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But I must not even yet conclude, till I have

in one Word more reminded you all, who are here assembled, that without continual Help this excellent Undertaking cannot be fupported; and that almost every one is capable of giving it Help, more or less, in fome Way or another. They who have the Burthen of conducting it as Trustees, all afford it the Affiftance of their Purses, as well as their Pains and Advice. And I hope such of you, as are proper, will be ready, when Occasion shall require, to share in the same Trust. For nothing is more absolutely necessary to such a Charity, than a conftant Succeffion of wife, and good, and reputable Managers. But if you cannot serve it this Way, serve it however in the much easier Way, of a cheerful Liberality. Its being a good Thing evil spoken of. obliges You, who are convinced it is unjustly so spoken of, both to patronize it more earnestly, and contribute to it more bountifully. The truest Objects of Compaffion upon Earth, are young Persons left, uninstructed and unrestrained, to the Dangers of a corrupted Nature and a vicious World. And such, without the timely Interposition of a Christian Spirit, would these have been, whose Appearance now, not only gives your Eyes the Pleasure of a beautiful and affecting Spectacle, but your Hearts the Joy of beholding at once, so many Thousands of young Candidates for Usefulness in this World, and endless Felicity in the next, as perhaps no Nation under the Sun besides hath ever seen together. Let us comfort ourselves in the Profpect, and oppose it to the very gloomy ones, that we have around us. Amongst the Poor our Religion first had its Rise: and there at least it may yet maintain its Ground, till it shall again take Root downward, and bear Fruit upward *, amongst other Ranks of Men. We are following the original Plan of the Divine Wisdom, in making Provifion for revealing those Things to Babes, which the Wife and Prudent in their own Eyes have hid from themselves t. And may God, out of the Mouths of these Babes and Sucklings, ordain and perfect Praise to his holy Name, and Strength to the Kingdom of his ever-blessed Son!

* Ifai. xxxvii. 31. † Matth. xi. 25. ‡ Pfal. viji. 4. Matth. xxi. 16.






Preached in the Parish-Church of St. James, Westminster, March 11, 1749-50, on Occafion of the Earthquake, March 8.

PSALM ii. Ir..

Serve the Lord with Fear: and rejoice unto him with Reverence.

TH HE Paffion of Fear is an extremely necessary one for all Creatures, whose Good or Evil depends on their Behaviour: for it prompts them instantly to avoid whatever would harm them: and accordingly God hath given it a strong and deep Root in human Nature. But as our Frame is difordered throughout, we are liable, in this Respect, as well as many more, now to exceed, now to be deficient: and fearing too little, on fome Occafions, is the Cause of our fearing, on others, much more, than else we should need. Religion, if we permit it, will regulate all our inward Feelings to our present and eternal Advantage: and is particularly serviceable, not only in exciting, but directing, and moderating This. Without Religion, there may be endlefs

less Alarms. Were not the World governed by infinite Justice and Goodness; every Person, that would, might, in Multitudes of Cafes, do any Hurt to others with Impunity : and all Mischief of all Kinds befall us, however innocent, singly or jointly, through the whole Course of Life, unalleviated by a Profpect of Recompense after Death. Nay indeed, as nothing hinders, but that, if it were poffible for us to exist without God here, it might be poffible hereafter too: there could be no Certainty, that Death itself would end our Sufferings, or even would not increase them. But the Knowledge of a gracious and wife Providence entirely secures us, if we believe it as we ought, not only against all Imaginations of inexorable Fate and blind Chance, but all real Detriment from the worst Efforts of Men or Devils. For if God be for us, who can be against us * ? It is very true, Religion banishes these Objects of Apprehenfion by fubstituting in their Room another, unspeakably more formidable than them all. I say unto you, my Friends, be not afraid of them that kill the Body; and after that, have no more, that they can do. But I will forewarn you, whom you shall fear. Fear Him, which after he hath killed, hath Power to caft into Hell: yea, I fay unto you, Fear Himt. And did not Reason afford us Hope; and Scripture, Affurance, of his accepting and rewarding us, on most equitable Terms: our Condition under the Divine

* Rom. viii. 31.

† Luke xii. 4, 5.


Government would be surrounded with incomparably greater Terrors, than any other poffibly could. But fince we know the Means of obtaining his Favour, in this Life and the next: if we will but use them confcientioufly, the Awe, which we cannot but feel, of an Almighty Arm, will be sweetly mixed with faithful Trust and thankful Love: and those Things, which give others the most grievous Disturbance, will not need to give Us the least. Fear ye not their Fear, neither be afraid: but fanctify the Lord of Hosts, and let Him be your Fear, and let Him be your Dread: and He shall be a Sanctuary*. First therefore learn to ferve the Lord with Fear: and then. you will be intitled to rejoice unto him with Reverence.

The Word of God, far from encouraging groundless and superstitious Horrors, cautions against them strongly. In all Ages and Nations, Men have been terrified with Eclipses of the Sun and Moon: in many, with Conjunctions, Oppositions and Aspects of the Stars, and other celeftial Appearances: Things altogether harmless. Therefore such Frights the Prophet exprefly condemns. Thus faith the Lord: Learn not the Way of the Heathen, and be not dismayed at the Signs of Heaven, because the Heathen are dismayed at them: for the Customs of the People are vain t. But whatsoever Things are real Instruments of our

* If. viii. 12, 13, 14.

Ο 2

† Jer. x. 2, 3.


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