Abner had communication with the elders of Ifrael, faying, Ye fought for David in times paft to be king over you. Now then do it; for the Lord hath spoken of David, faying, By the hand of my fervant David I will fave my people Ifrael out of the hand of the Philistines, and out of the hand of all, their enemies.' 1 Chron. xi. 1. 2. Then all Ifrael gathered themselves to David unto Hebron, faying, In time paft, even when Saul was king, thou waft he that leddeft out and broughteft in Ifrael: and the Lord thy God faid unto thee, Thou shalt feed my people Ifrael, and thou shalt be ruler over my people Ifrael.' And Chrift, as our Redeemer, is such a King: Is. xxxii. 22. The Lord is our King, he will fave us.' Zech. vi. 13. Even he [the Branch] 'fhall fit and rule upon his throne.' The Difference betwixt Chrift and these other Kings lay here, that their Kingdom was but a temporal Kingdom, for the temporal Safety of their People; Chrift's Kingdom is a fpiritual and eternal Kingdom, for the eternal Salvation of his : John xviii. 36. Jefus anfwered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my fervants fight, that I fhould not be delivered to the Jews but now is my kingdom not from hence. Luke i. 33. And he [the Son of the Higheft] fhall reign over the houfe of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there fhall be no end.' I. xlv. 17. Ifrael fhall be faved in the Lord with an everlafting falvation. Our Redeemer was qualified for fuch a Kingdom, by his infinite Wif dom and Power, and the Father's committing the Kingdom of Providence throughout the whole World into his Hand: I. ix. 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a fon is given, and the government shall be upon his fhoulder: and his name fhall be called Counfeller, The mighty God Eph. i. 22. God hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head o 1 Cor. xi. 3. ver all things to the church.' The head of every man is Chrift. Matth. xxviii. 18. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Compared with verf. 19. Go ye 'therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them ' in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and The of the Holy Ghoft.' John v. 22. 23. 6 Father judgeth no man; but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: that all men should ho nour the Son, even as they honour the Father.' Compared with I. xliii. 14. 15. Thus faith the Lord your redeemer, the holy One of Ifrael, For your fake I have fent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whofe cry is in the fhips. I am the Lord, your holy One, the creator of Ifrael, your King." Compare 2 Sam. viii. 1. ́2. And after this it < came to país, that David fmote the Philistines, and fubdued them and David took Methegammah out of the hand of the Philiftines. And he fmote Moab, and measured them with a line, cafting them down to the ground: even with two lines measured he, to put to death; and : with one full line, to keep alive and fo the Moabites became David's fervants, and brought " gifts. verf. 6. Then David put garrifons in Syria of Damafcus: and the Syrians became fervants to David, and brought gifts: and the 'Lord preferved David whitherfoever he went verf. 14. 15. And he put garrifons in Edom; throughout throughout all Edom put he garrifons, and all they of Edom became David's fervants: and the Lord preferved David whitherfoever he went, And David reigned over all Ifrael, and David executed judgment and justice unto all his people.' And Pfal. xviii. 43. Thou haft deliver ed me from the ftrivings of the people: and thou haft made me the head of the heathen: a people whom I have not known, shall serve me." "Christ had a Right to his mediatory Kingdom, by his own Purchase, and his Father's Grant: As xx. 28. Feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.' Pfal. ii. 6. Yet have I fet my king upon my holy hill of "Zion.' The Office of a King belongs to our Redeemer, as a Redeemer by Power: Pfal. xlv. 1. 'I fpeak of the things which I have made touching the king. verf. 3. Gird thy fword upon thy thigh, O moft mighty: with thy glory and thy majefty.' And in it he redeems or refcues by Strength of Hand: I. xl. 1o. Behold, the Lord God will come with ftrong hand, and his arm fhall rule for him. Pfal. xxiv. 8. Who is this King of glory the Lord ftrong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.' Those whom he redeems or refcues by Strength of Hand, are they whom he hath redeemed by the Price of his Blood: Zech. ix. H. As for thee alfo, by the blood of thy covenant, I have fent forth thy prifoners out of the pit wherein is no water. He redeems or refcues them from all his and their Enemies: Luke i. 69. The Lord hath raised up an horn of falva tion for us, in the house of his fervant David ;'. verf. 7. That we should be faved from our enemies, shall be deftroyed, The enemy that James iv. 4. Ye know ye not that nemies, and from the hand of all that hate us." His and our Enemies are Sin, Death, the Devil, and the World: Heb. xii. 4. Ye have not yet * refifted unto blood, ftriving against fin. 1 Cor. Av. 26. The laft enemy that is death. Matth. xiii. 39. fowed them, is the devil.' 6 adulterers and adultereffes, the friendship of the world is enmity with God? 'whofoever therefore will be a friend of the 'world, is the enemy of God.' Thefe are Chrift's Enemies, in that they are oppofite to his Kingdom, though they can hurt him no more. They are our Enemies, in that they tend to our Deftruction. He begins our Refeue from them, refcuing us from their Bondage and Dominion: Col. i. 13. 'The Father hath delivered us from the power of 'darkness,' &c. We are by Nature under the Bondage and Dominion of Sin, Death, the Devil, and the World: Rom. v. 21. Sin hath reigned ' unto death.' verf. 17. By one man's offence, death reigned by one. Acts xxvi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from darknefs to light, and 'from the power of Satan unto God.' 1 John v. 4. 5. 1 John v. 4. 5. Whatfoever is born of God, overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our 'faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, ' but he that believeth that Jefus is the Son of 'God?' He refcues us from their Bondage and Dominion, by fubduing us to himfelf: Acts xv. 14. Simeon hath declared how God at the firft did vifit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name: Pfal. cx. 3. Thy people fhall be willing in the day of thy power.' There is need of his fubduing us by Strength of Hand, because by Nature we are utterly averfe from coming away from them, and fubmitting to him: Luke xix. 14. But his citizens hated him, and fent a meffage after him, faying, We will not 6 have this man to reign over us.' `Prov. viii. ult. 6 All they that hate me, love death." He fubdues us to himself, by the Sword of his Word in the Hand of his Spirit: Rev. i. 16. ' Out of his mouth went a fharp two-edged fword.' Eph. vi. 17. Take the fword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,' &c. The Word fo managed by the Spirit, operates as a Sword, piercing the Soul, and conquering our Obftinacy, and making us willing to yield; Heb. iv. 12. The word of God is quick, and powerful, and fharper than any two-edged fword, piercing even to the dividing afunder of foul and fpirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a difcerner of the thoughts and 'intents of the heart.' Pfal. cx. 3. forecited. He opens the Houfe of our Bondage, and breaks their Yoke from off our Neck, by his Spirit applying to us his Satisfaction: Zech. ix. 11. As for thee alfo, by the blood of thy covenant, I have fent forth thy prifoners out of the pit wherein is no water.' The applying of Chrift's Satisfaction to us, hath that Effect, inasmuch as thereby the Law hath full Satisfaction, as to us; and the Law being fatisfied, the Strength of Sin is broken; the Strength of Sin being broken, the Sting of Death is taken away; the Sting of Death being taken away, the Devil lofeth his Power over us; and his Power over us being loft, the prefent evil World, his Kingdom, lofeth its Power o |