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Hand, properly fo called, as Men have: For he is a moft pure Spirit, without Body or bodily Parts.. But by Chrift's fitting at the right Hand of God the Father, is meant, his being, as Mediator, Godman, exalted to the highest Dignity and Power, over all Creatures, in Fulness of Joy and Glory: Phil. ii. 'Wherefore God alfo hath highly 'exalted him, and given him a name which is a-bove every name : that at the name of Jefus e' very knee should bow, of things in heaven, and " things in earth, and things under the earth." 1 Pet. iii. 22. Jefus Chrift is gone into Heaven, ' and is on the right hand of God, angels, and au'thorities, and powers being made fubject unto ' him.' Acts ii. 28. Thou haft made known to

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" me the ways of life; thou shalt make me full of joy with thy countenance.' Compared with Pfal. xvi. ult. Thou wilt fhew me the path of life in thy presence is fulness of joy, at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. John xvii. 5. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own felf, with the glory which I ' had with thee before the world was.' And that his fitting at the right Hand of God, will endure) for ever: Heb. x. 12. This man, after he had offered one facrifice for fins, for ever fat down on the right hand of God.' The Action of the Father in this Step of Chrift's Exaltation, was, his. fetting him at his own right Hand, Eph. i. 20.

Now, Chrift rofe from the dead, afcended into Heaven, and fitteth at the right Hand of God, in a public Character, as our Head and Reprefentative, the fame in which he died, was buried, and continued under the Power of Death for a Time Eph. ii. 6. God hath raifed us up together, and H 2 ⚫ made

made us fit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.' Heb. vi. 20. Whither [heaven] the fore< runner is for us entered, even Jefus,' &c. Eph. iv. 10. He that defcended, is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.' Thefe Steps, then, of Chrift's Exaltation are, for his People, fure Pledges of their fpiritual and bodily Refurrection, their Afcenfion into Heaven, and fitting for ever with him in heavenly Places : I Cor. xv. 22. In Chrift fhall all be made alive. Eph. ii. 6. forecited.


The laft Step of Chrift's Exaltation, will be his coming to judge the World at the laft Day: Acts i. Ye men of Galilee, why ftand ye gazing up into heaven? This fame Jefus which is taken up • from you into heaven, shall fo come, in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.' Compared with Chap. xvii. 31. God hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteoufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given affurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.' Christ will come again a fecond Time, Heb. 9. ult. He will come the fecond Time, in the Character of Judge of the World, Acts xvii. 31. forecited. John v. 22. The Father judgeth no man; but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.' verf. 27. And he hath given him authority to execute judgment, because he is the Son of man.' That Coming of Chrift will be at the laft Day: 2 Pet. iii. 10. The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens fhall pafs away with a great noife, and the elements fhall melt with fervent heat, the earth also, and all the works therein, fhall be burnt up.' He will come

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in the full Manifeftation of his own and his Father's Glory, Luke ix. 26. His Attendants will be all the holy Angels, Matth. xxv. 31. The awful Sound he will defcend from Heaven with, will be a Shout, the Voice of the Archangel, and the trumpet of God, 1 Theff. iv. 16. Chrift's coming to judge the World, will not difcontinue or interrupt his fitting at the right Hand of God, but will manifeft it to all: Matth. xxvi. 64.I [Jefus] fay unto you, Hereafter fhall ye 'fee the Son of man fitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.' And that his Coming will be a Part of his Exaltation, inasmuch as he will then appear and act in the Fulness of his kingly Power: Matth. xxv. 34. "Then fhall the King fay unto them on his right hand, Come, ye bleffed of my Father, inherit 'the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.' The Action of the Father in this Step of Chrift's Exaltation, will be, his fending him again, in Fulnefs of Glory, clothed with his Authority, to judge the World: As iii. 20. 'The Lord fhall fend Jefus Chrift, which before " was preached unto you.' Luke ix, 26. The Son ' of man shall come in his own glory, and in his 'Father's, and of the holy angels.' John v. 27. forecited.

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Queft. 29. How are we made Partakers of the Redemption purchased by: Chrift?

Anf. We are made Partakers of the Redemption purchased by Chrift, by the

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effectual Application of it to us by his Holy Spirit.


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The Redemption purchafed by Chrift is Deliverance from Sin, Death, the Devil, and the World, into a State of Holiness and Happiness for ever : Tit. ii. 14. Jefus Chrift gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.' Hof. xiii. 14. I will ransom them from the power of the grave: I will redeem them from death: O death, I will be thy plagues : O grave, I will be thy deftruction; repentance fhall be hid from mine eyes.' Heb. ii. 14. 15. Forafmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he alfo himself likewife took " part of the fame that through death he might < deftroy him that had the power of death, that · is, the devil; and deliver them who, through fear of death, were all their life-time fubject to bondage.' Gal. i. 4. Jefus Chrift gave himself for our fins, that he might deli er us from this prefent evil world, according to the will of God and our Father.' Heb. ix. 12. 'Chrift by his own blood entered in once into the holy place, < having obtained eternal redemption for us. To be made Partakers of that Redemption, is, to be made Sharers of it in our own Perfons: John xiii. 8.

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Jefus anfwered him, If I wafh thee not, thou haft not part with me.' Acts xxvi. 18. To open 'their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of fins, and


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inheritance among them which are fanctified by faith that is in me.' And till we are in our own Perfons made Sharers of it, we are still in a State of Bondage under Sin, Death, the Devil, and the World, though it may be purchased for us: Eph. ii. 12. At that time ye were without Chrift, be 'ing aliens from the commonwealth of Ifrael, and 'ftrangers from the covenants of promife, having ' no hope, and without God in the world.' We are made Sharers of it in our own Perfons, by the effectual Application of it to us in particular: And the Application of it to us that is effectual, is the applying it to us, unto the actual delivering of us, as Prifoners out of the Pit, Zech. ix. 11.

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The effectual Application of Chrift's Purchase to Sinners, in their own Perfons, belongs to the Promise of the Covenant of Grace, made to Chrift for the Elect: I. liii. 10. 11. 'When thou fhalt 'make his foul an offering for fin, he shall fee his feed, he fhall prolong his days, and the pleasure ' of the Lord fhall profper in his hand. He fhall 'fee of the travail of his foul, and fhall be fatisfied": < by his knowledge fhall my righteous fervant jufti'fy many for he fhall bear their iniquities.' And the effectual Application of Christ's Purchase to Sinners is begun here, and perfected hereafter; Eph. i. 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of fins, according to 'the riches of his grace.' verf. 14. The Holy 'Spirit of promife is the earnest of our inheritance, ' until the redemption of the purchased poffeffion, 'unto the praise of his glory.' Chap. iv. 30. 'Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye ' are fealed unto the day of redemption. As the purchafing of Redemption was the Work of Chrift

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