| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 pages
...Offering he had not Rcfpccl. And Cain was very wroth, and his Countenance fell. 6 And the LORD faid unto Cain, Why art thou wroth ? and why is thy Countenance fallen ? 7 If thou doft well, (halt thou not be accepted ? and if thou doft not well, Sin lieth at the Door.... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 pages
...Offering he had not Refpecl. And Cain was very wroth, and his Countenance fell. 6 And the LORD faid unto Cain, Why art thou wroth ? and why is thy Countenance fallen ? 7 If thou doft well, malt thou not be accepted ? /md if thou doft not well, Sin lieth at the Door.... | |
| Robert Barclay - 1737 - 614 pages
...Lord M«cyofexpreflcs himfelf then firft of all to Cain, Gen. iv. 6, fawlthem' 7- -dud the Lord faid unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? And why is thy Countenance fallen ? If tbou dojt well, Jbalt thou not be accepted ? If thou doft not well. Sin i lietb at the Door : This... | |
| John Hutchinson - 1748 - 546 pages
...of a Feaft, when he mould have been merry, praifing, and perhaps dancing. God fays, Gen. iv. 6, 7. Why art thou wroth ? And why is thy Countenance fallen ? If thou doft well, foallnot thou have the Dignity ? And if thou doft not well, Sin lieth at the Door : And... | |
| Shippie Townsend - 1773 - 90 pages
...guilt, an eye to deliverance by facrifice. Upon which it pleated God to con defcend to fay to him, " why art thou wroth, and why is thy countenance fallen ? If thou doft well, (halt thou not be accepted ? and if thou dolt not well, fin lieth at the door." (It is faid,... | |
| Sarah Trimmer - 1835 - 276 pages
...but unto Cain and his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth ?...shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. And Cain talked with Abel his brother : and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain... | |
| 1828
...unreasonableness of his resentment because his offering had not been accepted : " why," he was asked, " art thou wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen...and if thou doest not well, sin lie.th at the door." This latter part of the address, it will be seen, points out the nature of the sacrifice which Cain... | |
| Joanna Southcott - 1804 - 606 pages
...men : and with mercy mixed with anger, see in what manner the Lord speaks to Cain, in chap. iv. 6 — And the Lord said unto Cain, why art thou wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen ? Vet. ^ — If thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted ? and if thou doest not well, sinlieth at... | |
| Richard Wright - 1806 - 466 pages
...the merit or demerit of such men : and to him alone it must be left to pass the definitive sentence. If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted ? and if thou doest not ivdl, sin lieth at the door.' Happy would it be, if christians of all parties, would treat each other... | |
| Ezra Sampson - 1806 - 340 pages
...his offering he had not refpefl. And C-iin was veiy wrptb and his countenance fell. And the Lord faid unto Cain, why art thou wroth ? and why is thy countenance fallen ? if thou Jocft well flnltthou not be accepted ? and if thou doefl not well, fin lieih at the door. 13.. ..And... | |
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