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...Historical Treasury: Outlines of Universal History, Separate Histories of all Nations. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, Universal Gazetteer, Classical Dictionary, Chronology, Law Dictionary, &c. Fcp. Svo. 6s. The Treasury... | |
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...error.1*— Gardeners* Chronicle. THOMSON (JOHN).— TABLES OF INTEREST, At Three, Four, Four-and-a-half, and Five per Cent., from One Pound to Ten Thousand, and from One to Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in a regular progression of Single l)*ys; with Interest *t... | |
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...text-book of the icience."— Atlas. THOMSON (JOHN) -TABLES OF INTEREST, At Three, Four, Four-and-a-half, and Five per Cent., from One Pound to Ten Thousand, and from One to Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days, in a regnlar progression of Sin.:K' Days; with Interest at... | |
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