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Promife of a glorious Reward to Christ himself, and eternal Life to his fpiritual Seed: . xlix. 4-9.' Then I faid, Surely my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God, &c. Tit. i. 2. In hope of eternal life, which God that 'cannot lye, promifed before the world began." The eternal Life promifed in the Covenant of Grace, included in it all Things neceffary to make a Sinnerhappy, in Soul and Body, for Time and Eternity Rom. x. 5. For Mofes defcribeth the 'righteousness which is of the law, That the man < which doth those things, fhall live by them." Compared with Hab. ii. 4. The juft fhall live by 'his faith.' Even the Promise of eternal Life to Christ's spiritual Seed, was made to Chrift himfelf immediately, and to them mediately in him: Tit. i. 2 forecited. Heb. viii. 10. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Ifrael after those days, faith the Lord; I will put my 'laws into their mind, and write them in their < hearts and I will be to them a God, and they fhall be to me a people.' 2 Tim. i. 9. God hath 'faved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Chrift Jefus, before the world began.' Gal. iii. 16. Now to Abraham and his feed were the promises made. He faith not, And to feeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy feed, 'which is Chrift.'


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It is neceffary to the Salvation of a Sinner, that he perfonally enter into the Covenant of Grace: Eph. ii. 12. At that time ye were without Chrift, 'being aliens from the commonwealth of Ifrael, and ftrangers from the covenants of promife, having



having no hope, and without God in the world Accordingly, the Adminiftration of the Covenant is committed unto Jefus Chrift the Head of it: . xlix. 8. Thus faith the Lord, I will give thee for a covenant of the people.' And all the Benefits of the Covenant are lodged in his Hand: Col. i. 19. For it pleased the Father, that in him fhould all fulnefs dwell And he is impowered to adminifter the Covenant to Sinners kind indefinitely: John iii. 17. God fents Son into the world to condemn the world; but that 'the world through him might be faved.' Prov. viii. 4. Unto you, о men, I call, and my voice is to the fons of man.' . lv. 1. 2. 3. 6 Ho, every one that thirfteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy and eat, yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Wherefore do ye "fpend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which fatisfieth not? heark en diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your foul delight itself in fatnefs. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your foul fhall live, and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the fure mercies of David.' That Chrift is impowered to adminifter the Covenant to Sinners of Mankind indefisely, can very well be, though he represented the left only in it; for the Father is fo well pleafed with the Performance of the Condition thereof, that Chrift crucified is made the Ordinance of God for Salvation, to Sinners of Mankind indefinitely, according to the Promife of the Covenant to him, he being in himself fufficient thereto : John iii. 14. 15. 15. And as Mofes lifted up the ferpent in

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'the wildernefs, even fo must the Son of man be lifted up that whofoever believeth in him, 'fhould not perish, but have eternal life. For 'God fo loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him, 'fhould not perish, but have everlafting life.' Matth. xxii. 4. Again he fent forth other fervants, 'faying, Tell them which are bidden, Behold, I 'ha epared my dinner: my oxen and my fattare killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage.' 1 John iv. 14.

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we have seen and do teftify, that the Father fent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.' Compared with If. xlix. 6. I will give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my falva'tion unto the end of the earth. verf. 8. I will give thee for a covenant of the people.' Accordingly, Chrift actually offers the Covenant of Grace to Sinners of Mankind indefinitely, and that in the Gofpel: Mark xvi. 15. 16. And he faid unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature. He that believeth

and is baptized, fhall be faved; but he that believeth not, fhall be damned.' And a Sinner is perfonally and favingly inftated in the Covenant of Grace, by Faith in Jefus Chrift: Acts xvi. 31. ' And they faid, Believe on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and 'thou shalt be faved.' The Nature then of perfonal Covenanting, in order to obtain Salvation by our Lord Jefus Chrift, lies in taking hold of God's Covenant of Grace, by believing in the Lord Jefus Chrift: I. lvi. 4. • Thus. 'faith the Lord unto the eunuchs that--take ' hold of my covenant, &c.' Chap. Iv. 3. forecited. John. x. 9. I am the door: by me if any


man enter in, he fhall be faved.' Eph. iii. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith." And believing in Chrift enters us into the Covenant of Grace, to partake of all the Benefits thereof, as it unites us to Chrift the Second Adam, the Head of the Covenant: Eph. iii. 17. forecited. Rom. xi. 17. And if fome of the branches be broken off, and thou being a wild olive-tree, wert graffed in amongst them, and with them partake of the root and fatnefs of the olive-tree.'

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One cannot, in refpect of the State of his Soul before God, be under the Covenant of Works and the Covenant of Grace, at one and the fame Time: Rom. vi. 14. Ye are not under the law, but under grace.' Therefore, Believers, that Moment they enter into the Covenant of Grace, are fully fet free from the Covenant of Works: Rom. vi. 14. Sin fhall not have dominion over you.' Chap. vii. 4. Wherefore, my brethren, ye alfo are become dead to the law by the body of Chrift; • that ye fhould be married to another, even to

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him who is raised from the dead, that we should C bring forth fruit unto God.' And they are law. fully fet free from it, forafmuch as Faith gives it full Count and Reckoning, pleading and counting up to it, that Righteoufnefs which Chrift fulfilled: Rom. iii. 31. 'Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.' Chap. viii. 3. 4. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God fending his own Son, in the likeness of finful flefh, and for fin condemned fin in the flesh : that the righteoufnefs of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.'

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The Effects of perfonal entering into the Covenant of Grace, are, Deliverance out of the Estate of Sin and Mifery, and being brought into a State of Salvation. The Bands of our Sin and Mifery are loofed in the Covenant of Grace, through our being fet free from the Covenant of Works: Rom. vii. 5. 6. For when we were in the flesh, the motions of fins which were by the law, did work ' in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being 'dead wherein we were held; that we fhould ferve in newness of fpirit, and not in the oldness of the 'letter.' 1 Cor. xv. 56. 57. The fting of death is 'fin; and the strength of fin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victor, through our Lord Jefus Chrift.' And we are fattled in a State of Salvation in the Covenant of Grace, through our being married to Chrift: Rom. vi. 4. forecited. Col. ii. 9. 10. For in him dwelleth all the fi lness of 'the Godhead bodily. And ye are compleat to him.'

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Now, God thus brings his Elect out of the Eftate of Sin and Mifery, into a State of Salvation by a Redeemer. A Redeemer, in Scripture-fenfe, is one who delivers another by Price or by Power: Lev. xxv. 51. If there be yet many years be'hind; according unto then he fhall give again 'the price of his redemption, out of the money. that he was bought for. Exod. vi. 6. Where'fore fay unto the children of Ifrael, I am the 'Lord, and I will bring you out from under the 'burdens of the Egyptians, and I will rid you out of their bondage and I will redeem you 'with a ftretched-out arm, and with great judg 'ments.? And fuch a Redeemer was neceffary for the Elect, as fhould redeem them, both by

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