TO BE OBSERVED IN A CHURCH OF GOD. TO WHICH ARE ADDED OBSERVATIONS AS TO VARIOUS DUTIES, VIZ: FORBEARANCE - PRAYER - PRAISE - EXHORTATION - WHAT ARE THE PROMISES TO CHILDREN OF DISCIPLES? - THE COMING OF THE LORD - THE FIRST RESSURRECTION. WITH OTHER SUBJECTS CONNECTED WITH OBEDIENCE, DEDUCED WHOLLY FROM SCRIPTURE. BY JAMES BUCHANAN, Late Her Majesty's Consul at New-York. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.-John xv. 14. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of One Thousand copies printed at the expense of the Author. The pro- AUGUST, 1815. DEDICATION. To my valued and beloved Brethern in Christ, ALEXANDER CARSON* of Tubbermore, Ireland ALEXANDER HALDANE, of Edingburgh, and THOMAS KELLEY, of Dublin. I entreat you to accept this public expression of my affection towards you, for the consolation your steadfast. ness of purpose has afforded me for forty years, during which period I have been engaged with yourselves in promoting obedience to the commands of our blessed Lord and Saviour, as set forth and enforced by the Apostles, as the privilege and duty of all who believe the gospel, and regard the Saviour as the only head of his Church, as King in Zion. In the words of Paul, "I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus' sake, and for the love of the spirit, that you strive together with me, in your prayers to God for me;" that my labours herein, as far as they shall be in accordance with His word may be accepted of the saints. *Mr. Carson having died since the foregoing was written I feel it due to his wemory to retain his name. |