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inexcusable, if we overlook it in others. We live in a World, where, if it were not for the Exercise of Mercy and Pity, the Face of Things would look dreadful with miferable Objects; and the Multitudes of Persons, driven to Despair, make Society unsafe. Besides, we know the Viciffitudes of human Affairs: and are nearly concerned, to encourage by our Example that Spirit of Goodness and Compaffion; of which We or Ours may, on one Occafion or another, easily come to have great


These are powerful Motives to Beneficence: and yet the Influence of them is too commonly exceeding small. The Hearts of some Persons have but little Sensibility; and those of others, a very confined and partial one. Some content themselves with talking of Benevolence, instead of cultivating it; or with the inward Feeling of good Affections, instead of exerting them: and others give Scope to their wrong Inclinations, and their right ones, promifcuously; and so easily do more Harm in the World, than Good. To speculative Reasonings but few Persons attend: and fewer still are governed by them in Practice. Their Liableness to the common Accidents of Life, Men either forget amidst the Pleasures of it, or turn into an Argument for attending the more closely to their own Interests. As for Reputation; a few Acts of Goodness, well managed, will obtain as much of it as they are


concerned about. Or, if they cannot be esteemed; they may hope at least to be courted. And even if they fail of this; they can affect to despise it, and appear, notwithstanding, happy; some in their Wealth, fome in their Voluptuousness.

Our wife and good Maker hath therefore not left us to the Influence of these Motives only: but, as he saw it necessary, that in all our Ways we should be directed by Regard to Him; fo he hath added infinite Force to the above-mentioned Confiderations, by giving us the Knowledge of Himself, and teaching us to look on them as Evidences of his Will. He undoubtedly designed the good Things of this World, not for the Gratification of a few of his Creatures; but for the Benefit of all. And he hath divided them unequally amongst us; not that one Part of the human Race should fink under Misery and Want, and the other look down with Contempt upon them: but that Pity and Gratitude should be mutually exercised, and the Pleasure of doing and Receiving Good, felt among Men: that the Poor should be serviceable to the Rich; they, in return, kind to the Poor; and Both united in the Bonds of mutual Good-will, from a Sense of their mutual Dependency. These, it appears, from the Knowledge that we have of his Nature, must have been his Intentions. The fame Thing appears further from the Nature he hath given Us, and the Circumstances, in which he hath placed us. But that no Sort of Evidence of it might be wanting, he hath made known to the World his Pleafure by express Revelation also: requiring of us all to da Good, and to communicate *, both as we are Servants, bound in every thing to obey him; and as we are Stewards, appointed and intrusted by him for this very Purpose.

Let us therefore consider, with due Serioufnefs,

I. What general Influence it should have upon us, that we are Stewards of the manifold Grace of God.

II. What Influence in particular with respect to those Methods of Charity, which are the Occafion of our present Meeting.

I. Let us confider the general Influence. Every Thing, which God hath done for the Good of his Creatures, is Grace or Favour to them: and every Thing, which he has placed in our Hands for their Good, is Grace of which we are Stewards. All the Means and Opportunities we have, of making the World, or any Part of it, better or happier; by our Knowledge or Wealth, by our Power or Interest, our Care or Pains, our friendly Behaviour or good Example; are given us in Trust, to be so exercised. How manifold these are,

* Heb. xiii. 16.

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upon the Whole, it is not perhaps easy for us to be fully sensible: but we should each of us think very carefully, what his own Share of them is, and wherein it confifts. For no one is without his Talent, though some have more committed to them than others: and they who have least, will be expected to improve what they have*; as our Saviour's Parable very awfully thews. The poorest Perfon in the World, is capable of being useful, fome Way, to his Fellow-creatures: and the greatest can never be above the Obligation of imitating, to their Power, the Beneficence of their Creator. They who are engaged in Business, far from having their Attention confined to themselves, have usually, by the very means of their Business, peculiar Advantages both for knowing and supplying the Wants of others. And fuch as have no particular Employment, have only the Privilege of a freer Choice, what Part they will take in that general one affigned to us all, of doing Good.

Since then we are appointed, each in his proper Station, Dispensers and Stewards of the manifold Grace of God; it concerns us to behave as faithful ones: not to intercept the Streams of the Divine Bounty; nor confine to our own Gratification, what our Maker' hath designed for the common Benefit of all around us. He hath not indeed fixed the Pro

portions of any Kind of Charity: for Circum




* Matth. xxv. 14-30.


stances vary so infinitely, that general Rules concerning fuch Matters are impoffible. And this Latitude should not give Anxiety to any good Mind: for we serve a most equitable Master. But neither should it give Encouragement to bad Minds; and make them imagine, that where nothing is ascertained, they may do just as little as they please. For God will expect from every one, what may be reasonably expected from them: and hath left this Matter at large, that we may shew, not our Backwardness to serve him, but our Zeal, Imprudent Zeal he never approves: but Goodness, confined within the Bounds of Difcretion, is always more acceptable to him, in Proportion as it is more abundant. And, though not every Failure in Degree shall expose us to Punishment; yet he which foweth Sparingly, shall reap alfo Sparingly: and he which foweth bountifully, skall reap also bountifully *.

However unactive therefore we may naturally be; yet, as Persons intrusted by the Lord of all, it imports us greatly to be diligent. For Industry is a valuable Part of Faithfulness; and flothful Servants will be confidered, in the Day of Judgment, as wicked ones t. Some Ways of doing Good may possibly be less pleasing to us: fome Persons our Prejudices, our Pailions, or Interests, would tempt us to overlook, rather than ferve: and fome Things,

2 Cor. ix. 6.

† Matth. xxv. 26.


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