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a Levit xx 6.

Deut. xviii

1o, to 15.

a. Deut. 29. 10, 11,

12. Thofe men and
women stood, and fo
confented both for
themselves and their

little ones, to enter in-
God's Covenant


and Oath. b. That

A. Because I could not fpeak, they did promife for me and fo it is my Promise and Vow, which I muft ftand to a: and they must do all they can that I may know and perform all things of it b.

they may not take God's Name in vain. Therefore Godfathers and Godmothers ought to be fuch, as have Reasonable hope both of life and opportunity to perform what they undertake: and then by doing all they can, they do perform their Duty

IX. Q. Why did your Godfathers and Godmothers promife these things for you, and not your Father and Mother?

a Because Children are often left without Father and Mother, before they can be fuf ficiently taught: and even the best Parents

A. That they might be Sureties with my Father and Mother, for my being more furely taught and brought up to these things. a

have often occafions for the affiftance of friends and good neighbours in the care of their children's Souls; and alfo to be put in mind themselves of their duty to their children. 1 Kings, 1. 6.

X. Q. What is to renounce?

A. To forfake for ever.

XI. Q. What is to renounce the Devil?

A. To have nothing to do with him, or any of his evil fpirits, or thofe that deal with them a ; b Eph. vi. and never to yield to any of their temptations b. Trto 19. XII. Q. What is the Devil?

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1 John v. A. The prince of the devils.


Mat. xxv.


XIII. Q. What are the devils?

A. The angels that finned a, and do tempt a 2 Pet, ii. us to fin b.

4. b. Eph.

vi. 12.

XIV. Q What are the works of the devil?

A. All

A. All fin and wickedness.

XV. Q. What are the pomps and vanity of this

wicked world?

A. The vain fhows, bra-
y and fashions of it a.


They are vain when they are finful, or we fin for them. They are finful, when there is pride, or prodigality, or immodefty, or any other fin in them. We fin for them, when for them we neglect, or cause our fervants to neglect the Service of God, or any duty; when we spend too much time on them, and when we feek them by unlawful means.

Together with these we renounce all other vain finful things of the world. 1 John ii, 15, 16, 17.

XVI. Q. What is meant by the flesh?

A. Our finful nature.

Eph. ii. 1.


1 John iii.


Rom. vii.

XVII. Q. What are the finful lufts of the flesh? 18.
A. Our finful defires and humours.

Gal. v.

XVIII. Q. What are the Articles of the Chriftian 24. Faith?

A. The feveral parts of the Belief.

XIX. Q. What is meant by God's Will and Commandments being holy?

a Deut. iv. 8. Rom.

vii. 12. b. Therefore God fpake to them in the most folemn and dreadful manner. Exod. xix. 16, 18. chap. xx. 18, 19, 20.

A. That they are perfectly
juft and good above any other
Laws a, and to
and to be regar-
ded with the highest reve-
rence b.

XX. Q. Doft thou not think that thou art bound to believe and to do, as thy Godfathers and Godmothers have promised for thee?

A. Yes verily I do think my felf bound fo to believe and do: And by God's help, fo I will believe and do. And I heartily thank our Heaven. ly Father, that he hath called me to this ftate of falvation, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour.


I pray




I pray unto God to give me his Grace, that I continue in the fame state of falvation unto lifes end.



XXI. Q. Why are you bound to believe and do, as your Godfathers and Godmothers have promised for you ?

a. See 1 2. a, b, c. b. Because Baptifm is in token of our forfaking fin to believe and obey God. See Baptifm, 7 2. c. Because they vowed in my name by the Authority of the Church,

A. Because God commands me fo to believe and do a, and my Baptifm requires it b. And I am further bound by my Godfathers and Godmothers promifing and vowing in my name. C.

and of my parents, both which I am bound to obey by the fifth Commandment. I must therefore carefully keep this Vow, as my own Vow.

XXII. Q. What is this ftate of falvation which God bath called you to?

A. My being a Member of Chrift, the child of God, and an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven, 1. Pet. iii. fo long as I do as my Godfathers and Godmothers promised for me.


a Matth,

XXIII. Q. How has God called us to this state of falvation through Jefus Chrift?

A. By Chrift's calling us by his Minifters a, xxiii. 18, for the fake of his Dying for the forgiveness of b Rom. v. our fins b.

19, 20.

6, 8, 10. XXIV. Q. What does our Saviour Jefus Christ 1. Tim. ii. fave us from in this state of Salvation?

4, 5, 6. A. He faves us from our fins a, and from the 21. Tit. ii. punishments of them b.

a Matth i.

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XXV. Q. What is God's Grace?

A. His help to believe and do what he commands us.

XXVI. To whom does God give his Grace?

A. God

A. God refifteth the proud, and giveth grace to Jam. iv.

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* For the fubftance of it deliver'd by the Apoftles, 2 Tim. i. 13. For no other form of Faith can be pretended to be deliver'd by them. See Hammond of Fundamentals, and Comber's Companion to the Temple.

A. 1. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.


1 Pet. v.


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2. John xx.

2. And in Jefus Chrift his only Son, our Lord. 31. 3. Who was Conceived by the Holy Ghoft, 3. Matth. Born of the Virgin Mary;

i. 18. 20.

22, 23.

15. 3, 4.

4. Suffered under Pontius Pilate; was Cruci- John iv. fied, Dead, and Buried: He defcended into Hell. 2, 3. 5. The third day he Rofe again from the 41 Cor. dead: 6. He afcended into Heaven, and Sitteth at 15. 4. the Right Hand of God the Father Almighty: 6. Mark 7. From thence he fhall come to Judge the xvi.19. quick and the dead.

8. I

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The Holy Ghost;

The Holy Catholick Church,
The Communion of Saints +;
The Forgiveness of fins; :

The Resurrection of the body,
And the Life Everlasting.

5. 1 Cor.

7. Acts i. 10.

8. Matth.

xxviii. 19.
9. Matth.
xxviii. 19,

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The words I believe in, not only I believe, are understood in 11. Alts all the four laft Articles: as the words of the Articles without xxiv. 15. any other expreffion of belief do fhew. This Epiphanius fully 12. 1 John expreffes v. 10, 11.

expreffes in a Confeffion of Faith, in these words, stout es uíar naboxinnr, &c. We believe in one Catholick and Apoftolite Church, and in one Baptifm of repentance, and in the refurrection of the dead, and in the kingdom of heaven, and in the life everlasting. But whether the word in be understood or not, in thefe Articles, the fenfe is the fame. For the true Chriftian belief of all the Articles of the Creed, is to believe them fo as to do and hope according to them. Fam. 2. 19. to 24. And this true Christian belief is beft expreft with the word in.

II. Q. What do you mean by I believe in? Jam. ii. A. I believe, and live and hope according to my 19 to 24. belief.

* Παντο

III. What do you believe in the first Article, concerning God the Father?

a Heb. xi. 3. 6.
b. Gen. xv. 6. c. Jam.
ii. 19 to 24.

A. I believe that there is a God, that he is the Father.Almighty, and Maker of heaven and earth a: and I truft in him b, and obey him c.

IV. Q. What is God?

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A. He is the Father of Jefus Chrift a, and of all true Chriftians for Chrift's fake b t

a Matth. iii. 17.
b. John i. 12. He is
alfo the Father, that is
the Creator, and Pre-
ferver of all things. 1 Cor. viii. 6.

κράτωρ. VI. Q. What is meant by Almighty ? *

a Matth.

xi. 25. b Pf. 135.


Neb. ix.



A. The Ruler of all things a, able to do whatfoever he pleases b.

VII. Q What is meant by Maker of heaven and earth?

A. Maker and Preferver of heaven and earth, and all things in them.


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