vi. In a word, nothing can render the most important truths powerful and operative in us, but fuch a digestion of them by serious and devout meditation, as may in a manner incorporate them with us. And this the fcripture plainly teaches, when to signify the force and virtue of the gospel above that of the law, it uses these words: For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Ifrael after those days, faith the Lord, I will put my laws into their minds, and write them in their hearts, Heb. viii. 10. intimating, that no laws, no principles can ever influence us, till they be deeply imprinted in our hearts. To wind up all. There are several kinds of knowledge of the fame truths: there is a knowledge, which ferves us only as Pisga's top did Mofes; to shew us Canaan, but not to bring us into it. There is again a knowledge, which ferves us only as the talent did the wicked fervants; not to procure rewards, but punishments. And finally, there is a knowledge, which like the talents in the hand of the faithful and good steward, inriches us first, and recommends us afterwards to higher trufts and dignities; which improves and perfects our nature first, and then puts us into poffeffion of such blessings, as only nature thus improved and perfected is capable of. And this knowledge must not be a flight, fuperficial, and undigested one; it must not be a confused and obfcure, a weak and imperfect one: this is not the knowledge which will bring forth those excellent fruits, which we have reason to expect from true illumination. But it must be a knowledge that has all the quite contrary characters: even such as I have before described at large. That this is an obfervation of the greatest weight and moment, is evident to any one who will give himself leave to make any reflection on the present state of Christianity. For how does the power of darkness prevail amidst the light of the gofpel? How has the devil erected his throne in the midst of that Church, which should be the kingdom of God? and fin and death reign where life and immortality are preached? Whence is this? Are men ignorant of those truths which make up the system of true wisdom? This is not easy to be imagined; scarcely of the darkeft corners of the popish churches, much less of ours. And therefore we must conclude, that this is because our knowledge is not fuch as it ought to be, with respect to its clearness, certainty, and digestion. on. CHAP. II. Of the fruits and attainment of illuminatiThat illumination does not depend fo much upon a man's outward fortune, extraordinary parts, acquired learning, &c. as upon his moral qualifications, fuch as humility, impartiality, and love of the truth. 4. Directions for the attainment of illumination. 1. That we do not fuffer our minds to be engaged in quest of knowledge foreign to our purpose. 2. That we apply our Jelves with a very tender and fenfible concern to the study of illuminating truths. 3. That we act conformable to thofe meatures of light which we have attained. 4. That we frequently address our felves to God by prayer for the illumination of his grace. The chapter concluded with a prayer of Fulgentius. Aving dispatched the notion of illumination in the foregoing chapter, and fhewed both what truths, and what fort of knowledge of them is requifite to it; I am next to treat, 1. Of the fruits: and, §. 1. As to the fruits of illumination I have the lefs need to infist upon them because whatever can be faid on this head, has been been in a manner anticipated: all the characters of illuminating truths and illuminating knowledge being fuch as sufficiently declare the blessed effects of true illumination. I will therefore be very short on this head; and only just mention two advantages of illumination. As the use of light is especially twofold, to delight and guide us; so do we reap two benefits from illumination. 1. The first and most immediate one is, that it fets the whole man, and the whole life right; that it fixes our affections on their proper and natural object, and directs all our actions to their true end. I do not mean, that the understanding constantly and necessarily influences and determines the will. Experience tells us, that we have a fatal liberty: that our affections are too often independant of our reason; that we fin against the dictates of confcience; that we pursue falfe pleasure, and a falfe interest, in oppofition to the true, and in plain oppofition to our judgment too; at least to a fedate and calm one. And the reason of all this is, because we confift of two different and repugnant principles, a body and a foul: and are follicited by two different worlds, a temporal and an eternal one. But all this notwithstanding, 'tis certain that illumination in the mind has a mighty influence upon us: for it is continually exciting in us wife defires and excellent purposes: 'Tis always alluring N3 alluring and inviting us towards our foveraign good, and reftraining and deterring us from fin and death: it alarms, disquiets, disturbs, and perfecutes us as often as we err and wander from the path of life. In one word, the great work of illumination is, to be always representing the beauties and pleasures, and the beatitude and glory of virtue; and remonftrating the evils and dishonours, the deformities and dangers of vice: so that a man will never be at reft, who has this light within him, till it be either extinguished or obeyed. 2. This light within us, if it be followed and complied with, not muddied and disturbed; if it be not quenched and extinguished by wilful fin, or unpardonable ofcitancy and remisness; if, in a word, its influence be not interrupted, disperses all our fears as well as errors, creates an unspeakable tranquillity in the foul, spreads over us a calm and glorious sky, and makes every thing in us and about us look gay, and verdant, and beautiful. The dissipation of Pagan darkness, and all participation or refemblances of it; deliverance from a state of bondage and wrath, the peace of God, the love of Jesus, the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, the immortality of the foul, the refurrection of the body, the perfection and blessedness of eternity. Good God! what surpriz 7 ing, what ravishing themes are these for the thoughts |