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ons: which alms and
devotions coming from
charitable and devout
hearts, they do pré-
pare the way for the
holy Signs of the Great Charity of Chrift. Matth. 5. 7. Gal.
6. 6, 7, 8. f Let the. Minifter, and a concern d,
that are

place upon the Table e, fo much
Bread and wine as he fhall
think fufficient. After which

the Prieft fhall fay g.


take care that the holy Signs, and the vellels they are put in, be fuch as fhew a due Refpect and Reverence to the Things Signified. g The Signs of Chrift's offering himself for all, do powerfully move us to pray with fervent charity for the whol ftate of his Church. John 3. 16 ch.4010, 9510

b Warring against

fin and error: and fo there is great reason to pray for it.

i Because he is Al

Let us pray for the whole ftate of Chrift's Church militant b here in earth.

Almighty and everliving God i, who by thy boly k Apo

us to

mighty, that is, the file haft taugake pray

Mighty Ruler of all,

and everliving God; therefore we pray and give thanks to him for all good, as being the everlafting Giver of all." Teacher of holiness,

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ers and fupplications 1, and to
give thanks for all men m; we
humblyn beseech thee most mer-
cifully o(† to


If there be no alms Dr. Tablatibhs, then

almspand ob- fhall the words [of 7 Humble earnest Pray-lations q, and); accepting our atms and


m 1 Tim. 2. 1,

» Confeffing our felves to receive rooblations] be left out unworthy that thou thefeour pray- anfaid touted

fhouldft (accept our"

alms or oblations, or)ers which we offer unto thy Di receive our prayers.ines Majesty, d


In great mercy to our great unworthinefs. To be fo plea fed with our alms, as to grant us the mercies promis'd to the liberal almfgiver. See the Sentences before; and Matth. 25. 34, to 41.9 To be so pleased with our oblations, as to grant us the mercies promis'd to those that offer of what God has given them, as they ought to do. Pred. 31 95019, Gal, 6. 6 to 10. And to be so pleased with our oblations of Bread and Wine, as by them to ftir us up to a right Remembrance of Chrift's 's Body broken, and Blood of the New Teftamenthed


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for us.

for us; to ftir us up to fuch a Remembrance, as whereby we thall receive the Benefits, of his Body broken, and blood fhed r Grant. Godly. And alfo when the alms or oblations are not liberal. But the Minifter may in charity think the Communicants do according their knowledge.

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7 Breath in The

whole Church over all the world. w The grace. Of believing the truth. One mind, and z Agreement, without divifions, wars or quarrels. a Profefs to ferve. 6 Thee the

lover of holinefs.


Befeeching thee to infpire u continually theuniverfal Churchy with the spirit w of truth x, unity y, and concordz. And grant that all they that do confefs.a thy holy Name b, may agree in the truth c of thy boly Word d; and live in unity e, and Godly love f.

believe and obey the truth. d Of thy Word that teaches all holiness. e See before, notes y, z. f Love with the fear of God; (1 John 5. and love one ano.2) when we keep God's Commandments,

fo doing; and defire and endeavour the good of one another's fouls; (Heb. 10. 24, 25) and do our whole duty to our neighbour..

g From all their enemies, both of their fouls and bodies, vand

We beseech thee alfo to fave and defend g all Chriftian Kings, Princes and Governors, and ef

from evil counsellors,pecially thy fervant George our b According to God's Word, not as Satan, or Popish, or other enemies, or evil coun fellors would govern vus, or have him govern



King, that under him we may be Godly h and quietly i governed. And grant unto his whole Council k, and to all that are

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1 Chr. 21. 1. in authority under him 1, 1 Sam. 24.9. Dan. 6. that they may truly and indiffeIn Peace. His Com rently m minifter juftice, to the pany of Counsellors. Judges, Bishops, Jufti- punishment of wickedness and ces, . Altho Bilhops vice, and to the maintenance of have their Authority thy true Religion n and virtue o. from Chrift: (John 20.


21. yet they are under the government of the King. Rom. 13. 1. m Without refpect of perfons, or favouring one more than another. 2 When Men are punish'd for not coming to Church, or profaning the Lord's day, or wicked doctrine, or any other

L 2


thing contrary to true Religion.

When any are punished for drunkeness, or lewdnefs, or any other vice. For then fobriety, chaftity, and other virtues are maintain'd.

Living according to thy Word. q Diligent teaching the whole truth without errors. That powerfully moves us to good living, by the Commands, and Promifes and Threatnings of God. s Adminifter Baptifm in due time, without delay and adminifter the Lord's Supper as often as it ought to be; and bring their people to reverently and worthily adminiftred and received. u Obedient

thefe things. To be

Give grace, O Heavenly Fa ther, to all Bishops and Curates, that they may both by their life p and doctrine q fet forth thy true and lively r word; and rightly and duly s adminifter thy boly t Sacraments. And to all thy people give thy beavenly grace, and efpecially to this Congregation here prefent, that with meek beart u and due reverence v they may bear and receive w thy boly Word, truly ferving thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life.

heart, without being offended. Carefully, without talking, laughing, unneceffary noise, wandring thoughts, or any other difrefpect. w Learn and obey.

* Confeffing thee to be most juft in all our afflictions. y Wherein good paffes away, and evil comes in its ftead. z Wounds, prifon, war, &c. a Moft heartily thank. Thee the giver of all holinefs. For thy grace and glory given to. d. Belief of thy Truth. Obedience to thy Commandments.fWho 15 by Dying for the forgiveness of our fins, has

And we most humbly x befeech thee of thy goodness, O Lord, to comfort and fuccour all them, who in this tranfitory y life are in trouble, forrow, need, fickness, or any other adverfity z. And we alfo blefs a thy holy Name b for c all thy fervants departed this life in thy faith d and fear e; beseeching thee to give us grace fo to follow their good examples, that with them we may be partakers "of thy heavenly Kingdom. Grant

bought for all men all good, and deliverance

from all evil. See the Creed, 532 & Col.

this, Father, for Fefus Christ's fake f, our only Mediator g and Advocate h. Amen i 2. 18, 19. 1 Tim. 2. 5. We own no popifh mediators or advocates. A Mediator is one that ftands between God and us. Chrift ftands between God and us, to obtain of God all good Heb. 7. 25. for us, and to give us what he obtains for us. b To intercede or pray for us. i I pray and give thanks according to all this prayer.

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of this

Thus far, excepting the Oblations, we are to See at the prepare, as is aforefaid, every Lord's day, and beginning other holy day, whether the Communion be ad- Service miniftred or not: because it ought to be adminiftred every Lord's day, and other holy feast day. Acts 2. 42, 46. ch. 20. 7. If alms be not given every fuch day, they ought to be given as often as there is occafion. 1 Cor. 16. 1, 2.

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When the Minifter giveth warning for the Ce- There is lebration of the holy Communion, (which he fhall no fault in always do upon the Sunday, or fome holy day reading this Eximmediately preceeding) after the Sermon or Ho-hortation mily ended, he fhall read this Exhortation fol- before the lowing.

Of those that underftand the Catechifm and the Communion

Service, and live accordingly; and are Confirm'd, or ready and dem To serve God truly. n To ferve him earneftly. Revel. 3. 16, 19. Sign to remember,

firous to be Confirm'd.

Dearly beloved k, on

k John 15. 12, 13. day next, I purpose, through God's affiftance, to adminifter to all fuch as shall be religiously m and devoutly n difpofed, the most comfortable Sacramento of the Body and Blood P of Chrift, to be by them received in remembrance of his meritorious q cross and paffionr, whereby alone's we obtain remiffion of our fins t, and are made partakers of the kingdom of heaven u. ken and Blood fhed for us. 9 Highly deferving. Suffering upon the Crofs. By the merits or defervings of which alone. Matth. 26. 28. u John 3.14, 15.

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and means to receive, and pledge to affure us of. The Body bro

L 3

v Con


of fuch Infinite Mer


Confeffing our felves moft unworthy. w The food of our Souls, by giving us the benefits of his Death. See the Lord's Supper in the Catechifm, 12 2. Godly. In that it is the Remembrance of the Son of God his Lay ing down his life for us. And therefore great care must be taken to come worthily to it. Sacrament. a To confider thefe things fo as to take great care to be prepa

red for it, that you may efcape the peril, and have the benefit and comfort. b To find out your fins. Who deny or excufe their fins, and will not truly amend. d Repenting truly of your former fins, stedfastly purposing to lead a new life having a lively faith in God's mercy through Chrift, with a thankful remembrance of bis Death; and being in

e To come holy and clean to that heavenly

Feaft. Done evil, or left undone doing good. Jam. 4 17.


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Wherefore it is our duty to ren der most bumble v and hearty thanks to Almighty God our bea venly Father, for that be bath given his Son our Saviour Jefus Christ, not only to Die for us, but also to be our fpiritual food w and fustenance in that boly Sacrament. Which being fo divine x and comfortable a thing. to them who receive it worthily, and fo dangerous to them that will prefume to receive it unworthily; my duty is to exhort you in the mean feafon, to confider the dignity y of that holy myftery z, and the great peril of the unworthy receiving thereof a; and fo to fearch and examin your own confciences b, (and that not lightly, and after the manner of diffemblers with God c; but fo) that you may come holy and clean to fuch a heavenly. Feast, in the marriage garment & required by God in boly Scripture, and be received as worthy partakers of that holy Table. charity with all men.




The way and means thereto e is first, to examine your lives. is, and converfations by the rule of God's Commandments ; whereinfoever ye shall perceive your felves to have offend ed f, either by will, word,

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