CORRECTIONS. Such as the Reader may readily make, are bere omitted. AGE 19, b, read John 15. 4, 5. PA : P. 20, n, line 7, r. Ch. 6. 23. P. 41. Answer 7, c, r. Matth. 28. 19, 20. P. 44. A. 21. a, r. See 7 Q. b, r. See Baptifm, 2 Q. A. 23, a, r. Matth. 28. P. 45, t, r. 1 Cor. 12. 25. P. 48, A. 15, r. Rev. 1. 8, P. 54, 1. 2. r. Luke without b P. 55, paragraph 3, 1. 9, r. b Luke P. 72, A. 28, b, 1. 15, r. Alts 5. 31. P. 74, par. 6, 1. 6, r. Luke 5. 34; 1. 10, r. ver. 36, 1. 11, r. to 22. P. 76, A. 32, 4, 1. 7. r. Gb. 5. 33, 35. P. 85, A. 64, r. soberness c, habit d, apparel e. P. 91, A. 8, This is to obey him as we ought to do. is to be read in the margin of A. 9. P. 93, A. 21, *, r. 1 John P. 97, at the bottom, r. 50 Q. P. 101, laft 1. r. d. 32 Q. P. 104, A.2, r. Holy Ghost, e. P. 105, last 1. of margin 1, r. 3. 34) P. 123, par. 3, 1. 1, r. The right par. 6, laft 1. r. 14, 15, P. 124, par. 2, 1. 3, r. And this our joining P. 129, 1. 6, blot out &. Р. 135, 6, 1. 5, r. Answer of To be learned after the Catechifm. P. 188, in the Lord's Prayer, r. heaven. • Give us In the Discourse of Confirmation. [2] ADDITIONS.) A Confiderate Review will add to the imperfect Perfection of all Writings of men. Therefore these Additions are here fet. P AGE 22, to the margin of Answer 28, add, The aforefaid Reason is what is requir'd for the Baptifm of In fants. But the Authority whereby they are Baptiz'd, and whereby that Reason is requir'd for their Baptifm, is the Commandment of Christ, Matth. 28. 19. John 3. 5, 6, to Baptize all that are born of the flesh, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost; that they may be born of the Spirit, and enter into the Kingdom of God. P. 23, A. 31, 0, read John 7. 37, 38. Ch. 14. 15, 16. p, Acts 2. 38. Ch. 26. 17, 18. P. 27, to the margin of A. 35, add, But all that partake of it are commanded to it in Remembrance of Chrift's Body broken for us, and his Blood of the New Testament shed for us for the remission of fins: to Examine themselves before they partake of it; and to Difcern the Lord's Body. And it is not, Heb. 5, 6 Ch. reckon'd with the Sacrament of Baptifm, among the first Principles, and the Foundation, and the Milk of Babes. But it is one of the mysteries of Perfection, and Strong meat that belongs to them that are of full age. The Law of the Passover (which Ex. 12. 3, 4, requires it to be eaten according to the number of fouls in every house) does no more require children to partake of the Lord's Supper, (altho' it was ordain'd instead of the Passover) than it requires us to partake of it only at Eafter, in the evening, and at the Mother Church, and to use only unleavened bread. And it is not the Law of Circumcifion, but the Commandment of Christ, that requires the Baptifm of Infants, both males and females, as well before, as on the eighth day. See before, the first addition, Whatsoever is Typified by childrens eating of the Pafsover, or of any other Sacrifice, is fulfill'd in their being Baptiz'd into the Death of Christ, and thereby made partakers of that Sacrifice; and by Prayer and Thanksgiving for them for the fake of the fame Sacrifice. As As to the practice of many Christians, both now, and in ancient times, in giving the Lord's Supper to children and Infants: that having no fure foundation in the Holy Scripture, is no rule for us; any more than the belief and practice of many other errors, ever since quickly after the first preaching of the Gofpel. From some of which errors, even the best and the most learned of the true Church have not been free. What is related by St. Cyprian of a child utterly refusing to receive the wine of the Sacrament, and vomiting it out, when it was forc'd into her mouth; who had been brought by her nurse to eat of the sacrifice of idolaters: if that refusal and disturbance of the Child was any more than a natural accident; it can prove no more, than that where God was merciful to those that with a good meaning gave the Lord's Supper to children, he would not bear with their being partakers of the table of devils. What I have here written, and at the end of the margin of Answ. 33, I have thought needful to make good the Title, True Chriftianity; in Answer to an Essay in favour of the Ancient Practice of giving the Eucharift to Children. Concerning that Effay it is to be noted, that the Author in the Preface, and at the end of Part 3, confefses that he had not a fettled belief of what he undertakes to prove. And therefore it was ill done, however he might mean well, to fow the seed of causeless divifions in the Church, where there are fo many already. P. 46, A. 3, to Heb. 11. 3, 6. add, As for the wicked blafphemy of those that fay, There is no God. The reason of it is in the words Christ, John 3. 19. And the best answer to it is Ch. 7. 17. And the fame reason and answer Christ applies to those he condemns for not believing his Word. A. 5, †, read in the margin, He is also the Father of all men, in Creating, Redeeming, and calling to Repentance all men. 1 Tim. 2. 4, 5, 6. And he is the Father, that is Creator and Preferver of all things. P. 52, A. 27, to Rom. 10. 9, add, So confess and believe, as to do accordingly, that is believe and obey all the Word of Chrift; whom, by raising him from the dead, God has declared to be our Lord, John 20. 28, 31. Acts 17. 31. Rom. 1. 4. P. 58, A. 43, read Mark 16. 15, 16, compared with Luke 24. 46, 47. P. 75, 1. 2, add in a margin to the Birth of Chrift *, may be added, and the three Holy days that follow it, : : * Here or ra ther ! [4] ther all the twelve days. But such things are to be do the Authority of the Church. P. 76, A. 35, a, add, 1 Cor. 14. 16. P. 187, near the bottom, read, obey faithfully Mercies: And in humbly praying for his Grace and giveness, to believe stedfastly all the Promises of the New ment sealed with his Death. LESSO |