conftantly in Mind, as long as he is reading the
Anfwer to it. For, without this, it will be im-
poffible for him to judge, whether the Proofs,
which I offer in Defence of my Anfwer, be per-
tinent or not. To help in this the Reader's Me-
mory, in the next Impreffion (if there be any)
the Questions, as far as is necessary, fhall be fet
in a Small Character, at the Top of every Page.
Some Reflections on Mr. Chillingworth's Book
will also be added.
P.5, 1.3, r. obtinuit. p. 17, l. 1, Q. iv, r. 2. vi. p. 33, 1.4
r. fubjicere. 1.7, r. E. Pour. p. 95, 1.1, r. infuper. 1.3, r. ex-
orta. p. 107, 1. 3, r. Juventutem. p. 108, 1. 2, r. Reliquils.
p. 109, 1.8, r. Ogłožía. p. 115, 1. 4, г. Ixi, Non. p. 116, 1.
12, r. Donatiftas quæftio. p. 222, 1. 4. r. orbe. p. 224, 1. ult.
r. 1710 E. p. 229, I.11, fubditis, r Jubjectis. p. 268, 1. 6, r.
dodiciar. p. 271, 1. pen. r. Lib. v. p. 275, 1.2, г. CENÓT-
τεθαι. 1. 17, non, r. nec.
Leffer Faults I hope the Reader will pardon; As when Verbs
and Aaverbs begin with great Letters. So he will find Apo-
ftacy p. xviii, 157, 213, 260 261, for Apoftafy; Complement p.
140, for Compliment. Dioclesian p, 64, 68, for Diocletian.
Prifcilianifts p 64, 282, for Prifcillianifts. Anaftatius p. 224,
for Anaftasius Appollonius p. 268, for Apollonius. ufeing p.
74, for using. Bials p. 75, 183, for Bias. coppy p. 113, for
copy. Corpere and litteris, p. 116, 117, for Corpore and lite-
ris &c. p. 204, I quote modern Controverfy as mine; because
I writ that Part of it, tho" not the whole Book.