d. Matth. declaring that of fuch, that is of them and fuch as they, is the kingdom of God. When I fay in my heart, Then God for Christ's fake did forgive my faults, and give me the help of the Holy Ghoft to believe and ferve him, by faying fo in my heart, I believe the promises of God made in Baptism. XXVII. Q. What faults had you before you were Christen'd? z. Gen. iii. a. Gen. viii. 21. Job xiv. 4. Rom. v. iz. b. Rom. v. 12, 18. ch. vi. 23. which we are born A. Our Great Grandfather Adam offended God z: And ever fince we bring many faults with us into the world a: for under God's anger b. XXVIII. Q. But why were you Chriften'd, when you could not think of leaving your faults, and be lieving and ferving r. This is the plain reason why infants are Baptiz'd. As Gen. xvii. 12, thofe infants were to be Circumcis'd, who would be taught to ferve God? c. A. Because my Father and my Mother, and my Friends would teach me when I can learn, to leave my faults, and believe and ferve God. the true God: fo 1 Cor. vii. 14, those infants are holy to be XXIX. Q. You fay, when you were Chriften'd, God did give you the help of the Holy Ghoft to leave your faults, and believe and ferve God. What must you do that God may give you more of the help of the Holy Ghost? A. When I have learn'd my Catechifm fo as to xiii. 19,23. Understand it, and Do what it teaches med; then I I must learn to understand the Service of Confirmation e. And I must go to my Minifter, for hime. Eccl. v. to bring me to the Bishop to be Confirm'd f. 1. f. This is certainly the Commandment of God. For à Great Increase of the Grace of the Holy Ghoft, of the living water of Baptifm (John iv. 1, 10, 14.) is promis'd to all Chriftians, chap. vii. 37, 38, 39, to the end of the world, chap. xiv. 15, 16. As ii. 38, 39; and the fame is given in the Ordinary way, only in Confirmation. And John vii. 37, &c. Chrift folemnly commands all Chriftians to come to him for this Increase of Grace. And by fo doing he folemnly commands us to come to him by the way whereby he gives it, and performs the promise of it. As iv. 31, We are told how the promife was perform'd to thofe St. Peter spoke to chap. ii. 38, 39. And how it was perform'd in the Ordinary fettled way to all others, we are plainly told, chap. viii. 14 to 19. chap. xix. 6. And this Confirmation is, Heb. vi. 2, one of the first principles of the doctrine of Chrift, to be taught to babes, chap. v. 12, 13. XXX, Q. What will the Bishop do to Confirm you? g. As viii. 15. b. Ver. 17. Matth. xix. 13, 15, we learn that Laying on of hands fignifies bleffing or pray ing for any one. i. Luke xi. 8 to г4. k. If I am duly prepar'd, and A. He will pray for meg, and lay his hand upon me and blefs me b. And I must pray heartily with him i. Then God will give me a great help of the Holy Ghoft to know m and do his Word Rightly and Orderly take Confirmation. 1. As viii. 17. Johnvii. 37, 38, 39. m. John xiv. 26. n. As iv. 31. Eph. v. 9. XXXI. Q. What to be Confirmed? 6. John 14. 15, 16. chap. 15. 2. p. Acts 26. 17, 18. 4. Orderly and reverently do all I am order'd to do in the Common-prayer-book, and heartily pray with the Bishop. Cor. 14. 40. Heb. 11.6. must you do before you are brought A. I muft fee that I will do with all my power, all that my Godfathers and Godmo thers promis'd for meo. And I must fee that I truly repent of my faults p. And I must believe that if I do as I fhou'd do at my Confirmation 9, God will give me B 4 the r. Heb. xi. 6. Luke xi. 13. John 7. 37, 38, 39. Acts 2. 38, 39. the help of the Holy Ghoft promifed in Confirmation r, for Jefus Chrift's fake s. s. Titus ii. 14. See 25 Queftion. XXXII. Q. What must you do that God may always give you his forgiveness, and all his bleffing? A. When I have learn'd my Catechifm fo as to t. Matt. xiii. 19, 23. u. Eccles. v. 1. x. Acts ii. 42, 46. ch. xx. 7. 1 Cor. xi. 20, 24, 25, 26. understand it, and do what it teaches met; and am ready and defirous to be Confirm'd'; then I must learn to understand the Service of the Lord's Supper u. And I must often keep that remembrance of Chrift's dying for the forgiveness of our Sins x. XXXIII. Q. What is the Lord's Supper? y. For Chrift's Dying for the forgiveness of our Sins; and for all the Bleffings we have by his Dying for the forgiveness of our Sins; (of which Bleffings the A. The Minifter takes Bread and Wine, and blesses them by giving thanks y; and fhews how Chrift commanded them to be taken z, and breaks the Bread a; and prays for a Bleffing upon our right taking them b. Bread and Wine are fome. See 25 Queftion) and for Chrift's ordaining this bleffed Remembrance of his Dying for us. z. Aş Christ after giving Thanks commanded them to be taken in Remembrance of his Body broken for us, and of his Blood of the New Teftament fhed for us, for the forgiveness of our Sins. 4. 1 Cor. xi. 23, 24. b. Matt. vii. 7. Then I muft give thanks, and pray with him. And I must take the broken Bread from him and eat it, remembring Chrift's Body broken to Death for the forgiveness of our Sins c. c. 1 Cor. 11. 24. This is the plain meaning of Chrift's Words, This is my body which is given (broken) for you; this do in remembrance of me. The words, This do in remembrance of me, do fhew the fame meaning. And And I must take the wine and drink it, remembring Christ's Blood fhed to Death for the forgiveness of our Sins, promifed in the New Teftament, if we do what he commands in the New Teftament d 28. d. Matth. xxvi. 27, 1 Cor. xi. 25. This is the plain meaning of Chrift's words, Blood of the This is new teftament, or the new teftament in my blood, which is fhed for you, and for many, for the remiffion of fins: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For the bread is the Body of Chrift, and the wine is the Blood of Chrift, in the fame fenfe that the Paffover Lamb was the Paffover. That Lamb was called the Paffover, because it was eaten in Remembrance of God's Paffing over, his Paffing over his people when he flew the firstborn of the Egyptians, (Exod. xii. 11. to 15, 26, 27.) and his delivering his people by that means from the bondage of the Egyptians, ver. 42. So the ufe of the bread and wine is to be tokens to help us to remember Chrift's Body and Blood; the bread broken, given, and eaten, to help us to remember Chrift's Body broken for us; and the wine pour'd out, given, and drank, to help us to remember Chrift's Blood of the New Teftament, fhed for us for the Forgiveness of our Sins, Exod. xiii. 9, 16. XXXIV. Q. What must you then remember to do? A. 1. I that truly repent, muft believe e, and be glad f, that God will give me the forgiveness, and all the bleffings of forgiveness g, promised in the New Teftament for the fake of Chrift dying for us b. e. Heb. xi. 6. f. As ii. 46. g. Grace, more and more Grace, everlasting Life, all that is good for us in this world, and deliverane from all evil. 2. I must give the greatest thanks I can for the most wonderful Love of God i, and Chrift k, in Chrift's dying for us, and for all the bleffings we have by his Death /. See Question 25. b. Cal. 1. 12, 13, 14. 3. And 3. And I must love God and Christ with all my power, for their most wonderful Love b; and do with all my power all they commanded us in the New Teftament i h. i John 4. 19. i. 1. John. 5.3. k. 1 Joh 4. 10, 11. i. 4. And I muft love every body, as they have lo us, k. XXXV. Q. What will God do for you, when you keep this Remembrance of Chrift's Dying for the forgiveness of our Sins? a. As 34 Qu. 1. For it is by believing God's Promifes, that A. If I carefully keep it as I ought to do, then God will furely do as I believe a. the truly penitent, obedient Chriftian, receives the Mercies promifed, Mark 11. 24. Heb. 11. 6, 11. 2 Kings 7. 2. 2 Chron. 20. 2b. 1 Cor. 10. 16. The cup of bleffing which we bless, is it not the communion of the bload of Chrift? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift? By thefe words is meant, That the bleffing and partaking of this bread and cup, is our partaking of Chrift's Offering for for us his Body and Blood, (Heb. 10. 10, 12. that is, our joyning with him in his Offering for us his Body and Blood, by our fo By fo believing, I eat and drink Chrift's Body and Blood; (John 6. 47, 51, 54.) that is, . I receive the forgiveness, and the bleffings of forgiveness, for which his Body was broken, and his Blood fhed. See 34 Qu. g. b. And fo my Soul is ftrengthned and refreshed by the Body and Blood of Chrift, that is, by the forgivenefs, and blef fings of forgiveness, for which his Body was broken, and his Blood fhed. lemn remembring it before God. As ver. 18. the Jews which did eat of the facrifices, were par takers of the altar; that is, did joyn with the Priest in his offering the Sacrifices upon the altar. For both the Chriftian Communion, and the Jews eating of the Sacrifices, are brought to prove, That the eating of that |