SERMONS ON THE DOCTRINES AND TRUTHS OF THE LORD'S NEW CHURCH: DELIVERED IN THE New Jerufalem Temple, BIRMINGHAM. And now published by Subscription, at the BY J. PROUD, N.H.Μ. Et dixit sedens fuper throno, ecce nova omnia facio. APO. xxi. 5. WORTHY AND BELOVED BRETHREN, OF THE NEW JERUSALEM CHURCH, IN BIRMINGHAM; For you the following difcourses were composed, to you they were delivered, and by your request they are now published; therefore to you they are more peculiarly dedicated. The approbation they have met with from so judicious a fociety, gives me reason to hope they may be acceptable, and useful, to those who shall read them: and I am happy in having this opportunity of publicly acknowledging, how much fatisfaction and pleasure I feel in possessing the the good opinion and esteem, and above all, the AFFECTION, of that society, to which my private studies and public labors are particularly devoted. Love to God and man is the essence of our religion; your love to God, I trust, is manifested by a regular life of piety and goodness, by a conftant and zealous obedience to the holy commandments of the word; and your love to each other is evident to all. Harmony, unanimity, and peace, have been uninterruptedly preserved amongst us; and I believe I am juftified in saying, that every real member loves his brethren as he loves himself. But your charity is not confined, will never be confined within the narrow limits of your own society; it does, and will extend to ALL MEN, near or diftant, friend or foe, of whatever name or nation. If we love God, we |