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is thy Practice, the Everlasting Salvation of thy felf, or of thy Children, requires Care, and Diligence, and Difcretion, anfwerable to the Worthiness of it. Daily food is as neceffary for the Soul, as for the Body. And how often in a day the Souls of thy Children must be fed, thou art told by the Commandment Deut. vi. 7. Thou shalt teach these words diligently unto thy children; and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And a little at a time, as line upon line, (Ifai. xxviii. 9, 10,) is both the speediest way of teaching little ones, and alfo no hindrance to other business. But be fure, as far as in thee lies, that, by often, not long repetitions, they keep what they learn, and bring forth fruit with patience.

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Continue instant in prayer for the G God. Be stedfast, unmoveable, always a ing in the work of the Lord, as well in Example, as in diligent Teaching : and the Know that thy labour is not in vain





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LORD JESUS CHRIST, who dost earnestly Command us to fuffer little Children to come unto Thee, and to take heed that we despise not one of these little ones; Bleffed be Thy Holy Name for Thy Loving Kindness to them. And give us Grace, we humbly beseech Thee, to bring all our Children Worthily unto Thy Holy Baptifm; and to give all Diligence, both to Teach them to Believe in Thee, as foon as they are able to learn, and to Bring them up to Grow continually in Grace, and in the Knowledge of Thee, our LORD and SAVIOUR Amen.

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