed, 56 2 For ever and ever. And I beseech thee give me that due fenfe of all thy mercies, that my heart may be unfeignedly o thankful; and that I may fhew forth thy praise p, not only with my lips q, but in my life r, by giving up my felf to thy fervice, and by walking before thees in holinefs and righteoufnefs all my days, through Jefus Chrift our Lord t; to whom with thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory u, world without end v. Amen. w. w I give all the thanks of this Thanksgiving; and pray for the grace to be duly thankful, through Jefus Chrift. A Prayer for the MORNING. O Lord, our heavenly Fa a Because he is our ther, Almighty and everlaft Father, and becaufe He in my is our Almighty and ing God a, who haft fafely b everlafting God, there-brought me to the beginning fore I thank him for of this day; defend me c in the fafely bringing me to fame with thy mighty power: the beginning of this day; and therefore I and grant that this day I fall pray to him to defend into no fin, neither run into me, and togive me grace, any kind of danger; but that to ferve him. Safe all my doings may be orderlife, and in all that is fafe in my foul ed by thy governance, to do and body and goods; always that is righteous in thy if I have not been fafe fight, through Jefus Chrift in fome things. From our Lord d. Amen e. fin and all evil. d By Chrift's giving me grace and defence from fin, (2 Thef. 2. 16, 17) and defence from punishment; (Lake 10. 19) and for his fake, who died to obtain the fame grace, and defence from fin and punishment, (1 Pet. 2. 24.) and prays for the fame. Heb. 7. 25. I thank thee for fafely bringing me to the beginning of this day; and befeech thee to defend and govern me therein, through Jefus Chrift. A Prayer for the EVENING. a With grace and comfort, and conveni ent reff. & Dangers of fin, when no body fees, of finful dreams, fears, frightful dreams, lightning, tempelt, fire, thieves, murder, fud den death, diseases, and Lighten my darkness a, I befeech thee, O Lord, and by thy great mercy defend me from all perils and dangers b of this night, for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour Jefus Chrift. Amen. accidents, For the fake of his Love in in laying down his life for us. Or, as thou lovest thine only Son, grant me what he bought for me by his Death. He bought for us by his Death all the good, and deliverance from evil, which God fees fit to grant us. See the Creed, 44. 2. Chrift has bought good, and deliverance from evil, even for the greateft finners, that truly repent. Deut. 30. 1 to 11. Luke 15. 11 to 25, 30. But one chief part of good is Correction, that we may be delivered from fin the greatest evil. Heh. 12. 6. rit as thy peculiar Kingdom, as those that serve thee in thy Have mercy upon all men. Comfort and relieve all that are afflicted [par ticularly ---] b I muft name my nearest relations, as my my enemies. and any others that I am particularly bound to pray for, as my mafter, my fer vants, any great friend, E. i I for all men pray for Chrift's fake; be caufe Chrift Died for all. Therefore God fo And forgive all that have done me wrong, for Jefus Chrift's fake i. Amen. far forgives all, as to give them grace to do what he expects from them, (Rom. 5. 6, 8, 10. 1 Tim. 2. 4, 5, 6) and other mercies to lead them to repentance. Fer. 5. 3, 24. Matth. 5. 45. Luke 6. 35. Rom. 2. 4. And when they truly repent, he fully forgives them, and gives them all mercies. 15. 20, 21, 22. Deut. 30. 1 to it. Luke Thefe or the like fhort Prayers are a good Form of private Prayer. Ecclef. 5. 2, 3. Matth. 6. 7, 8. And fuch Prayers will hinder no bufinefs; and therefore may never be omitted. The fame with easy alterations, are a good Form for a Family. It will be no vain repetition to use the fame fhort Prayers both in private, and with the family; as Chrift in the fame hour prayed three times with the fame Prayer. Matth. 26. 44. Mark 14. 39. And the ufing the Prayers of the Church will prepare us for better praying with the Church. They that have leifure may ufe more of the Common Prayer. With their Families they may use the whole Morning and Evening Service, except the Abfolution, while there is no Prieft to pronounce it. Only let them be fure to Understand all that they speak unto God; and be prepar'd to speak all Devoutly. See the Commandments 19 2 A Prayer to be faid in the Church before the beginning of the Publick Service. to a Direct my heart understand thy Word, and our Prayers and duty. Rule my heart to do my duty. By Chrift's giving me this grace, and for his fake. Tit. 2. 14. Heb. 7. 25. O God, forafmuch as without thee I am not able to please thee; mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct a and rule b my heart, through Jefus Chrift our Lord c. Amen. Fail not to be ready in thy feat before the beginning of the Service. Matth. 25. 10, 11, 12. Prayers Prayers for the EMBER WEEKS. a O God the Great Lord of all; therefore ' we pray for grace to ferve thee. b Jam. 1. 17. Grace to know, and obey, and teach thy Word. Confeffing we are for our fins unworthy of thy grace. In thy Houfe, and in thy especial Service, with thine eyes always upon them. ƒ Serving and honouring thee the Almighty God a, the Giver of all good gifts b, give thy grace c, I humbly d befeech thee, to all thofe who are to be called to any Office in thy Church, that they may faithfully ferve before thee e, to the glory of thy Great Name f, and the benefit of thy holy Church g, through Jesus Christ our Lord b. Great Lord of all, before and above themselves or any other. g Teaching thy people to know and do thy whole Will for their Salvation. By Chrift's giving this grace, and for his fake. Tit. 2. 14. Heb. 7. 25. a Confeffing we are for our fins unworthy of what I pray for. By Chrift's delivering us from evil, and giving us what is good for us; (Coll. 1. 2, 16, 17) and for his fake, who by Dying for our fins, has bought for us all the good, and Q'God whofe never failing providence ordereth all things both in heaven, and earth; I humbly a befeech thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us thofe things which be convenient for us, through Jefus Christ our Lordb. Amen. deliverance from evil, which God fees fit to grant us; (ver. See the Creed, 44, 53 2) and who prays for all for us. Heb. 9. 24. 14. Confider what great Need we have to pray for Able and Faithful Minifters; and also to pray for a Bleffing upon the feveral seasons of the year. Therefore neglect not to pray Humbly and Earnestly for thefe Mercies. And that thy Prayers may be more humble and earnest, keep the three Faiting days in the Ember weeks, as well as thou canft. See the Commandments, 30 2. d. 32. |